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AVL Class



AbsoluteHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Transforms each bin value to its absolute value.
AbsoluteProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Transforms each profile value to its absolute value.
AbsoluteValueImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Transforms pixel values to their absolute values pixel by pixel.
AbsoluteValueImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Transforms pixel values to their absolute values pixel by pixel.
AccessCharacterSample(AvlNet.CharacterSample, string, AvlNet.Region)Provides access to internal data of the CharacterSample structure.
AccessOcrCandidate(AvlNet.OcrCandidate, string, float)Returns fields of OcrCandidate structure.
AccessSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, int, int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int, int, int, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod)Returns individual fields of a spatial map.
AccumulateProfile(AvlNet.AccumulateProfileState, float, AvlNet.Profile)Returns a profile of most recent values.
AccumulateProfile(AvlNet.AccumulateProfileState, float, int?, AvlNet.Profile)Returns a profile of most recent values.
AddChannels_Saturation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels with saturation.
AddChannels_Saturation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels with saturation.
AddChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels.
AddChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels.
AddHistograms_OfArray(AvlNet.Histogram[], AvlNet.Histogram)Adds histograms of an array bar by bar.
AddHistograms_OfLoop(AvlNet.AddHistograms_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Adds histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar.
AddHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Adds two histograms bar by bar.
AddImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], float, AvlNet.Image)Adds images of an array pixel by pixel.
AddImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds images of an array pixel by pixel.
AddImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.AddImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
AddImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.AddImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
AddImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds two images pixel by pixel.
AddImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds two images pixel by pixel.
AddNoiseToImage(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Adds random noise to the image
AddNoiseToImage(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, bool, int?, AvlNet.Image)Adds random noise to the image
AddProfiles_OfArray(AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile)Adds profiles of an array value by value.
AddProfiles_OfLoop(AvlNet.AddProfiles_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Adds profiles appearing in consecutive iterations value by value.
AddProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Adds two profiles value by value.
AddSpatialMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Combines two spatial maps.
AddToHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, int, AvlNet.Histogram)Increases each bin value by a number.
AddToImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds a scalar value to each pixel.
AddToImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Adds a scalar value to each pixel.
AddToProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, AvlNet.Profile)Adds a scalar value to each element of a profile.
AdjustPathArrayToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path[], float, int, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Translates, rotates and scales the given contour set to the edges of the input image.
AlignArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Moves an arc from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D)Moves a circle from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Moves a nested coordinate system from its local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Line2D)Moves a line from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignPathArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Moves an array of paths from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Path)Moves a path from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignPointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Moves an array of points from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Moves a point from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Moves a rectangle from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AlignRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Region)Aligns a region to a coordinate system.
AlignRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Aligns a region to a coordinate system.
AlignSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Moves a segment from a local coordinate system to the absolute one.
AngleBetweenDirections(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, float)Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction.
AngleBetweenDirections(float, float, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, float)Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction.
AngleBetweenLines(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float)Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines.
AngleBetweenLines(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float)Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines.
AngleBetweenSegments(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.AngleMetric, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Measures the angle between two segments with one of four possible metrics.
AngleBetweenThreePoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection, float, float)Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points.
AngleBetweenThreePoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points.
AngleBetweenVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float)Measures the angle between two vectors.
AngleBetweenVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, float, float)Measures the angle between two vectors.
AnnotateGridPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign world plane coordinates to them.
AnnotateGridPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign world plane coordinates to them.
AnnotateGridPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign world plane coordinates to them.
AnnotateGridPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign world plane coordinates to them.
AppendPointToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D)Appends a point to a path.
ApplyPixelLut(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PixelLut, AvlNet.Image)Applies previously created Look Up transformation to provided image.
ApplyPixelLut(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.PixelLut, AvlNet.Image)Applies previously created Look Up transformation to provided image.
ArcCircle(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Circle2D)Computes the circle containing an arc.
ArcEndpoints(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes two endpoints of an arc.
ArcLength(AvlNet.Arc2D, float)Computes the length of an arc.
ArcMidpoint(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the midpoint of an arc.
ArrangePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], double, double, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ArrangePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], double, double, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface, double, double)Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ArrangePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], double?, double?, double, double?, double?, double, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ArrangePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], double?, double?, double, double?, double?, double, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface, double, double)Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
AverageChannels_Weighted(AvlNet.Image, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image from weighted averages of the input image channels.
AverageChannels_Weighted(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image from weighted averages of the input image channels.
AverageChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels.
AverageChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels.
AverageImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image)Averages images from an array pixel by pixel.
AverageImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Averages images from an array pixel by pixel.
AverageImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Averages two images pixel by pixel.
AverageImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Averages two images pixel by pixel.
AveragePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Computes the average of two paths (of equal size and type) point by point.
AveragePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the middle point of two input points.
BayerToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BayerType, AvlNet.Image)Converts a Bayer-encoded color image into RGB color space.
BlendImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes weighted sum pixel by pixel.
BlendImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes weighted sum pixel by pixel.
Box3DCenter(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Returns the center of the input box in 3D.
Box3DCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Returns a characteristic point of a box in 3D.
Box3DSurfaceArea(AvlNet.Box3D, float)Returns the surface area of the input box in 3D.
Box3DVolume(AvlNet.Box3D, float)Returns the volume of the input box in 3D.
BoxCenter(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns center of a box.
BoxCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of a box.
Boxes3DBoundingBox3D_OrNil(AvlNet.Box3D[], AvlNet.Box3D?)Computes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty.
BoxesBoundingBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D[], AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D.
BoxesBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Box[], AvlNet.Box?)Computes the bounding box of given boxes; returns NIL if the array is empty.
BoxesBoundingBox(AvlNet.Box[], AvlNet.Box)Computes the bounding box of given boxes.
BoxIntersection3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the common part of two boxes in 3D.
BoxIntersection(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box)Computes the common part of two boxes.
BoxToBoxDistance(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, float, float)Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first box with one of the points of the second box.
BoxToBoxDistance(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first box with one of the points of the second box.
BoxToRectangle2D(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Converts a box to a rectangle.
BoxToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Converts a box to a shape region.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_Chessboard(AvlNet.Image[], int, int, int, int, bool, float, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap, float?)Returns a spatial map with undistortion map.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_CustomCircleGrid(AvlNet.Image[], int, int, bool, int, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap, float?)Returns a spatial map with undistortion map.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_CustomGrid(AvlNet.Image[], int, float, float, int, int, int, int, bool, float, AvlNet.SpatialMap, float?, AvlNet.Region[][])Returns a spatial map with undistortion map.
CalibrateCamera(AvlNet.Point3D[][], AvlNet.Point2D[][], int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, float[])Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from the input arrays of image and real-world coordinates.
CalibrateCamera(AvlNet.Point3D[][], AvlNet.Point2D[][], int, int, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, float[])Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from the input arrays of image and real-world coordinates.
CalibrateCamera(AvlNet.Point3D[][], AvlNet.Point2D[][], int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, float[], AvlNet.Position3D[], float)Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from the input arrays of image and real-world coordinates.
CalibrateCamera(AvlNet.Point3D[][], AvlNet.Point2D[][], int, int, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, float[], AvlNet.Position3D[], float)Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from the input arrays of image and real-world coordinates.
CalibrateWorldCoordinates(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point3D[], float, AvlNet.Position3D, float, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point3D[])Calculates the world plane for the given sets of corresponding 2D and 3D points.
ChargeImageMemoryPools(int[], bool)Preallocates memory buffers for images.
CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region.
CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region.
CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region.
CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region.
CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, float, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region.
CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, float, bool, float, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region.
CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, float, float?, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region.
CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, float, float?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, float, float, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Image)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, int?, int?, float, float, bool)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, int?, int?, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, int?, int?, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, int?, int?, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Image)Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria.
Circle2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Converts a circle to a shape region.
Circle3DArea(AvlNet.Circle3D, float)Computes the area of a circle in 3D.
Circle3DBoundingBox(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the smallest box in 3D containing a circle in 3D.
Circle3DPerimeterLength(AvlNet.Circle3D, float)Computes the length of a circle in 3D perimeter.
CircleArea(AvlNet.Circle2D, float)Computes the area of a circle.
CircleBoundingBox(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Box)Computes the smallest box containing a circle.
CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle.
CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle.
CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle.
CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle.
CircleCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of a box containing the input circle.
CircleCircleIntersection(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes common points of two circles.
CirclePerimeterLength(AvlNet.Circle2D, float)Computes the length of a circle perimeter.
CirclePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Point3D?)Computes common points of a circle in 3D and a plane.
CircleSection(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Computes an arciform section of the circle perimeter.
CircleTangents(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D?)Computes circle tangent lines passing through a point.
CircleThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Circle3D?)Computes a circle in 3D passing through three noncollinear 3D points.
CircleThroughPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Computes a circle passing through three noncollinear points.
CircleToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float)Measures the distance between two circles.
CircleToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between two circles.
CircleToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a circle in 3D and a plane.
CircleToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a circle in 3D and a plane.
ClassifyPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Path[])Splits the paths of the input array - in accordance to the relation between computed feature values and the specified range.
ClassifyPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], float[])Splits the paths of the input array - in accordance to the relation between computed feature values and the specified range.
ClassifyPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], float[])Splits the paths of the input array - in accordance to the relation between computed feature values and the specified range.
ClassifyRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Region[])Splits an array of regions according to the selected feature and range.
ClassifyRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], float[])Splits an array of regions according to the selected feature and range.
ClassifyRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], float[])Splits an array of regions according to the selected feature and range.
ClearImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel)Sets image pixels to the specified value.
ClearImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel)Sets image pixels to the specified value.
CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion.
CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion.
CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion.
CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion.
ClosePath(AvlNet.Path)Adds the segment connecting last point to the first one to a path.
CloseRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological closing on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
CloseRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological closing on a region using selected predefined kernel.
CloseRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological closing on a region using selected predefined kernel.
ClusterPoints2D(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int, AvlNet.Point2D[][], System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point2D>[], float)Clusters 2D points using K Means Clustering method.
ClusterPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], int, int, AvlNet.Point3D[][], System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point3D>[], float)Clusters 3D points using K Means Clustering method.
CmykToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key into Red-Green-Blue.
ColorDistanceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Image)Compares each pixel with the specified color using chromatic and non-chromatic information.
ColorDistanceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Image)Compares each pixel with the specified color using chromatic and non-chromatic information.
ColorDistance(AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float)Compares two pixels using chromatic and non-chromatic information. Assumes RGB-like color space.
ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, AvlNet.Image)Shows a monochromatic image in false colors.
ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Shows a monochromatic image in false colors.
ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Image)Shows a monochromatic image in false colors.
ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Shows a monochromatic image in false colors.
CombineSpatialMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Combines two spatial maps.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float?, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float?, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region)Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region)Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects.
CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects.
ComposeImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Takes pixels from the first image within the specified region and from the other one elsewhere.
ComposeImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Takes pixels from the first image within the specified region and from the other one elsewhere.
ConcatenatePaths_OfArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path)Joins open paths of an array.
ConcatenatePaths_OfLoop(AvlNet.ConcatenatePaths_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Joins open paths appearing in consecutive iterations.
ConcatenatePaths(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Joins two open paths.
ControlImageMemoryPools(bool)Enables or disables deterministic image memory allocator.
ControlParallelComputing(bool, int)Enables or disables filters multithreading parallelization.
ControlParallelComputing(bool, int?, int)Enables or disables filters multithreading parallelization.
ControlSSE(bool, bool)Enables or disables SSE cpu extension usage by other filters.
ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Joins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage.
ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Joins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage.
ConvertPixelType(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image)Changes the type of pixel components.
ConvertPixelType(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image)Changes the type of pixel components.
ConvertSpatialMapToMatrixMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix)Splits a spatial map into two matrices of source coordinates.
ConvertSpatialMap_ToNearest(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Converts any spatial map to NearestNeighbour interpolation.
ConvertSurfaceType(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface)Changes the point Z coordinate type.
ConvertSurfaceType(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface)Changes the point Z coordinate type.
ConvertToCumulativeHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the cumulative histogram of input histogram.
ConvertToEquidistantPath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.EquidistanceType, AvlNet.Path)Creates a new path whose characteristic points lie on the input path, but are equally spaced.
ConvertToMultichannel(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates a multichannel image from a monochromatic one by replicating its channel.
ConvertToMultichannel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates a multichannel image from a monochromatic one by replicating its channel.
ConvolveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Image)Computes a convolution of the input image with a user-specified mask.
ConvolveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image)Computes a convolution of the input image with a user-specified mask.
ConvolveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float[], bool, AvlNet.Profile)Applies a user-defined convolution to a profile.
ConvolveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float[], bool, int?, AvlNet.Profile)Applies a user-defined convolution to a profile.
CoordinateSystem2DToPosition3D(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Position3D)Calculates a world plane from the given coordinate system.
CopyImageData(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image copy with the same size and pixel format.
CopyImageData(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image copy with the same size and pixel format.
CorrectGamma(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Performs gamma correction.
CorrectGamma(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Performs gamma correction.
CreateAffineTransformMatrix(float, float, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Matrix)Creates affine transform matrix matrix. Return product of matrices: Translation * Rotation * Scale * Shearing.
CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images.
CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images.
CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images.
CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images.
CreateArcPath(AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Path)Creates an open path containing cocircular, equidistant points.
CreateArc(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Creates an arc from an aligned point, radius, and angle range.
CreateBicircularCurve(AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Path)Creates a bicircular curve passing through the points of the leading path.
CreateBox3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D)Creates a box in 3D.
CreateBoxBorderRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateBoxRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a rectangular region corresponding to a given box.
CreateBox(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, AvlNet.Box)Creates a box.
CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces.
CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces.
CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces.
CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces.
CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images.
CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images.
CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images.
CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images.
CreateCirclePath(AvlNet.Circle2D, int, AvlNet.Path)Creates a closed path containing cocircular, equidistant points.
CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle.
CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D)Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle.
CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle.
CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D)Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle.
CreateCircle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D)Creates a circle from an aligned point and radius.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a coordinate system with the specified origin.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a coordinate system from a rectangle.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a coordinate system with the origin on a given segment.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromTwoPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a coordinate system with two points on its axes.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a coordinate system from a vector.
CreateCrossRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a cross-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateDataPartition(float[][], int[], float, int, float[][], float[][], float[][], float[][])Divides input set to test and train set, trying to maintain balance in class distribution in both resulting sets.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel)Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Point2D?)Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel)Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Point2D?)Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEdgeModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeModel, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for edge-based template matching.
CreateEllipsePath(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, int, AvlNet.Path)Creates a closed path containing elliptical, equidistant points.
CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle.
CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle.
CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle.
CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle.
CreateFlatSurface(int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a uniform surface.
CreateFlatSurface(int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, double, double, double, double, double, double, double?, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a uniform surface.
CreateGammaCorrectionLut(float, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut)Creates Look Up Table for gamma correction operation on image pixels.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter.
CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel)Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Point2D)Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel)Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Point2D)Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image[])Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching.
CreateGridRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a grid-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateHistogram(float[], float, AvlNet.Histogram)Creates the histogram of the array of real numbers.
CreateHistogram(float[], int[], float, float?, float?, AvlNet.Histogram)Creates the histogram of the array of real numbers.
CreateImageFromPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image of z-values of the given points.
CreateImageFromSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image of z-values of the given points.
CreateImageFromSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, double?, double?, float?, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image of z-values of the given points.
CreateImageInversePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map representing an image inverse polar transform.
CreateImageInversePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map representing an image inverse polar transform.
CreateImagePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map representing an image polar transform.
CreateImagePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map representing an image polar transform.
CreateImagePyramid_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, int, int, AvlNet.Image[])Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous, gauss-smoothed one.
CreateImagePyramid(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.Image[])Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous one.
CreateImageResizeMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map representing an image resizing.
CreateImageResizeMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map representing an image resizing.
CreateImageRotationMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map representing an image rotation.
CreateImageRotationMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map representing an image rotation.
CreateImageTiles_AsBoxes(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, bool, AvlNet.Box[], int, int)Generates array of Boxes, which divide image in, potentially overlapping, tiles.
CreateImageTiles_AsBoxes(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Box[], int, int)Generates array of Boxes, which divide image in, potentially overlapping, tiles.
CreateImageTiles_AsRegions(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int, int)Generates array of Regions, which divide image in, potentially overlapping, tiles.
CreateImageTiles_AsRegions(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int, int)Generates array of Regions, which divide image in, potentially overlapping, tiles.
CreateLogarithmLut(float, bool, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut)Creates Look Up Table for logarithm operation on image pixels.
CreateLogarithmLut(float?, float, bool, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut)Creates Look Up Table for logarithm operation on image pixels.
CreateMatrixTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map which performs transform defined as a matrix.
CreateMatrixTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map which performs transform defined as a matrix.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.SegmentScanField)(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.Segment2D[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.SegmentScanField)(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.Segment2D[])(Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function.
CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region from a path with given parameters.
CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region from a path with given parameters.
CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path)Creates a region from a path with given parameters.
CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path)Creates a region from a path with given parameters.
CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images.
CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images.
CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images.
CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images.
CreatePerspectiveMap_Path(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix)Creates a perspective transform map from planes defined by paths.
CreatePerspectiveMap_Path(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix)Creates a perspective transform map from planes defined by paths.
CreatePerspectiveMap_Points(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix)Creates a perspective transform map from four points denoting a rectangle in the world coordinates.
CreatePerspectiveMap_Points(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix)Creates a perspective transform map from four points denoting a rectangle in the world coordinates.
CreatePointGraph(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int[][], float[][])Creates a graph of points that lay close to each other.
CreatePointGraph(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int[][], float[][], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Creates a graph of points that lay close to each other.
CreatePointGraph(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, float?, float?, int[][], float[][])Creates a graph of points that lay close to each other.
CreatePointGraph(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, float?, float?, int[][], float[][], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Creates a graph of points that lay close to each other.
CreatePointGrid(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Point2D[])Creates a grid of points.
CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path.
CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path)Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path.
CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path.
CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path)Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path.
CreatePowerLut(float, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut)Creates Look Up Table for power operation on image pixels.
CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRectanglePath(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Path)Creates a closed path containing four vertices of rectangle.
CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle.
CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle.
CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle.
CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle.
CreateRectangle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Creates a rectangle from an aligned point.
CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D)Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D)Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection.
CreateSegment3D(AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Produces a segment in 3D of given parameters.
CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces.
CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces.
CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces.
CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces.
CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images.
CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images.
CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images.
CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images.
CreateSegmentPath(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, int, AvlNet.Path)Creates an open path containing collinear, equidistant points.
CreateSegment(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Produces a segment of given parameters.
CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle.
CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D.
CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D.
CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D.
CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path)Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D.
CreateUndistortionMap_Divisional(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images using divisional model.
CreateUndistortionMap_Divisional(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images using divisional model.
CreateUndistortionMap(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images from a calibrated camera.
CreateUndistortionMap(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images from a calibrated camera.
CreateUndistortionMap(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, int?, int?, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images from a calibrated camera.
CreateUndistortionMap(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.LensDistortion, int?, int?, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region)Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images from a calibrated camera.
CreateUniformHistogram(int, float, float, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Creates an uniform histogram of desired parameters with common value of all bins.
CreateUniformProfile(float, int, AvlNet.Profile)Creates an uniform profile of the given size.
CreateVector(float, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Produces a vector of given length and direction.
CropBordersFromRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Removes from a region the pixels that lie very close to the region's borders.
CropHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, int, int, AvlNet.Histogram)Confines a histogram to its continuous segment.
CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested).
CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested).
CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested).
CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested).
CropImageToRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image)Crops an image to the area of the specified region.
CropImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from a box-shaped fragment of the input image (with margins if requested).
CropLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Segment3D?)Computes the intersection segment of a line in 3D and a box in 3D.
CropLineToRectangle(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Creates a segment contained in a rectangle from a line.
CropLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Creates a segment contained in a box from a line.
CropPathArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an array of paths contained in a box from another array of paths.
CropPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Path)Creates a path contained in a box from another path.
CropPixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Sets pixels below the low value to the low value and above the high value to the high value.
CropPixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image)Sets pixels below the low value to the low value and above the high value to the high value.
CropPoint3DGridByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Removes from the grid points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropPoint3DGridByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Removes from the grid points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropPoint3DGridToRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Removes points that are not present in a given region.
CropPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Removes from the grid points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float?, float?, float?, float?, float?, float?, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Removes from the grid points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropPointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D[])Removes points not contained in a box from an array.
CropProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile)Confines a profile to its continuous subsequence.
CropProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, AvlNet.Profile)Confines a profile to its continuous subsequence.
CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.
CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.
CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.
CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.
CropRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.
CropSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Creates a segment contained in a box from another segment.
CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D.
CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D.
CropSurfaceToRegion(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Surface)Removes points that are not present in a given region.
CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region)Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CutImageIntoTiles(AvlNet.Image, int, bool, AvlNet.Image[])Generates array of image tiles, which are cut from inImage.
CutImageIntoTiles(AvlNet.Image, int, int?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image[])Generates array of image tiles, which are cut from inImage.
DecodeBarcode(float[], string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?)Translates an array of bar widths to sequence of digits or text in accordance to the selected barcode standard.
DecodeBarcode(float[], AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?)Translates an array of bar widths to sequence of digits or text in accordance to the selected barcode standard.
DecodeDataMatrix(AvlNet.Matrix, string, AvlNet.DataMatrixType?)Translates a matrix of 0 or 1 values to a text in accordance to how DataMatrix codes are encoded.
DecodeQRCode(AvlNet.Matrix, string)Translates a matrix of 0 or 1 values to a text in accordance to how QR codes are encoded.
DeepLearning_ClassifyFeatures(AvlNet.Image, string, bool, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Performs feature classification using trained deep-learning model.
DeepLearning_ClassifyFeatures(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, string, bool, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Performs feature classification using trained deep-learning model.
DeepLearning_Configure(int)Filter is used to change basic Deep Learning configuration.
DeepLearning_Configure(int, int?)Filter is used to change basic Deep Learning configuration.
DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.Image, bool, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Detects anomalies using trained deep-learning model.
DeepLearning_DetectAnomalies(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, string, AvlNet.Image, bool, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Detects anomalies using trained deep-learning model.
DeepLearning_LoadModel(string, string)Loads Deep Learning model for further usage.
DemarcateRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[])Splits common pixels of the input regions among these regions.
DemarcateRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Metric?, AvlNet.Region[])Splits common pixels of the input regions among these regions.
DetectChessboardGrid(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point3D[])Detects a chessboard on the image, and returns the points where 4 chessboard squares meet.
DetectCorners_CornerResponse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CornerResponseMethod, int, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Image)Detects corners using corner response method.
DetectCorners_CornerResponse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CornerResponseMethod, int, float?, AvlNet.Point2D[])Detects corners using corner response method.
DetectCorners_CornerResponse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CornerResponseMethod, int, float?, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Image)Detects corners using corner response method.
DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point2D[])Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm.
DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point2D[])Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm.
DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm.
DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm.
DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version.
DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges.
DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges.
DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise image of continuous edges.
DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise image of continuous edges.
DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise image of continuous edges.
DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Extracts a pixel-precise image of continuous edges.
DetectLinePeak_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point2D>[])Finds line peaks on an image.
DetectLinePeak_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point2D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds line peaks on an image.
DetectLinePeak(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinePeakDetectionMethod, float, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point2D>[])Finds line peaks on an image.
DetectLinePeak(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinePeakDetectionMethod, float, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Point2D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds line peaks on an image.
DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Line2D[], float[])Finds lines in an image.
DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Line2D[], float[])Finds lines in an image.
DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Line2D[], float[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds lines in an image.
DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Line2D[], float[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds lines in an image.
DetectMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the positions of multiple barcodes on the input image.
DetectMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the positions of multiple barcodes on the input image.
DetectMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the positions of multiple barcodes on the input image.
DetectMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the positions of multiple barcodes on the input image.
DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle[])Finds circles of a given radius in the input image.
DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle[])Finds circles of a given radius in the input image.
DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds circles of a given radius in the input image.
DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds circles of a given radius in the input image.
DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], float[])Finds paths in an image.
DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], float[])Finds paths in an image.
DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], float[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds paths in an image.
DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Path[], float[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds paths in an image.
DetectPointSegments(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, int, float, int, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Path[])Detect points that lie along multiple segments.
DetectPointSegments(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, int, float?, float, int, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Path[])Detect points that lie along multiple segments.
DetectRidges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent bright or dark thin lines.
DetectRidges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, AvlNet.Path[])Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent bright or dark thin lines.
DetectRidges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of bright or dark thin lines.
DetectRidges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, int, AvlNet.Region)Extracts a pixel-precise region of bright or dark thin lines.
DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Finds segments in an image.
DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Finds segments in an image.
DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds segments in an image.
DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds segments in an image.
DetectSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?)Determines the position of a single barcode on the input image.
DetectSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?)Determines the position of a single barcode on the input image.
DetectSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the position of a single barcode on the input image.
DetectSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[])Determines the position of a single barcode on the input image.
DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle?)Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image.
DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle?)Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image.
DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image.
DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, AvlNet.HoughCircle?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image.
DifferenceHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes histogram representing difference between corresponding bars of given histograms.
DifferenceImage_Flex(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.TileTranslationMode, bool, AvlNet.Image)Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values using tiles.
DifferenceImage_Flex(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box?, AvlNet.Box?, int, int?, AvlNet.TileTranslationMode, bool, AvlNet.Image)Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values using tiles.
DifferenceImage_Shifted(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Image)Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values.
DifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values.
DifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values.
DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images.
DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images.
DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile)Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images.
DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile)Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images.
DifferenceProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes profile representing difference between corresponding values of given profiles.
DifferentiateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.DifferentiationMethod, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the derivative of a profile.
DilateBox(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.Box)Performs a morphological dilation on a box using box kernel.
DilateBox(AvlNet.Box, int, int?, AvlNet.Box)Performs a morphological dilation on a box using box kernel.
DilateImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
DilateImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
DilateImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
DilateImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel.
DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel.
DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel.
DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel.
DilateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile)Changes a profile by choosing maximum point within a kernel.
DilateRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological dilation on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
DilateRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological dilation on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
DilateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological dilation on a region using a predefined kernel.
DilateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological dilation on a region using a predefined kernel.
DischargeImageMemoryPools()Releases preallocated image memory buffers.
DistanceToWorldCoordinates(float, float, float)Calculates a distance in real-world units.
DistanceTransform(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image in which the pixel values denote the estimated distances to the nearest bright pixel in the input image.
DivideHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Divides two histograms bar by bar.
DivideHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Divides each bin value by a number.
DivideImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Divides two images pixel by pixel.
DivideImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Divides two images pixel by pixel.
DivideImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Divides each pixel by a scalar value.
DivideImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Divides each pixel by a scalar value.
DivideProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Divides two profiles value by value.
DivideProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, AvlNet.Profile)Divides each element of a profile by a scalar value.
DownsampleImage(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Image)Shrinks an image by the factor of two along each axis.
DownsampleRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DownsampleRegionMode, AvlNet.Region)Shrinks a region by the factor of two along each axis.
DrawArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws an arc on an image.
DrawArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws an arc on an image.
DrawBox(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Draws a box on an image.
DrawCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a circle on an image.
DrawCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a circle on an image.
DrawCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float)Draws a pair of arrows representing a coordinate system on an image.
DrawCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float)Draws a pair of arrows representing a coordinate system on an image.
DrawDimensionLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.MetricUnit, float)Draws a dimension line on an image.
DrawDimensionLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.MetricUnit, float)Draws a dimension line on an image.
DrawEllipse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws an ellipse on an image.
DrawEllipse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws an ellipse on an image.
DrawGridImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, int, int)Draws an image as a tile on an image considered to be a grid of tiles.
DrawImages(AvlNet.Image)Draws an array of images on an image.
DrawImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image[], System.Nullable<AvlNet.Location>[])Draws an array of images on an image.
DrawImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location)Draws an image on another one.
DrawLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a line on an image.
DrawLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a line on an image.
DrawPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a path on an image.
DrawPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a path on an image.
DrawPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a point on an image.
DrawPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a point on an image.
DrawRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a rectangle on an image.
DrawRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a rectangle on an image.
DrawRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Draws a region on an image.
DrawRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Draws a region on an image.
DrawSegment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, AvlNet.MarkerType, float)Draws a segment on an image.
DrawSegment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, AvlNet.MarkerType, float)Draws a segment on an image.
DrawShapeRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a ShapeRegion object on an image.
DrawShapeRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle)Draws a ShapeRegion object on an image.
DrawString(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float)Draws a string on an image.
DrawString(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.Pixel?)Draws a string on an image.
DrawVector(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float)Draws a vector at an associated initial point on an image.
DrawVector(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float)Draws a vector at an associated initial point on an image.
EmptyImage(int, int, AvlNet.Pixel, int, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Image)Creates a uniform image.
EnlargeRegionNTimes(AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Region)Enlarges a region by a natural factor.
EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image, string, string)Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations.
EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image, string, string)Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations.
EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, bool, AvlNet.Image)Enumerates tiles from image.
EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box)Enumerates tiles from image.
EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image)Enumerates tiles from image.
EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box)Enumerates tiles from image.
EqualizeImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Maps image pixels to new values to achieve uniform distribution of intensities in the range (0, 255).
EqualizeImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Maps image pixels to new values to achieve uniform distribution of intensities in the range (0, 255).
Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
ErodeBox(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.Box)Performs a morphological erosion on a box using box kernel.
ErodeBox(AvlNet.Box, int, int?, AvlNet.Box)Performs a morphological erosion on a box using box kernel.
ErodeImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
ErodeImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
ErodeImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
ErodeImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel.
ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel.
ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel.
ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel.
ErodeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile)Changes a profile by choosing minimum point within a kernel.
ErodeRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological erosion on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
ErodeRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological erosion on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
ErodeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological erosion on a region using a predefined kernel.
ErodeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological erosion on a region using a predefined kernel.
EstimateRealScale(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Position3D, float)Estimate the scale for points in the Z=0 plane in a perpendicular view.
ExpandRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[])Splits pixels of the input regions and their complement among these regions.
ExpandRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Metric?, AvlNet.Region[])Splits pixels of the input regions and their complement among these regions.
ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_DoG(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.
ExtractBlobs_DoG(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.
ExtractBlobs_DoG(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.
ExtractBlobs_DoG(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by thresholding Difference of Gaussians.
ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs by thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by thresholding.
ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.RegionProcessingParams, AvlNet.BlobSplittingParams, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs by thresholding.
ExtractText(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.TextSegmentation, AvlNet.Region[])Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting character to single characters.
ExtractText(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.TextSegmentation, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting character to single characters.
FillRegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region)Extends the input region so that it contains also all the pixels previously lying in its holes.
FillRegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Extends the input region so that it contains also all the pixels previously lying in its holes.
FindConnectedComponents(int[][], int[][], int[])Finds connected components in a graph given as set of bidirectional connections.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Approximates path by an arc using the selected outliers suppression method and considering path's start and end.
FitArcToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Approximates path by an arc using the selected outliers suppression method and considering path's start and end.
FitArcToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Approximates points with an arc using the selected outliers suppression method.
FitArcToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Approximates points with an arc using the selected outliers suppression method.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points.
FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Fits a circle to a hole in a plane.
FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Fits a circle to a hole in a plane.
FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Fits a circle to a hole in a plane.
FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Fits a circle to a hole in a plane.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?)Approximates points in 3D with a circle using selected outliers suppression method.
FitCircleToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Circle3D?)Approximates points in 3D with a circle using selected outliers suppression method.
FitCircleToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Approximates points with a circle using selected outliers suppression method.
FitCircleToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Approximates points with a circle using selected outliers suppression method.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points.
FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.
FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.
FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.
FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.
FitLineToPoints3D_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line3D)Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints3D_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D[])Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints3D_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line3D?, AvlNet.Line3D)Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints3D_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line3D?, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D[])Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Line3D)Approximates points in 3D with a line using the Least Squares method.
FitLineToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Line3D, float)Approximates points in 3D with a line using the Least Squares method.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Line2D, int)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], float)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, int)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], float, int)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], float)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_LTE(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], float, int)Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitLineToPoints_RANSAC(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, AvlNet.Line2D?)Approximates points with a line using a RANSAC algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_RANSAC(AvlNet.Point2D[], int?, float, int?, AvlNet.Line2D?)Approximates points with a line using a RANSAC algorithm.
FitLineToPoints_TheilSen(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement.
FitLineToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Line2D)Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method.
FitLineToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Line2D, float)Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathOrientationAlignment, int, float, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float)Rotates and shifts a path to minimize average distance between its points and a reference path.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.
FitPlaneToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToPoints_M(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToPoints(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitPlaneToPoints(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Plane3D, float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Plane3D)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Plane3D, float[], float, float, float[], float)Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment3D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment3D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment3D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment3D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment3D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Edge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Segment3D?)Approximates points in 3D with a segment using selected outliers suppression method.
FitSegmentToPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment3D?)Approximates points in 3D with a segment using selected outliers suppression method.
FitSegmentToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D)Approximates points with a segment using selected outliers suppression method.
FitSegmentToPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D)Approximates points with a segment using selected outliers suppression method.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Ridge1D>[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile)Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, System.Nullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>[], AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile[])Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.
FormatLocationToString(AvlNet.Location, int, string, bool, string, int, bool, string)Converts a location to a string of format "(X, Y)".
FormatPoint2DToString(AvlNet.Point2D, int, int, string, string, bool, string, bool, string)Converts a 2D point to a string of format "(X, Y)".
FormatPoint3DToString(AvlNet.Point3D, int, int, string, string, bool, string, bool, string)Converts a 3D point to a string of format "(X, Y, Z)".
FourierTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Transforms an image into frequency domain using Fourier transformation
FrequencyDomain_FilterFrequencies(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Filters the frequencies in a frequency domain image suppressing the elements of too low or too high frequency.
FrequencyDomain_FilterFrequencies(AvlNet.Image, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image)Filters the frequencies in a frequency domain image suppressing the elements of too low or too high frequency.
FrequencyDomain_ModulusImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes the modulus of each frequency domain image pixel.
FrequencyDomain_PhaseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes the phase of each frequency domain image pixel.
Ftp_ReceiveFile(string, string, string, bool)Downloads a file from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_ReceiveFile(string, string, string, string, string, bool)Downloads a file from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_ReceiveImage(string, string, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image)Downloads an image from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_ReceiveImage(string, string, string, string, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image)Downloads an image from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_ReceiveString(string, string, bool, string)Downloads a text string from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_ReceiveString(string, string, string, string, bool, string)Downloads a text string from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_SendFile(string, string, string, bool)Sends a file to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_SendFile(string, string, string, string, string, bool)Sends a file to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_SendImage(AvlNet.Image, string, string, bool)Sends an image to a remote server using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Ftp_SendImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string, string, string, string, bool)Sends an image to a remote server using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Ftp_SendString(string, string, string, bool)Sends a string to a remote serve using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ftp_SendString(string, string, string, string, string, bool)Sends a string to a remote serve using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Gap1DToSegment2D(AvlNet.Gap1D, AvlNet.Segment2D)Converts a gap to a segment.
GetAvailableVideoCompressors(string[])List fourCCs names of available video compressors.
GetComputerID(string, string)Gets current Computer ID
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetHistogramBin(AvlNet.Histogram, int, bool, int)Returns the value of a single histogram bin.
GetHistogramCorrespondingBin(AvlNet.Histogram, float, int)Selects a bin that the given value in the histogram domain falls into and returns the value of this bin.
GetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int, float[], AvlNet.Pixel[])Extracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image.
GetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, float[], AvlNet.Pixel[])Extracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image.
GetImagePixel_Interpolated(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Returns an interpolated single pixel of an image.
GetImagePixel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Returns a single pixel of an image.
GetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int, float[], AvlNet.Pixel[])Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image.
GetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, float[], AvlNet.Pixel[])Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image.
GetMaximumPath_OrNil(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float?, int?)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any path inside it is empty.
GetMaximumPath(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value.
GetMaximumPath(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float, int)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value.
GetMaximumRegion_OrNil(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float?, int?)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any region inside it is empty.
GetMaximumRegion(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value.
GetMaximumRegion(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float, int)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value.
GetMinimumPath_OrNil(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float?, int?)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any path inside it is empty.
GetMinimumPath(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value.
GetMinimumPath(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float, int)Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value.
GetMinimumRegion_OrNil(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float?, int?)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any region inside it is empty.
GetMinimumRegion(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value.
GetMinimumRegion(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float, int)Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value.
GetPathCharacteristicPoint_Interpolated(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns linear interpolation between two consecutive characteristic points of a path.
GetPathCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Path, int, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns the selected characteristic point of a path.
GetPathSegment(AvlNet.Path, int, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Returns the selected segment of a path.
GetPoint3DGridPoint_Interpolated(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point3D)Returns an interpolated single point of a point 3D grid.
GetPointOnPath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a path point of desired distance (measured along path) from the first point of the path.
GetProfileElement_Interpolated(AvlNet.Profile, bool, bool, float, float)Returns linear interpolation between two consecutive values from a profile.
GetProfileElement(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, float)Gets a single value from a profile, located at the specified index.
GetRegionFrame(AvlNet.Region, int, int)Returns the width and height of the entire region's frame (not to be confused with RegionBoundingBox!)
GetSurfacePath(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates.
GetSurfacePoint(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D, int, AvlNet.Point3D)Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates.
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
GrabImage_FromFiles_ResetState()Resets global state of GrabImage_FromFiles filter
GrabImage_FromFiles(string, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image, string, string)Simulates capturing a frame from a camera.
GrabImage_FromFiles(string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image, string, string)Simulates capturing a frame from a camera.
GradientDirAndPresenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of gradient directions mapped to the range from 1 to 255. Zero means "no edge".
GradientDirAndPresenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of gradient directions mapped to the range from 1 to 255. Zero means "no edge".
GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed.
GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed.
GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, float?, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed.
GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, float?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed.
GradientMagnitudeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, AvlNet.Image)Measures the strength of gradient at each pixel location with Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GradientMagnitudeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, AvlNet.Image)Measures the strength of gradient at each pixel location with Sobel or Prewitt operator.
GroupPathsByRegions(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, int[][])For each region returns which paths lie inside of it or intersect with it.
GroupPathsByRegions(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, int[][], AvlNet.Path[][])For each region returns which paths lie inside of it or intersect with it.
GroupPointsByRegions(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Region[], int[][])For each region returns which points lie inside of it.
GroupPointsByRegions(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Region[], int[][], AvlNet.Point2D[][])For each region returns which points lie inside of it.
GroupRegionsByLines(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[][], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Splits an array of blobs by distance to a computed base lines
GroupRegionsByLines(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[][], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Splits an array of blobs by distance to a computed base lines
GroupRegionsByLines(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[][], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Splits an array of blobs by distance to a computed base lines
GroupRegionsByLines(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[][], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Splits an array of blobs by distance to a computed base lines
GroupRegionsByRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, int[][])For each region returns which regions lie inside of it or intersect with it.
GroupRegionsByRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, int[][], AvlNet.Region[][])For each region returns which regions lie inside of it or intersect with it.
HistogramAverage(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the average of histogram bin values.
HistogramDataAverage(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the average of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataMaximum(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the approximation of the largest value of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataMedian(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the median of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataMinimum(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the approximation of the smallest value of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataNthValue(AvlNet.Histogram, int, AvlNet.SortingOrder, float)Computes nth smallest (or largest) value of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataQuantile(AvlNet.Histogram, float, float)Computes the specified quantile of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataSize(AvlNet.Histogram, int)Computes the number of elements of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the standard deviation of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDataVariance(AvlNet.Histogram, float)Computes the variance of the histogrammed numeric data.
HistogramDistance(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float)Computes the numeric distance between two histograms.
HistogramIndices(AvlNet.Histogram, int[])Returns an array of histogram elements indices
HistogramIntersection(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, float)Calculates normalized histogram intersection norm.
HistogramLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Histogram, int[], int[])Computes the histogram local maxima.
HistogramLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Histogram, int?, int[], int[])Computes the histogram local maxima.
HistogramLocalMinima(AvlNet.Histogram, int[], int[])Computes the histogram local minima.
HistogramLocalMinima(AvlNet.Histogram, int?, int[], int[])Computes the histogram local minima.
HistogramMaximum(AvlNet.Histogram, int, int)Computes histogram bar values maximum - its location and value.
HistogramMinimum(AvlNet.Histogram, int, int)Computes histogram bar values minimum - its location and value.
HistogramSize(AvlNet.Histogram, int)Computes the number of histogram bins.
HistogramSum(AvlNet.Histogram, int)Computes the sum of histogram bin values.
HsiToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Intensity into Red-Green-Blue.
HslToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Luminance to Red-Green-Blue.
HsvToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Value to Red-Green-Blue.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D)Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D)Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path)Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path)Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
ImageAverageHSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int)Computes the average of the HSV, HSL or HSI image pixel values.
ImageAverageHSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int?, int, int, int)Computes the average of the HSV, HSL or HSI image pixel values.
ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel)Computes the average of the image pixel values.
ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes the average of the image pixel values.
ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel)Computes the average of the image pixel values.
ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes the average of the image pixel values.
ImageBox(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box)Produces the box of image dimensions
ImageCenter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns the geometrical center of an image.
ImageCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a characteristic point of image.
ImageCorrelationImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of correlation between a pattern and the input image at each possible location.
ImageCorrelationImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of correlation between a pattern and the input image at each possible location.
ImageCorrelation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, float)Computes the correlation of pattern and image.
ImageCorrelation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, float)Computes the correlation of pattern and image.
ImageDifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of differences between a moving pattern and the input image.
ImageDifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, AvlNet.Image)Computes an image of differences between a moving pattern and the input image.
ImageDifference(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float)Measures dissimilarity between two images.
ImageDifference(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float)Measures dissimilarity between two images.
ImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the histogram of the image pixel values.
ImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the histogram of the image pixel values.
ImageInversePolarTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.PolarInterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Transforms an image from polar or log-polar space to euclidean space.
ImageLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Image, bool, float, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[])Finds image locations characterized by locally maximal pixel values.
ImageLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, bool, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification?, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[])Finds image locations characterized by locally maximal pixel values.
ImageLocalMinima(AvlNet.Image, bool, float, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[])Finds image locations characterized by locally minimal pixel values.
ImageLocalMinima(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, bool, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification?, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[])Finds image locations characterized by locally minimal pixel values.
ImageMassCenter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes a point with coordinates equal to image mass center in brightness scale.
ImageMassCenter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes a point with coordinates equal to image mass center in brightness scale.
ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, float)Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel.
ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location)Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel.
ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location, float)Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel.
ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, float)Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel.
ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location)Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel.
ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location, float)Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel.
ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float)Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant.
ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float, float)Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant.
ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float)Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant.
ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float, float)Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant.
ImageOrientation(AvlNet.Image, float)Computes the orientation of an image using image moments. The result range is from 0.0 to 180.0.
ImageOrientation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the orientation of an image using image moments. The result range is from 0.0 to 180.0.
ImagePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel[])Returns an array of pixels from the input image.
ImagePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel[])Returns an array of pixels from the input image.
ImagePixelValues(AvlNet.Image, float[])Returns an array of pixel values from the input image.
ImagePixelValues(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float[])Returns an array of pixel values from the input image.
ImagePolarTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.PolarInterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Transforms an image to polar or log-polar space.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path)Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path)Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ImageProfileAlongPathState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from that values.
ImageProjection(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.ProjectionMode, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the average (or other statistic) for each image row or column and then merges the obtained results into a profile.
ImageProjection(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.ProjectionMode, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the average (or other statistic) for each image row or column and then merges the obtained results into a profile.
ImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Polarity, AvlNet.Region)Finds image ridges.
ImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, float?, AvlNet.Region)Finds image ridges.
ImageSharpness(AvlNet.Image, float)Returns a value dependent on sharpness of the image. The value is bigger for sharper images.
ImageSharpness(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box?, float)Returns a value dependent on sharpness of the image. The value is bigger for sharper images.
ImageStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Image, float)Calculates standard deviation of image pixel values.
ImageStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float)Calculates standard deviation of image pixel values.
ImageStatistics(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes various statistics of the image pixel values.
ImageStatistics(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes various statistics of the image pixel values.
ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel)Computes the sum of the image pixel values.
ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes the sum of the image pixel values.
ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel)Computes the sum of the image pixel values.
ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float)Computes the sum of the image pixel values.
ImageToImageFormat(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFormat)Converts an image to an image format.
ImageToMatrix(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix)Converts a single-channel image to a matrix.
ImageWatersheds(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Region[])Computes dark basins which are separated by at least inThreshold height watershed.
InitLibrary()Initializes library internals. Should be called before any other function from AVL.
InpaintImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Region)Fills in a region of the image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area.
InscribeRegionInRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShiftType, AvlNet.FitType, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Shifts source region so that it is contained in target region.
InspectImageMemoryPools(bool, int[], int[], int)Returns information about allocated image memory buffers. This information can be used for preallocation.
IntegerToPixel(int, AvlNet.Pixel)Converts an integer value to pixel.
InverseFourierTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Transforms an image in frequency domain back to spatial domain using inverse Fourier transformation
InvertCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Inverts a coordinate system.
InvertImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies numeric inversion (1/x) of the pixel values.
InvertImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies numeric inversion (1/x) of the pixel values.
IsChessBoardPresent(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.Point2D[])Detects a chessboard on the image, and returns the points where 4 chessboard squares meet.
IsCircleGridPresent(AvlNet.Image, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Detects a circle board on an image. Returns the center of each circle.
JoinAdjacentPaths(AvlNet.Path[], float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Path[])Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough.
JoinAdjacentPaths(AvlNet.Path[], float, float, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Path[])Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough.
JoinImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.JoinDirection, AvlNet.Image)Creates a single image by glueing together many input images in horizontal or vertical direction.
JoinImages_OfSeries(AvlNet.JoinImages_OfSeriesState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.JoinDirection, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates a single image by glueing together a series of input images in horizontal or vertical direction.
JoinImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.JoinDirection, AvlNet.Image)Creates a single image by glueing together the two input images in horizontal or vertical direction.
JoinImageTiles(AvlNet.Image[], int, int, AvlNet.Image)Joins previously cut tiles into single image.
JoinPoint3DGrids(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, int, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Combines two point grids into one.
JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeries(AvlNet.JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeriesState, AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image by joining 1D profiles, which appear in consecutive iterations.
JoinProfilesIntoImage(AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Image)Creates an image by joining an array of 1D profiles into consecutive image rows.
JoinProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Concatenates two profiles into one.
JoinSurfaces(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface)Combines two surfaces into one.
KMeansClustering(AvlNet.Matrix, int, int, int, float, AvlNet.KMeansClusteringMethod, AvlNet.Matrix, int[], float)Clusters data using KMeans algorithm
KNN_Classify(AvlNet.KNNModel, float[], int, AvlNet.Metric, int)Classify data using the KNN classifier.
KNN_Init(int, int, AvlNet.KNNModel)Initializes the KNN classifier.
KNN_Train(AvlNet.KNNModel, float[][], int[], AvlNet.KNNModel)Trains KNN classifier using sample data.
LawsFilter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterSize, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Filters image with one of classic LAWS filter
LawsFilter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterSize, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Filters image with one of classic LAWS filter
LensDistortionToMatrix(AvlNet.LensDistortion, AvlNet.Matrix)Returns LensDistortion as a Matrix of distortion coefficients.
LerpAngles(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float)Linearly interpolates between two angles in the direction of minimum turn.
LerpAngles(float, float, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float)Linearly interpolates between two angles in the direction of minimum turn.
LerpImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel.
LerpImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel.
LerpPaths(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path)Linearly interpolates between two paths.
LerpPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Point3D)Linearly interpolates between two points in 3D.
LerpPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D)Linearly interpolates between two points.
LerpSegments3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Linearly interpolates between two segments in 3D.
LerpSegments(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Linearly interpolates between two segments.
LerpVectors3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D)Linearly interpolates between two 3D vectors.
LerpVectors_Radial(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Linearly interpolates between two radial vectors.
LerpVectors_Radial(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Linearly interpolates between two radial vectors.
LerpVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Linearly interpolates between two vectors.
LinearBinaryPattern(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinearBinaryPatternType, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Image)Creates histogram and map of Linear Binary Patterns (with radius 1 and size 8) of provided image.
LinearBinaryPattern(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.LinearBinaryPatternType, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Image)Creates histogram and map of Linear Binary Patterns (with radius 1 and size 8) of provided image.
LineArcIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes the common points of an arc and a line.
LineCircleIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes common points of a circle and a line.
LineLineIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes a common point of two lines.
LineNormalVector(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Vector2D)Computes the normal vector of a line
LineOrientation(AvlNet.Line2D, float)Computes the orientation angle of a line as angle in the range from 0 to 180.
LinePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D?)Computes the intersection point of a line in 3D and a plane.
LineSegmentIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes a common point of a line and a segment.
LineThroughPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Line3D)Computes a line in 3D passing through a point with given direction.
LineThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D)Computes a line in 3D passing through two points.
LineThroughPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D)Computes a line passing through two distinct points.
LineThroughPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Line2D)Computes a line passing through a point with given angle.
LineToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float)Measures the distance between two lines in 3D.
LineToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between two lines in 3D.
LoadEdgeModel(string, AvlNet.EdgeModel)Loads serialized template matching EdgeModel object from avdata file.
LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D[][])Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays.
LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D[][], string[])Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays.
LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, string[], AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D[][])Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays.
LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, string[], AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D[][], string[])Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays.
LoadGrayModel(string, AvlNet.GrayModel)Loads serialized template matching GrayModel object from avdata file.
LoadHistogram(string, AvlNet.Histogram)Loads serialized Histogram object from avdata file.
LoadImageFromBuffer(AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, AvlNet.Image)Loads a single image from a file stored in memory.
LoadImageFromBuffer(AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image)Loads a single image from a file stored in memory.
LoadImageObject(string, AvlNet.Image)Loads serialized Image object from avdata file.
LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image)Loads data from a DXF file as an image.
LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image, string[])Loads data from a DXF file as an image.
LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.Pixel, string[], AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image)Loads data from a DXF file as an image.
LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.Pixel, string[], AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image, string[])Loads data from a DXF file as an image.
LoadImage_FromWebsite(string, AvlNet.Image)Loads a JPG image from a website.
LoadImage_FromWebsite(string, string, string, AvlNet.Image)Loads a JPG image from a website.
LoadImage(string, bool, AvlNet.Image)Loads a single image from a file.
LoadOcrMlpModel(string, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel)Loads serialized OcrMlpModel object from avdata file.
LoadOcrModel(string, AvlNet.OcrModel)Loads serialized OcrMlpModel object from avdata file.
LoadOcrSvmModel(string, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel)Loads serialized OcrSvmModel object from avdata file.
LoadOrganicTrainingData(string[], string, AvlNet.OrganicModel)Loads images and regions, extracts knowledge from it, and initializes OrganicModel, which can be then trained and used to classify new images.
LoadPath(string, AvlNet.Path)Loads serialized Path object from avdata file.
LoadPoint3DGrid(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D.
LoadProfile(string, AvlNet.Profile)Deserializes a profile from an AVDATA file.
LoadRegion(string, AvlNet.Region)Loads serialized Region object from avdata file.
LoadSpatialMap(string, AvlNet.SpatialMap)Deserializes a SpatialMap object from a AVDATA file.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Path[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Path[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Path[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Path[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int)Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[][])Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, bool, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int)Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int, AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image[], float[])Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values.
LocationArrayToPoint2DArray(AvlNet.Location[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Converts an array of locations to an array of points.
LocationCenter(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns the center point of a pixel indicated by the provided location.
LocationsToRegion(AvlNet.Location[], int, int, AvlNet.Region)Forms a region containing pixels of given locations.
LocationToPoint2D(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Point2D)Converts a location to its center point.
LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel.
LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, float, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile)Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel.
LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Image)Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel.
LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile)Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel.
LUTTransformImage(AvlNet.LUTTransformImageState, AvlNet.Image, int[], AvlNet.Pixel[], bool, AvlNet.Image)Changes pixel values for data stored in array.
LUTTransformImage(AvlNet.LUTTransformImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int[], AvlNet.Pixel[], bool, AvlNet.Image)Changes pixel values for data stored in array.
MakeCharacterSamples(AvlNet.Region[], string, AvlNet.CharacterSample[])Creates training font samples from the provided regions.
MakeHistogram(int[], float, float, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Creates a histogram assuming given bin values.
MakeImage(AvlNet.Pixel[], int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image)Converts a pixel array to a single-channel image.
MakePathConditional(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path)Computes path feature and checks whether its value is in range.
MakePathConditional(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Path)Computes path feature and checks whether its value is in range.
MakePoint3DGridFromImage(AvlNet.Image, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Creates a Point3DGrid structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of a 3 channel image.
MakePoint3DGridFromImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Creates a Point3DGrid structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of a 3 channel image.
MakeRegionConditional(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region)Computes region feature and checks whether its value is in range.
MakeRegionConditional(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, AvlNet.Region)Computes region feature and checks whether its value is in range.
MakeSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a Surface structure from depth map mono image.
MakeSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface)Creates a Surface structure from depth map mono image.
MatrixToImage(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Image)Converts a matrix image to a single-channel real image.
MaximumHistogram_OfArray(AvlNet.Histogram[], AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the maximum of histograms of an array bar by bar.
MaximumHistogram_OfLoop(AvlNet.MaximumHistogram_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the maximum of histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar.
MaximumHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the maximum of two histograms bar by bar.
MaximumImage_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image)Computes the maximum of images of an array pixel by pixel.
MaximumImage_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Computes the maximum of images of an array pixel by pixel.
MaximumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.MaximumImage_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes the maximum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MaximumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.MaximumImage_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Computes the maximum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MaximumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from the higher pixel values of each corresponding pair.
MaximumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from the higher pixel values of each corresponding pair.
MaximumProfile_OfArray(AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile)Computes the maximum of profiles of an array.
MaximumProfile_OfLoop(AvlNet.MaximumProfile_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the maximum of profiles appearing in consecutive iterations.
MaximumProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the maximum of two profiles point by point.
MeasureClassificationQuality_Binary(bool[], bool[], float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Matrix)Calculates classification performance metrics for binary problems.
MeasureClassificationQuality_Multiclass(int[], int[], float, float[], float[], float[], AvlNet.Matrix)Calculates classification performance metrics for multiclass problems.
MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Measures the width of an object using stripe detection.
MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Measures the width of an object using stripe detection.
MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?)Measures the width of an object using stripe detection.
MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap[], AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Measures the width of an object using stripe detection.
MedianAngle(float[], AvlNet.AngleRange, float)Computes the median angle of the input angles.
MedianImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image)Compute median value for each pixel of images from an array.
MedianImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Compute median value for each pixel of images from an array.
MergeChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a multichannel image from several monochromatic ones.
MergeChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a multichannel image from several monochromatic ones.
MergeLocationResults_Multiple(AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Object2D[], AvlNet.Object2D[], float, float, AvlNet.Object2D[], int[])Combines results from multiple LocateMultipleObject instances.
MergeLocationResults_Single(float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int?)Combines results from multiple LocateSingleObject instances.
MergeLocationResults_Single(AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Object2D?, AvlNet.Object2D?, float, AvlNet.Object2D?, int?)Combines results from multiple LocateSingleObject instances.
MinimumHistogram_OfArray(AvlNet.Histogram[], AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the minimum of histograms of an array bar by bar.
MinimumHistogram_OfLoop(AvlNet.MinimumHistogram_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the minimum of histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar.
MinimumHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Computes the minimum of two histograms bar by bar.
MinimumImage_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Image)Computes the minimum of images of an array pixel by pixel.
MinimumImage_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Computes the minimum of images of an array pixel by pixel.
MinimumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.MinimumImage_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Computes the minimum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MinimumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.MinimumImage_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Computes the minimum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MinimumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from the lower pixel values of each corresponding pair.
MinimumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from the lower pixel values of each corresponding pair.
MinimumProfile_OfArray(AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile)Computes the minimum of profiles of an array.
MinimumProfile_OfLoop(AvlNet.MinimumProfile_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the minimum of profiles appearing in consecutive iterations.
MinimumProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the minimum of two profiles point by point.
MirrorImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MirrorDirection, AvlNet.Image)Reverses the order of the input image columns or rows depending on inMirrorDirection value.
MirrorRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MirrorDirection, AvlNet.Region)Mirrors a region across vertical or horizontal axis.
MLP_Init(AvlNet.ActivationFunction, AvlNet.MlpPreprocessing, int, int, AvlNet.MlpModel)Creates multilayer perceptron model.
MLP_Init(int[], AvlNet.ActivationFunction, AvlNet.MlpPreprocessing, int?, int, int, AvlNet.MlpModel)Creates multilayer perceptron model.
MLP_Respond(AvlNet.MlpModel, float[], float[])Calculates multilayer perceptron answer.
MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, float[][], float[][], int, float, float, AvlNet.MlpModel)Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier.
MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, float[][], float[][], int, float, float, AvlNet.MlpModel, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier.
MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, float[][], float[][], float[][], float[][], int, float, float, int?, AvlNet.MlpModel)Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier.
MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, float[][], float[][], float[][], float[][], int, float, float, int?, AvlNet.MlpModel, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier.
MultiplyHistograms_OfArray(AvlNet.Histogram[], AvlNet.Histogram)Multiply histograms of an array bar by bar.
MultiplyHistograms_OfLoop(AvlNet.MultiplyHistograms_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Multiply histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar.
MultiplyHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Multiplies two histograms bar by bar.
MultiplyHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Multiplies each bin value by a number.
MultiplyImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies images of an array pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImages_OfArray(AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies images of an array pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.MultiplyImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.MultiplyImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies two images pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies two images pixel by pixel.
MultiplyImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies each pixel by a scalar value.
MultiplyImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Multiplies each pixel by a scalar value.
MultiplyProfiles_OfArray(AvlNet.Profile[], AvlNet.Profile)Multiplies profiles of an array value by value.
MultiplyProfiles_OfLoop(AvlNet.MultiplyProfiles_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Multiplies profiles appearing in consecutive iterations value by value.
MultiplyProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Multiplies two profiles value by value.
MultiplyProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, AvlNet.Profile)Multiplies each element of a profile by a scalar value.
NegateHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Negates each bin value.
NegateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Reverts the pixel value range (unsigned) or applies numeric negation (signed).
NegateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Reverts the pixel value range (unsigned) or applies numeric negation (signed).
NegateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Transforms each profile value to its negation.
NormalizeAngle(float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, float)
NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, float, float)Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum.
NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, float, float)Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum.
NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Region)Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum.
NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Region)Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum.
NormalizeLocalContrast(AvlNet.Image, float, float, int, float, AvlNet.Image)Normalizes local contrast of the image using Wallis filter.
NormalizeLocalContrast(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, int, float, AvlNet.Image)Normalizes local contrast of the image using Wallis filter.
NormalizeRectangleOrientation(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes orientation of the given rectangle according to parameters.
OcrMlpModelToOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrMlpModel, AvlNet.OcrModel)Converts OcrMlpModel(old type) to OcrModel
OcrModelToOcrMlpModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel)Converts OcrModel to OcrMlpModel
OcrModelToOcrSvmModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel)Converts OcrModel to OcrSvmModel
OcrSvmModelToOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrSvmModel, AvlNet.OcrModel)Converts OcrSvmModel(old type) to OcrModel
OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation.
OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation.
OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation.
OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.ImageMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation.
OpenInputVideoStream(string, int, AvlNet.InputVideoStream, float, int)Opens and creates a video stream from a file.
OpenOutputVideoStream(string, AvlNet.VideoEncoder, float, int, int, AvlNet.OutputVideoStream)Creates a video stream which will be saved to a selected file.
OpenPath(AvlNet.Path)Removes the segment connecting last point to the first one from a path.
OpenRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological opening on a region using an arbitrary kernel.
OpenRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological opening on a region using a predefined kernel.
OpenRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological opening on a region using a predefined kernel.
PathAlongArc(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal.
PathAlongPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.
PathArrayPoints(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Converts an array of paths to an array of points.
PathAverageTurnAngle(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the average absolute turn angle of a path per unit of length.
PathBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Box?)Computes the smallest box containing a path; returns NIL if the path is empty.
PathBoundingBox(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Box)Computes the smallest box containing a path.
PathBoundingCircle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Computes the smallest circle enclosing a path; returns NIL if the path is empty.
PathBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Circle2D)Computes the smallest circle enclosing a path.
PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path; returns NIL when the path is empty.
PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path.
PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path.
PathBoundingRectangle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path; returns NIL when the path is empty.
PathBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path.
PathBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path.
PathConvexHull(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Computes the smallest convex shape that contains the given path.
PathDiameter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, float)Finds the longest segment connecting two characteristic points of a path.
PathEndpoints(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns the two endpoints of a path.
PathLength(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the total length of the input path.
PathLineIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Computes the common points of a path and a line.
PathLineIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], int[])Computes the common points of a path and a line.
PathMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes the average of the path points (all, not only characteristic ones); returns NIL if the path is empty.
PathMassCenter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the average of the path points (all, not only characteristic ones).
PathPathIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D[])Computes the common points of two paths.
PathPathIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D[], int[], int[])Computes the common points of two paths.
PathProjectionProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the distance from the line to the path.
PathProjectionProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Computes the distance from the line to the path.
PathSegmentIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Computes the common points of a path and a segment.
PathSegmentIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], int[])Computes the common points of a path and a segment.
PathSegments(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Converts a path to an array of line segments.
PathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D[])Checks if a path has any self-intersections and computes all of them.
PathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D[], int[], int[], bool)Checks if a path has any self-intersections and computes all of them.
PathSize(AvlNet.Path, int)Returns the number of characteristic points on the input path.
PathToLineDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the profile of distances between a line and the characteristic points of a path.
PathToLineDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, AvlNet.Profile, float[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Computes the profile of distances between a line and the characteristic points of a path.
PathToLineDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float)Computes the smallest distance between a path and a line.
PathToLineDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes the smallest distance between a path and a line.
PathToPathDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the profile of distances between two paths.
PathToPathDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, AvlNet.Profile, float[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Computes the profile of distances between two paths.
PathToPathDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float)Computes the minimum distance between two paths.
PathToPathDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes the minimum distance between two paths.
PathToPoint2DArray(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D[])Converts a path to an array of points.
PathToPointDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the profile of distances between the specified point and the characteristic points of a path.
PathToPointDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Profile, float[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Computes the profile of distances between the specified point and the characteristic points of a path.
PathToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, float)Computes the smallest distance between a path and a point.
PathToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes the smallest distance between a path and a point.
PathToWorldCoordinates(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Position3D, float, AvlNet.Point3D[])Calculates a path in real-world coordinates corresponding to the specified path in image coordinates.
PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, float, float, float[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[])Finds the local maxima of the profile of turn angles of a path.
PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, float, float, float[], AvlNet.Point2D[], float[], AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile)Finds the local maxima of the profile of turn angles of a path.
PathTurnAngleMaximum_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?)Finds the maximum of the profile of turn angles of a path; returns NIL if the path has no turn angles.
PathTurnAngleMaximum(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, AvlNet.Point2D, float)Finds the maximum of the profile of turn angles of a path.
PathTurnAngleProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the profile of turn angles at characteristic points of a path.
Plane3DNormalVector(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Vector3D)Computes the normal vector of a line
Plane3DOrientation(AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, float)Computes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes.
Plane3DOrientation(AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D)Computes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes.
PlanePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Line3D?)Computes a common line in 3D of two planes.
PlaneThroughLineAndPoint3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D)Computes a plane passing through a line and a point in 3D.
PlaneThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D)Computes a plane passing through three distinct points in 3D.
Point2DArrayToLocationArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Location[])Converts an array of points to an array of locations.
Point2DToLocation(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Location)Converts a point to a location its contained within.
Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud.
Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D)Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud.
Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud.
Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D[], float[], float, float, float[], float)Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud.
Point3DGridToPoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3D[])Converts a grid of points to an array of points.
Point3DGridValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes region of locations where points are valid in a points 3D grid and where they are invalid.
Point3DGridValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes region of locations where points are valid in a points 3D grid and where they are invalid.
PointAlongArc(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal.
PointAlongPath(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.
PointOnCircleProjection(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Projects a point onto a circle.
PointOnLineProjection(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Projects a point onto a line.
PointsBoundingBox3D_OrNil(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Box3D?)Computes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty.
PointsBoundingBox3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D.
PointsBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Box?)Computes the smallest box containing an array of points; returns NIL if the array is empty.
PointsBoundingBox(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Box)Computes the smallest box containing an array of points.
PointsBoundingCircle_OrNil(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Circle2D?)Computes the smallest circle containing an array of points; returns NIL if the array is empty.
PointsBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Circle2D)Computes the smallest circle containing an array of points.
PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points; returns NIL when the array is empty.
PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points.
PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points.
PointsBoundingRectangle_OrNil(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points; returns NIL when the array is empty.
PointsBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points.
PointsBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points.
PointsConvexHull(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Path)Computes the smallest convex shape that contains the given array of points.
PointsDiameter(AvlNet.Point2D[])Finds the longest segment connecting two points from a given array.
PointsDiameter(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D, float)Finds the longest segment connecting two points from a given array.
PointSequenceDistances(AvlNet.Point2D[], bool, float, float[])Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence.
PointSequenceDistances(AvlNet.Point2D[], bool, float, float[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence.
PointsMassCenter3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point3D)Computes the central point of the input points.
PointsMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes the central point of the input points; returns NIL if the array is empty.
PointsMassCenter(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the central point of the input points.
PointsMedian(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the geometric median of the input points.
PointsMedian(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Computes the geometric median of the input points.
PointsMedian(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Point2D, float)Computes the geometric median of the input points.
PointsMedian(AvlNet.Point2D[], int, AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D[])Computes the geometric median of the input points.
PointsOnCircleProjection(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Arc2D?)Projects points onto a circle.
PointsOnLineProjection(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[])Projects points onto a line.
PointsOnLineProjection(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D?)Projects points onto a line.
PointToArcDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, float, float)Measures the distance between a point and an arc.
PointToArcDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between a point and an arc.
PointToCircleDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Circle3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a circle in 3D.
PointToCircleDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Circle3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a circle in 3D.
PointToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float)Measures the distance between a point and a circle.
PointToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between a point and a circle.
PointToImageCoordinates(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Position3D, float, AvlNet.Point2D)Calculates image coordinates corresponding to the specified real-world coordinates.
PointToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a line in 3D.
PointToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a line in 3D.
PointToLineDistance_Oriented(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float)Measures the signed distance between a point and a line with direction.
PointToLineDistance_Oriented(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the signed distance between a point and a line with direction.
PointToLineDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float)Measures the distance between a point and a line.
PointToLineDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between a point and a line.
PointToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a plane.
PointToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a plane.
PointToPointDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float)Measures the distance between two 3D points.
PointToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Measures the distance between two points.
PointToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between two points.
PointToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a segment in 3D.
PointToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a 3D point and a segment in 3D.
PointToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float)Measures the distance between a point and a segment.
PointToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between a point and a segment.
PointToWorldCoordinates(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Position3D, float, AvlNet.Point3D)Calculates real-world coordinates corresponding to the specified image coordinates.
PowerImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Exponentiates each pixel to the given power.
PowerImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Exponentiates each pixel to the given power.
ProfileAutocorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, int, int, int, bool, int, float, AvlNet.PeriodPrecisionMethod, float[], float, float)Computes the correlation between neighboring sub-profiles of different sizes and infers the most probable period length.
ProfileAverage(AvlNet.Profile, float)Computes the average value of a profile.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, float)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, float, float)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, float)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, float, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles.
ProfileDistance(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float)Computes the [mean] square error between two profiles.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[])Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], float[])Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[])Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], float[])Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileEdge[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly.
ProfileIndices(AvlNet.Profile, int[])Returns an array of all indices of the input profile (0, 1, 2, ...).
ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, float[], float[])Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest.
ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, int[], float[], float[])Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest.
ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, float?, float?, float[], float[])Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest.
ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, float?, float?, int[], float[], float[])Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest.
ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float)Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index.
ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, int, float)Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index.
ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float)Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index.
ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, int, float)Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[])Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], float[])Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[])Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], float[])Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileRidge[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile.
ProfileSections(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileSection[], AvlNet.ProfileSection?)Finds subprofiles whose values fall into the specified range.
ProfileSections(AvlNet.Profile, float?, float?, AvlNet.ProfileSection[], AvlNet.ProfileSection?)Finds subprofiles whose values fall into the specified range.
ProfileSize(AvlNet.Profile, int)Computes the number of elements in a profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[])Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], float[])Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[])Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], float[])Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.ProfileStripe[], float[], AvlNet.Profile)Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile.
ProfileSum(AvlNet.Profile, float)Computes the sum of the profile values.
ProfileToRealArray(AvlNet.Profile, float[])Converts a profile to an array of real numbers.
ProfileZeroCrossings(AvlNet.Profile, float[])Finds the points of a profile at which the profile intersects the x-axis.
ProjectLineOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Line3D)Projects a line 3D onto a plane.
ProjectPathOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system.
ProjectPoint2DOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Projects a point on a plane Z=0 onto a given plane, translating it parallel to Z axis.
ProjectPointOnLine3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Projects a point 3D onto a line in 3D.
ProjectPointOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Projects a point 3D onto a plane.
ProjectPointOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system.
ProjectPointOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system.
ProjectPointOrthogonal(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Converts a point through a simple orthogonal projection, parallel to the Z axis.
ProjectPointPerspective(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Point2D)Converts a point through a perspective projection, parallel to the Z axis.
PruneRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Region)Removes one pixel wide branches from a region.
RandomPoint3D(AvlNet.RandomState, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D)Creates random 3D point inside given box
RandomPoint3D(AvlNet.RandomState, float, float, float, float, float, float, int?, AvlNet.Point3D)Creates random 3D point inside given box
RandomPoint(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D)Creates random point inside given box
RandomPoint(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box, int?, AvlNet.Point2D)Creates random point inside given box
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.BarcodeFormat[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[][])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.BarcodeFormat[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.BarcodeFormat[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[][])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[][])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], string[], AvlNet.BarcodeFormat[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[][])Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image.
ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, AvlNet.DataCode[], AvlNet.Path[])Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes.
ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, AvlNet.DataCode[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes.
ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, AvlNet.DataCode[], AvlNet.Path[])Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes.
ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, AvlNet.DataCode[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes.
ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.QRCode[])Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image.
ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.QRCode[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image.
ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, float?, int?, float?, float?, AvlNet.QRCode[])Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image.
ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, float?, int?, float?, float?, AvlNet.QRCode[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?)Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?)Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, float, int, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D[], AvlNet.Segment2D[])Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.
ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, AvlNet.DataCode, AvlNet.Path[])Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code.
ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, AvlNet.DataCode, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code.
ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, AvlNet.DataCode, AvlNet.Path[])Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code.
ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, AvlNet.DataCode, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code.
ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.QRCode)Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image.
ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.QRCode, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image.
ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int?, float?, float?, AvlNet.QRCode)Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image.
ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int?, float?, float?, AvlNet.QRCode, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image.
ReadText(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.OcrModel, float, string, string[], float[], bool)Ready-to-use tool for reading text from images using the OCR technique.
ReadVideoStream(AvlNet.InputVideoStream, bool, int, AvlNet.Image)Acquires frame from the previously opened video stream.
RealArrayToPixelArray(float[], AvlNet.Pixel[])Converts an array of real values to an array of pixels.
RealArrayToProfile(float[], AvlNet.Profile)Converts an array of real numbers to a profile.
RealignImagePitch(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates a new image with a standard pitch alignment.
RealToPixel(float, AvlNet.Pixel)Converts a real value to pixel.
RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, float, float, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position.
RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, float, float, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position.
RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, int, int, float, float, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position.
RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, int, int, float, float, string, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D[])Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position.
RecognizeCharacters(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.OcrModel, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, string, float[], AvlNet.OcrCandidate[][])Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model.
RecognizeCharacters(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.OcrModel, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, string, float[], AvlNet.OcrCandidate[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Box[])Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model.
RecognizeCharacters(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.Size?, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, float?, int?, string, float[], AvlNet.OcrCandidate[][])Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model.
RecognizeCharacters(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.Size?, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, float?, int?, string, float[], AvlNet.OcrCandidate[][], AvlNet.Image[], AvlNet.Box[])Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model.
RecognizeOrganicObject(AvlNet.OrganicModel, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float[])Analyzes provided image within given ROI, and classifies selected object with beforehand trained OrganicModel.
Rectangle2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion)Converts a rectangle to a shape region.
RectangleArea(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float)Computes the area of a rectangle.
RectangleBoundingBox(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Box)Computes the smallest box containing a rectangle.
RectangleCenter(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the center point of a rectangle.
RectangleCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of the input rectangle.
RectanglePerimeterLength(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float)Computes the perimeter length of a rectangle.
ReducePath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path)Reduces the number of points in a path preserving its shape with the specified precision.
ReducePath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Reduces the number of points in a path preserving its shape with the specified precision.
ReflectRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Region)Reflects a region through the given location.
RegionArea(AvlNet.Region, int)Computes the number of pixels contained in a region.
RegionBoundaries(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region)Removes interior pixels from a region.
RegionBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box?)Computes the smallest box containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty.
RegionBoundingBox(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box)Computes the smallest box containing a region.
RegionBoundingCircle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D?)Computes the smallest circle enclosing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty.
RegionBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D)Computes the smallest circle enclosing a region.
RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty.
RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region.
RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region.
RegionBoundingRectangle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty.
RegionBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region.
RegionBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float)Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region.
RegionCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Returns a characteristic point of the input's region bounding box.
RegionCircularity(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float)Computes the area of a region divided by the area of a circular region having the same feature.
RegionCircularity(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float, AvlNet.Circle2D)Computes the area of a region divided by the area of a circular region having the same feature.
RegionComplement(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes a region of pixels not contained in the input region.
RegionContours(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionContourMode, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Path[])Computes an array of closed paths corresponding to the contours of the input region.
RegionConvexHull(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes the smallest convex region containing the input region.
RegionConvexity(AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the area of a region divided by area of its convex hull.
RegionDiameter(AvlNet.Region)Computes the longest segment connecting two pixels contained in region and its length.
RegionDiameter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D, float)Computes the longest segment connecting two pixels contained in region and its length.
RegionDifference(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing pixels from the first input region, but not from the second input region.
RegionEllipticAxes(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes axes of an ellipse having the same first and second order moments as the given region.
RegionElongation(AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the elongation factor of a region ( perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0 ).
RegionHitAndMissTransform(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a hit-and-miss transformation on a region using arbitrary kernels.
RegionHitAndMissTransform(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region)Performs a hit-and-miss transformation on a region using arbitrary kernels.
RegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, AvlNet.Region[])Creates regions of the holes of the input region.
RegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, AvlNet.Region[])Creates regions of the holes of the input region.
RegionInscribedBox(AvlNet.Region, float, int, int, AvlNet.Box?)Computes the largest box contained in a region.
RegionInscribedBox(AvlNet.Region, float, float?, int, int?, int, int?, AvlNet.Box?)Computes the largest box contained in a region.
RegionInteriors(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region)Removes boundary pixels from a region.
RegionIntersection_OfArray(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Computes common part of array of regions.
RegionIntersection_OfArray(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Computes common part of array of regions.
RegionIntersection_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionIntersection_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes the common part of regions appearing in consecutive iterations.
RegionIntersection(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes the common part of two regions.
RegionMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels; returns NIL if the region is empty.
RegionMassCenter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels.
RegionMedialAxis(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionSkeletonMethod, AvlNet.Path[])Computes an array of paths corresponding to the skeleton of the input region.
RegionMoment(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMomentType, bool, float, float)Computes selected second-order moment of a region in regular and normalized ( divided by region area ) variant.
RegionNumberOfHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int)Computes the number of holes in a region.
RegionNumberOfHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, int)Computes the number of holes in a region.
RegionOrientation(AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the orientation of a region as an angle of value in range 0.0 - 180.0.
RegionOuterBoundaries(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location[], AvlNet.Location[], AvlNet.Location[], AvlNet.Location[])Returns the top, right, bottom and left boundaries of the input region.
RegionPerimeterLength(AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the length of the input region perimeter.
RegionPointRunLengths(AvlNet.Region, int[])Returns the lengths of horizontal sequences of locations that constitute the input region.
RegionProjection(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.Profile)Computes the profile of the region pixel count in consecutive rows or columns.
RegionRectangularity(AvlNet.Region, float)Computes the area of a region divided by the area of its bounding rectangle.
RegionSymmetricDifference_OfArray(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing pixels belonging to odd number of array regions.
RegionSymmetricDifference_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionSymmetricDifference_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing pixels belonging to odd number of regions appearing in consecutive iterations.
RegionSymmetricDifference(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing pixels from first or second input region, but not from both.
RegionToImage(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Converts a region to an image.
RegionToLocations(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location[])Converts a region to an array of its pixels locations.
RegionToRegionDistance(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, float, float)Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first region with one of the points of the second region.
RegionToRegionDistance(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first region with one of the points of the second region.
RegionUnion_OfArray(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing all the pixels that any of the input regions contains.
RegionUnion_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionUnion_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes the union of regions appearing in consecutive iterations.
RegionUnion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes a region containing pixels from both input regions.
RemapImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Image)Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object.
RemapImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object.
RemoveEmptyBoxes(AvlNet.Box[], AvlNet.Box[], bool[])The input boxes which have both dimensions different from zero are copied to the output.
RemoveInvalidPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point3D[])Removes invalid 3D points from an array (i.e. points with NaN or INF coordinates).
RemoveInvalidPoints(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Removes invalid points from an array (i.e. points with NaN or INF coordinates).
RemovePathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Removes all self-intersections from a given path.
ReplacePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image)Substitutes pixels having the specified value with a new value.
ReplacePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image)Substitutes pixels having the specified value with a new value.
ResaturateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Sets pixels below the low value to minimum, above the high value to maximum, and interpolates the rest.
ResaturateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Sets pixels below the low value to minimum, above the high value to maximum, and interpolates the rest.
RescaleArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Changes radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Changes radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Box3D)Changes the distances of box in 3D to a reference point.
RescaleCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D)Changes radius of a circle in 3D and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D)Changes radius of a circle in 3D and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D)Changes radius of a circle and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D)Changes radius of a circle and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line3D)Changes the input line in 3D distance to a reference point.
RescaleLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line2D)Changes the distance of a line to a reference point.
RescalePathArray(AvlNet.Path[], float, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Translates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePathArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Translates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePath(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Translates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Translates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePixels(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies linear transformation to pixel values.
RescalePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Applies linear transformation to pixel values.
RescalePlane(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D)Changes the input plane distance to a reference point.
RescalePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D[])Changes the distances of array points to a reference point.
RescalePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Changes the distances of grid points to a reference point.
RescalePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D)Changes the distance of a point to a reference point.
RescalePointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Changes the distances of points from an array to a reference point.
RescalePointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Changes the distances of points from an array to a reference point.
RescalePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Changes the distance of a point to a reference point.
RescaleProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, float, AvlNet.Profile)Applies linear transformation to profile.
RescaleRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes the corners and the dimensions of a rectangle.
RescaleRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes the corners and the dimensions of a rectangle.
RescaleSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D)Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D relatively.
RescaleSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D)Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D relatively.
RescaleSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Lengthens or shortens a segment relatively.
RescaleSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Lengthens or shortens a segment relatively.
RescaleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface)Changes the distances of surface points to a reference point.
RescaleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface)Changes the distances of surface points to a reference point.
RescaleVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector3D)Lengthens or shortens a 3D vector relatively preserving its direction.
RescaleVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector2D)Lengthens or shortens a vector relatively preserving its direction.
ResizeArc_Delta(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Changes radius of an arc by adding a value.
ResizeArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, AvlNet.Arc2D)Changes radius of an arc.
ResizeBox3D_Delta(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D)Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D by adding some values.
ResizeBox3D_Relative(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D)Resizes a box in 3D to relatively defined dimensions.
ResizeBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, AvlNet.Box3D)Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D.
ResizeBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float?, float?, float?, AvlNet.Box3D)Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D.
ResizeBox_Delta(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, AvlNet.Box)Changes the dimensions of a box by adding some values.
ResizeBox_Relative(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Box)Resizes a box to relatively defined dimensions.
ResizeBox(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Box)Changes the dimensions of a box.
ResizeBox(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int?, int?, AvlNet.Box)Changes the dimensions of a box.
ResizeCircle3D_Delta(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, AvlNet.Circle3D)Changes radius of a circle in 3D by adding a value.
ResizeCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, AvlNet.Circle3D)Changes radius of a circle in 3D.
ResizeCircle_Delta(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D)Changes radius of a circle by adding a value.
ResizeCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D)Changes radius of a circle.
ResizeImage_Relative(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image)Resizes an image by a factor along each axis.
ResizeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image)Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions.
ResizeImage(AvlNet.Image, int?, int?, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image)Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions.
ResizeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.ResizeProfileInterpolation, AvlNet.Profile)Changes the size of a profile, preserving its shape.
ResizeRectangle_Delta(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes dimensions of a rectangle by adding some values.
ResizeRectangle_Relative(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes dimensions of a rectangle relatively.
ResizeRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes dimensions of a rectangle.
ResizeRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float?, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Changes dimensions of a rectangle.
ResizeRegion_Relative(AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Region)Resizes region relatively along each axis.
ResizeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Enlarges or shrinks a region to new dimensions.
ResizeRegion(AvlNet.Region, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Enlarges or shrinks a region to new dimensions.
ResizeSegment3D_Delta(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Changes length of a segment in 3D by adding a value preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D to a new length preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeSegment_Delta(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Changes length of a segment by adding a value preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Lengthens or shortens a segment to a new length preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeVector3D_Delta(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D)Extends length of a 3D vector by adding a value preserving its direction.
ResizeVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D)Lengthens or shortens a 3D vector preserving its direction.
ResizeVector_Delta(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Extends length of a vector by adding a value preserving its direction.
ResizeVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D)Lengthens or shortens a vector preserving its direction.
ReverseArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Arc2D)Inverts the direction of the arc.
ReverseChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Reverses the order of channels in an image.
ReversePath(AvlNet.Path)Reverses the order of points in a path.
ReverseSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D)Swaps the two endpoints of a segment in 3D.
ReverseSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D)Swaps the two endpoints of a segment.
Rgb555ToRgb888(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts a RGB555 image into a RGB888 one.
Rgb565ToRgb888(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts a RGB565 image into a RGB888 one.
Rgb888ToRgb555(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts a RGB888 image into a RGB555 one.
Rgb888ToRgb565(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts a RGB888 image into a RGB565 one.
RgbToCmyk(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key.
RgbToHsi(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into Hue-Saturation-Intensity.
RgbToHsl(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to Hue-Saturation-Luminance.
RgbToHsv(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to Hue-Saturation-Value.
RgbToXyz(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to XYZ.
RgbToYCoCg(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into pseudointensitY-Orange-Green.
RgbToYuv(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into YUV.
RotateAngle_Toward(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float)Changes the input direction in the direction of minimum rotation toward the target direction.
RotateAngle(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, bool, float)Adds two angles.
RotateArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Rotates an arc clockwise around center point.
RotateArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Rotates an arc clockwise around center point.
RotateCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D)Rotates a circle in 3D around an axis in 3D.
RotateCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D)Rotates a circle clockwise around a center point.
RotateCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Rotates a coordinate system around a center point.
RotateCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Rotates a coordinate system around a center point.
RotateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.Image)Rotates an image clockwise.
RotateLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line3D)Rotates a line in 3D around an axis in 3D.
RotateLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line2D)Rotates a line clockwise around a center point.
RotatePathArray(AvlNet.Path[], float, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Rotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point.
RotatePathArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Rotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point.
RotatePath(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Rotates a path clockwise around a center point.
RotatePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path)Rotates a path clockwise around a center point.
RotatePlane(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D)Rotates a plane in 3D around an axis in 3D.
RotatePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D[])Rotates an array of 3D points around an axis in 3D.
RotatePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Rotates a grid of 3D points around an axis in 3D.
RotatePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D)Rotates a 3D point around an axis in 3D.
RotatePointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Rotates an array of points clockwise around a center point.
RotatePointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Rotates an array of points clockwise around a center point.
RotatePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Rotates a point clockwise around a center point.
RotateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile)Moves the last element ahead of the first one (inShift times).
RotateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Rotates a rectangle clockwise around a center point.
RotateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Rotates a rectangle clockwise around a center point.
RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, float, bool, AvlNet.Region)Rotates a region around a point.
RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Rotates a region around a point.
RotateSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D)Rotates a segment in 3D around an axis in 3D.
RotateSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Rotates a segment clockwise around a center point.
RotateSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Rotates a segment clockwise around a center point.
RotateVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector3D)Rotates a 3D vector around another 3D vector (the axis).
RotateVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector2D)Rotates a vector clockwise.
SamplePointFromGaussian(AvlNet.Gaussian, int, float[])Returns pseudorandom point drawn from multinomial gaussian distribution.
SaveEdgeModel(AvlNet.EdgeModel, string)Saves serialized template matching EdgeModel object as avdata file.
SaveGrayModel(AvlNet.GrayModel, string)Saves serialized template matching GrayModel object as avdata file.
SaveHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, string)Saves serialized Histogram object as avdata file.
SaveImageObject(AvlNet.Image, string)Saves serialized Image object as avdata file.
SaveImageToBuffer(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat, AvlNet.ByteBuffer)Saves an image to a file stored in memory.
SaveImageToJpeg_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string)Saves an image to a JPEG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToJpeg_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string, int?)Saves an image to a JPEG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToJpeg(AvlNet.Image, string, bool)Saves an image to a JPEG file.
SaveImageToJpeg(AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool)Saves an image to a JPEG file.
SaveImageToPng_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string)Saves an image to a PNG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToPng_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string, int?)Saves an image to a PNG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToPng(AvlNet.Image, string, bool)Saves an image to a PNG file.
SaveImageToPng(AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool)Saves an image to a PNG file.
SaveImageToTiff_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string)Saves an image to a TIFF file in the background thread.
SaveImageToTiff_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.TiffImageCompressionScheme?, int?)Saves an image to a TIFF file in the background thread.
SaveImageToTiff(AvlNet.Image, string, bool)Saves an image to a TIFF file.
SaveImageToTiff(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.TiffImageCompressionScheme?, int?, bool)Saves an image to a TIFF file.
SaveImage_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, string)Saves an image to a file in the background thread.
SaveImage_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string)Saves an image to a file in the background thread.
SaveImage(AvlNet.Image, string, bool)Saves an image to a file.
SaveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string, bool)Saves an image to a file.
SaveOcrMlpModel(AvlNet.OcrMlpModel, string)Saves serialized OcrMlpModel object as avdata file.
SaveOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, string)Saves serialized OcrMlpModel object as avdata file.
SaveOcrSvmModel(AvlNet.OcrSvmModel, string)Saves serialized OcrSvmModel object as avdata file.
SavePath(AvlNet.Path, string)Saves serialized Path object as avdata file.
SaveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, string)Serializes a profile to an AVDATA file.
SaveRegion(AvlNet.Region, string)Saves serialized Region object as avdata file.
SaveSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, string)Serializes a SpatialMap object to an AVDATA file.
ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path.
ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path.
ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path.
ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[])Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[])Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path.
ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path.
ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path.
ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path.
ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path.
ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[])Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path.
ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path.
ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D[], AvlNet.Gap1D[], AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path.
ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?)Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?)Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Edge1D?)Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?)Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Edge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path.
ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Ridge1D?)Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?)Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path.
ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Stripe1D?)Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path.
ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D?)Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path.
ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Stripe1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path.
ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Stripe1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path.
Segment2DToLine2D(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Line2D)Converts a segment to a line.
Segment2DToPath(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Path)Converts a segment to a path.
Segment3DBisector(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D)Computes a plane passing through the center of a segment in 3D at a right angle.
Segment3DBoundingBox(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the smallest box in 3D containing a segment in 3D.
Segment3DCenter(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Point3D)Computes the center point of a segment in 3D.
Segment3DLength(AvlNet.Segment3D, float)Computes the length of a segment in 3D.
Segment3DLine(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Line3D)Computes the line in 3D passing through a segment.
Segment3DVector(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Vector3D)Returns the vector [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1]
SegmentArcIntersection(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes the common points of an arc and a segment.
SegmentArrayIntersections(AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Point2D[], int[], int[], AvlNet.Segment2D[], int[], int[])Computes a common points or segment of any segments from the set.
SegmentBisector(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Line2D)Computes a line passing through the center of a segment at a right angle.
SegmentBoxIntersection3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Segment3D?)Computes the intersection segment of a segment in 3D and a box in 3D.
SegmentCenter(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the center point of a segment.
SegmentCircleIntersection(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes the common points of a circle and a segment.
SegmentImage_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel[], float, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image basing on distance to model colors.
SegmentImage_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel[], float, float[], float, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image basing on distance to model colors.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[])Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, float, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, float, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[])Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, float, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, float, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[], AvlNet.Region)Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.
SegmentImage_Gray(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.BlobsDifferenceMeasure, int, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs examining differences between neighbouring pixels values.
SegmentImage_Gray(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.BlobsDifferenceMeasure, int, int?, AvlNet.Region[])Segments an image into blobs examining differences between neighbouring pixels values.
SegmentLength(AvlNet.Segment2D, float)Computes the length of a segment.
SegmentLine(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Line2D)Computes the line passing through a segment.
SegmentNormalVector(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Vector2D)Computes an unitary vector perpendicular to the segment.
SegmentOrientation(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.AngleRange, float)Computes the orientation of a segment.
SegmentPath(AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.PathSegmentationMode, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Arc2D[])Splits a path into parts that can be approximated as segments or arcs.
SegmentPath(AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.PathSegmentationMode, float?, AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Segment2D[], AvlNet.Arc2D[])Splits a path into parts that can be approximated as segments or arcs.
SegmentPlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D?)Computes the intersection point of a segment in 3D and a plane.
SegmentSegmentIntersection(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?)Computes a common point of two segments.
SegmentToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float)Measures the distance between a segment in 3D and a plane.
SegmentToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between a segment in 3D and a plane.
SegmentToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float)Measures the distance between two segments in 3D.
SegmentToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D)Measures the distance between two segments in 3D.
SegmentToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float)Measures the distance between two segments.
SegmentToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D)Measures the distance between two segments.
SegmentToWorldCoordinates(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Position3D, float, AvlNet.Point3D[])Calculates a segment in real-world coordinates corresponding to the specified segment in image coordinates.
SegmentVector(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Vector2D)Returns the vector [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]
SelectChannel(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from a single channel of the input image.
SelectChannel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates an image from a single channel of the input image.
SelectClosedPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[])Selects paths which are closed.
SelectInnerPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Path[])Selects paths which are visible from a point.
SelectOpenPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Path[])Selects paths which are open.
SelectOuterPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Path[])Selects paths which do not obstruct visibility of other paths from a point.
SelectThresholdValue(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ThresholdSelectionMethod, float)Selects best threshold value using the image histogram.
SelectThresholdValue(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ThresholdSelectionMethod, float)Selects best threshold value using the image histogram.
SelectThresholdValue(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ThresholdSelectionMethod, float, float[], float[], float[])Selects best threshold value using the image histogram.
SelectThresholdValue(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ThresholdSelectionMethod, float, float[], float[], float[])Selects best threshold value using the image histogram.
SetHistogramBin(AvlNet.Histogram, int, bool, int)Sets the value of a single histogram bin.
SetHistogramCorrespondingBin(AvlNet.Histogram, float, int)Selects a bin that the given value in the histogram domain falls into and sets the value of this bin.
SetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int, float[])Sets pixel values in a single entire column of an image.
SetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, float[])Sets pixel values in a single entire column of an image.
SetImagePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location[], AvlNet.Pixel)Sets pixels of an image to the selected value.
SetImagePixel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Pixel)Sets a pixel of an image to the selected value.
SetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int, float[])Sets pixel values in a single entire row of an image.
SetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, float[])Sets pixel values in a single entire row of an image.
SetProfileElement(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, float)Sets a single element in a profile, located at the specified index.
SetRegionFrame(AvlNet.Region, int, int)Changes the width and the height of a region's frame (but does not rescale the content).
ShapeArea(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the area of a shape.
ShapeCircularity(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float)Computes the area of a shape divided by the area of a circle having the same feature.
ShapeConvexity(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the area of a shape divided by the area of its convex hull.
ShapeEllipticAxes(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D)Computes axes of an ellipse having the same first and second order moments as the given shape.
ShapeElongation(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the elongation factor of a shape (perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0).
ShapeMassCenter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D)Computes the mass center of a shape.
ShapeMoment(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.ShapeMomentType, bool, float, float)Computes the selected second-order moment of a shape in regular and normalized ( divided by shape area ) variant.
ShapeOrientation(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the shape orientation as angle with value in range 0.0 - 180.0.
ShapeRectangularity(AvlNet.Path, float)Computes the area of a shape divided by the area of its bounding rectangle.
SharpenImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.SmoothImageMeanKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Enhances contrast of an image so that it appears sharper.
SharpenImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.SmoothImageMeanKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Enhances contrast of an image so that it appears sharper.
ShearImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Computes a leant image (shifts the rows).
ShearRegion(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.Region)Computes a leant region.
ShiftPath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.ShiftDirection, AvlNet.Path)Moves every vertex of path along bisector of the angle between incident segments.
ShrinkImageNTimes(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.Image)Shrinks an image by a natural factor along each axis.
ShrinkProfileNTimes(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile)Reduces the length of the profile by averaging its elements.
SkeletonizeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionSkeletonMethod, AvlNet.Region)Thins a region to its skeleton.
SkipEmptyBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D?, bool)If the input box in 3D has all dimensions different from zero, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyBox(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box?, bool)If the input box has both dimensions different from zero, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyDataHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, bool)If the input histogram contains any non-zero bin, then the histogram is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, bool)If the input histogram contains at least one bin, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, bool)If the input path has at least one point, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, bool)If the input Point3DGrid has at least one point defined, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, bool)If the input profile contains at least one element, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptyRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool)If the input region contains at least one pixel, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipEmptySurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, bool)If the input Surface has at least one point defined, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SkipNotShape(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, bool)If the input path is closed and has no self-intersections, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SmoothHistogram_Gauss(AvlNet.Histogram, float, float, AvlNet.Histogram)Smooths a histogram by averaging points within a kernel using gaussian-weighted average.
SmoothHistogram_Mean(AvlNet.Histogram, int, AvlNet.Histogram)Smooths a histogram by averaging points within a kernel.
SmoothImage_Deriche(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using Deriche filter.
SmoothImage_Deriche(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using Deriche filter.
SmoothImage_Gauss_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using a predefined gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Gauss_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.GaussKernel, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using a predefined gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image, int, int)Smooths an image using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Image, int, int)Smooths an image using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within an arbitrary kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MeanKernel, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MeanKernel, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a small rectangular kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SmoothImageMeanKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a rectangular kernel.
SmoothImage_Mean(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.SmoothImageMeanKernel, int, int?, AvlNet.Image)Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a rectangular kernel.
SmoothImage_Median_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the median of pixels within a 3x3 rectangular kernel (faster).
SmoothImage_Median_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the median of pixels within a 3x3 rectangular kernel (faster).
SmoothImage_Median(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SmoothImageMedianKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the median of pixels within a kernel.
SmoothImage_Median(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.SmoothImageMedianKernel, int, AvlNet.Image)Replaces each pixel with the median of pixels within a kernel.
SmoothPath_Gauss(AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Path)Smooths a path by averaging its characteristic points within a kernel using gaussian-weighted average.
SmoothPath_Mean(AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Path)Smooths a path by averaging its characteristic points within a kernel.
SmoothProfile_Gauss(AvlNet.Profile, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Profile)Smooths a profile by averaging points within a kernel using gaussian-weighted average.
SmoothProfile_Mean(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile)Smooths a profile by averaging points within a kernel.
SmoothSurface_Gauss(AvlNet.Surface, float, float, AvlNet.Surface)Smooths a surface using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothSurface_Gauss(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Surface)Smooths a surface using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothSurface_Gauss(AvlNet.Surface, float, float, AvlNet.Surface, int, int)Smooths a surface using a gaussian kernel.
SmoothSurface_Gauss(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, float, float?, float, AvlNet.Surface, int, int)Smooths a surface using a gaussian kernel.
SortPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.SortingOrder, AvlNet.Path[])Changes the order of paths from the input array accordingly to an ascending/descending sequence of their computed feature values.
SortPaths(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.SortingOrder, AvlNet.Path[], float[])Changes the order of paths from the input array accordingly to an ascending/descending sequence of their computed feature values.
SortRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.SortingOrder, AvlNet.Region[])Changes the order of regions from the input array accordingly to an ascending/descending sequence of their computed feature values.
SortRegions(AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.SortingOrder, AvlNet.Region[], float[])Changes the order of regions from the input array accordingly to an ascending/descending sequence of their computed feature values.
SplitChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates several monochromatic images from individual channels of the input image.
SplitChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Creates several monochromatic images from individual channels of the input image.
SplitPathByLine(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Path[])Splits path in common points of a path and a line.
SplitPathByPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path[])Splits path in common points of two paths.
SplitPathBySegment(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Path[])Splits path in common points of a path and a segment.
SplitRegionIntoBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into an array of regions corresponding to its connected components.
SplitRegionIntoBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[])Splits a region into an array of regions corresponding to its connected components.
SplitRegionIntoBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into an array of regions corresponding to its connected components.
SplitRegionIntoBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[], int[])Splits a region into an array of regions corresponding to its connected components.
SplitRegionIntoComponents(AvlNet.Region, float, int, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into an array of regions. Operates by merging blobs in accordance to the inMaxDistance parameter.
SplitRegionIntoComponents(AvlNet.Region, int?, float, float?, int?, int?, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into an array of regions. Operates by merging blobs in accordance to the inMaxDistance parameter.
SplitRegionIntoExactlyNCharacters(AvlNet.Region, int, int, float, AvlNet.Region[])Splits the input region into a fixed-size array of regions corresponding to individual characters.
SplitRegionIntoExactlyNCharacters(AvlNet.Region, int, int, float, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Profile)Splits the input region into a fixed-size array of regions corresponding to individual characters.
SplitRegionIntoExactlyNComponents(AvlNet.Region, int, float, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into a fixed-size array of regions.
SplitRegionIntoExactlyNComponents(AvlNet.Region, int, int?, float, float?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Region[])Splits a region into a fixed-size array of regions.
SplitRegionIntoMultipleCharacters(AvlNet.Region, float, int, AvlNet.Region[])Splits the input region into an array of regions corresponding to individual characters.
SplitRegionIntoMultipleCharacters(AvlNet.Region, float, int, AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Region[], AvlNet.Profile)Splits the input region into an array of regions corresponding to individual characters.
SquareImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Raises pixel values to the second power pixel by pixel.
SquareImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Raises pixel values to the second power pixel by pixel.
SquareRootImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Transforms pixel values to their square roots pixel by pixel.
SquareRootImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Transforms pixel values to their square roots pixel by pixel.
StandardDeviationImage(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates image of pixels' local standard deviations.
StandardDeviationImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Image)Creates image of pixels' local standard deviations.
StringLabelToString(AvlNet.StringLabel, string)Converts a StringLabel object to a String.
Stripe1DToSegment2D(AvlNet.Stripe1D, AvlNet.Segment2D)Converts a stripe to a segment.
Subpath(AvlNet.Path, int, int, AvlNet.Path)Computes an open path that consists of contiguous subsequence of another path points.
SubtractFromHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, int, AvlNet.Histogram)Decreases each bin value by a number.
SubtractFromImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Subtracts a scalar value from each pixel.
SubtractFromImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Subtracts a scalar value from each pixel.
SubtractFromProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, AvlNet.Profile)Subtracts a scalar value from each element of a profile.
SubtractHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram)Subtracts two histograms bar by bar.
SubtractImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Subtracts two images pixel by pixel. The result is signed.
SubtractImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Image)Subtracts two images pixel by pixel. The result is signed.
SubtractProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile)Subtracts two profiles value by value.
SurfaceArea(AvlNet.Surface, float)Computes the surface area of given surface.
SurfaceBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Box3D?)Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface; returns NIL if no valid point is present.
SurfaceBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box3D?)Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface; returns NIL if no valid point is present.
SurfaceBoundingBox(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface.
SurfaceBoundingBox(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box3D)Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface.
SurfaceFlatness(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float, float)Computes the surface flatness i.e. how thick the surface is according to the input plane.
SurfaceFlatness(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float, float)Computes the surface flatness i.e. how thick the surface is according to the input plane.
SurfaceMassCenter(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D)Computes the mass center of surface points.
SurfaceMassCenter(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D)Computes the mass center of surface points.
SurfaceMaximalPoint(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D)Finds the surface point with maximal Z coordinate.
SurfaceMaximalPoint(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D)Finds the surface point with maximal Z coordinate.
SurfaceMedian(AvlNet.Surface, float)Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface.
SurfaceMedian(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, float)Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface.
SurfaceMinimalPoint(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D)Finds the surface point with minimal Z coordinate.
SurfaceMinimalPoint(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3D)Finds the surface point with minimal Z coordinate.
SurfaceToImage(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Image)Converts a surface object to an image.
SurfaceToPoint3DArray(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D[])Converts a surface object to an array of points.
SurfaceToPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Converts a surface object to a grid of points.
SurfaceToSurfaceFormat(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SurfaceFormat)Converts a surface to a surface format.
SurfaceValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes region of locations where points are valid in a surface and where they are invalid.
SurfaceValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Computes region of locations where points are valid in a surface and where they are invalid.
SVM_ClassifyMultiple(AvlNet.SvmModel, float[][], int[])Classifies input points based on trained model
SVM_ClassifyMultiple(AvlNet.SvmModel, float[][], int[], int[], float[][])Classifies input points based on trained model
SVM_ClassifySingle(AvlNet.SvmModel, float[], int)Classifies input features based on a trained model
SVM_ClassifySingle(AvlNet.SvmModel, float[], int, int[], float[])Classifies input features based on a trained model
SVM_Init(float, float, float, bool, AvlNet.SvmModel)Initializes SVM model
SVM_Init(float?, float, float, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.SvmModel)Initializes SVM model
SVM_Train(AvlNet.SvmModel, float[][], int[], AvlNet.SvmModel, float)Trains SVM model
TestBox3DEmpty(AvlNet.Box3D, bool)Tests whether the box in 3D is empty.
TestBox3DInBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D, bool)Tests whether a box in 3D is contained in another one.
TestBox3DIntersectsWith(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D, bool)Tests whether two boxes in 3D have non-empty intersection.
TestBox3DNotEmpty(AvlNet.Box3D, bool)Tests whether the box in 3D is not empty.
TestBoxEmpty(AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether the box is empty.
TestBoxEqualTo(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether given boxes are equal.
TestBoxInBox(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether a box is contained in another one.
TestBoxInImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether a box is contained in the dimensions of an image.
TestBoxIntersectsWith(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether two boxes have non-empty intersection.
TestBoxNotEmpty(AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether the box is not empty.
TestHistogramDominatesHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, bool)Checks whether values in the first histogram are greater or equal than corresponding values in the second histogram
TestImageEqualTo(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, bool)Tests whether two images equal.
TestImage(AvlNet.TestImageId, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Returns a sample image.
TestLine3DThroughCircle3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Circle3D, bool)Tests whether a line in 3D goes through a circle in 3D.
TestLocationInBox(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether a location is contained in the dimensions of a box.
TestLocationInImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, bool)Tests whether a location is contained in the dimensions of an image.
TestPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.TestPoint3DGridState, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Returns a sample 3D object.
TestPoint3DInBox3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Box3D, bool)Tests whether a point in 3D lies in a box in 3D.
TestPointArrayInRegion(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Region, bool[])Tests which points lie inside a region.
TestPointArrayInRegion(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Region, bool[], AvlNet.Point2D[])Tests which points lie inside a region.
TestPointInBox(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Box, bool)Tests whether a point lies in a box.
TestPointInCircle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, bool)Tests whether a point lies inside a circle.
TestPointInImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, bool)Tests whether a point is contained in the dimensions of an image.
TestPointInRectangle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, bool)Tests whether a point lies in a rectangle.
TestPointInRegion(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether a point lies inside a region.
TestPointInShape(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, bool)Tests whether a point lies inside a shape.
TestProfileDominatesProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, bool)Checks whether values in the first profile are greater or equal than corresponding values in the second profile
TestRectangleInImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, bool)Tests whether a rectangle is contained in the dimensions of an image.
TestRectangleIntersectsWith(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, bool)Tests if two rectangles intersect.
TestRegionEmpty(AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether the size of a region equals zero.
TestRegionEqualTo(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether given regions are equal.
TestRegionInRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether a region is contained in another one.
TestRegionIntersectsWith(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether two regions have non-empty intersection.
TestRegionNotEmpty(AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether the size of a region doesn't equal zero.
TestRegionOnBorder(AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether a region is adjacent to its border.
TestRegionUnequalTo(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool)Tests whether given regions are not equal.
TestShapeInShape(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, bool)Tests whether a shape lies inside another one.
TestSpatialMapApplicability(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, bool)Checks if a spatial map may be applied to transform the given image.
TestSurface(AvlNet.TestSurfaceState, AvlNet.PlainType, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Surface)Returns a sample 3D surface.
ThickenRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological thickening on a region using predefined kernels.
ThinRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Performs a morphological thinning on a region using predefined kernels.
ThresholdImage_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to maximum or minimum depending on the distance from a given color.
ThresholdImage_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to maximum or minimum depending on the distance from a given color.
ThresholdImage_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, int, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdImage_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, int, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdImage_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, int, int?, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdImage_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, int, int?, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdImage_HSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to specified region in the HSV, HSL or HSI color space.
ThresholdImage_HSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int?, int?, int?, int?, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to specified region in the HSV, HSL or HSI color space.
ThresholdImage_Hysteresis(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image with a hysteresis, i.e. with a lower threshold for neighboring pixels.
ThresholdImage_Hysteresis(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image with a hysteresis, i.e. with a lower threshold for neighboring pixels.
ThresholdImage_Relative(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdImage_Relative(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdImage_RGB(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.
ThresholdImage_RGB(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.
ThresholdImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to maximum or minimum depending on whether they belong to the specified range.
ThresholdImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Image)Transforms each pixel value to maximum or minimum depending on whether they belong to the specified range.
ThresholdToRegion_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels with values close to the given color.
ThresholdToRegion_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels with values close to the given color.
ThresholdToRegion_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, int, float, AvlNet.Region)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdToRegion_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, int, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdToRegion_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, int, int?, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdToRegion_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, int, int?, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.
ThresholdToRegion_HSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels which belongs to specified region in HSV, HSL or HSI space.
ThresholdToRegion_HSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int?, int?, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels which belongs to specified region in HSV, HSL or HSI space.
ThresholdToRegion_Relative(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Region)Thresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdToRegion_Relative(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region)Thresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdToRegion_RGB(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels which belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.
ThresholdToRegion_RGB(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels which belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.
ThresholdToRegion(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels with values within the specified range.
ThresholdToRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region)Creates a region containing image pixels with values within the specified range.
ToString()Inherited from System.Object
TrainOcr_MLP(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, float, float, int, AvlNet.OcrModel, float)Trains an OCR multilayer perceptron classifier.
TrainOcr_MLP(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, float, float, int, AvlNet.OcrModel, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Image[])Trains an OCR multilayer perceptron classifier.
TrainOcr_MLP(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, int[], int?, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, float, float, int, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.OcrModel, float)Trains an OCR multilayer perceptron classifier.
TrainOcr_MLP(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, int[], int?, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, float, float, int, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.OcrModel, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Image[])Trains an OCR multilayer perceptron classifier.
TrainOcr_SVM(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, float, float, bool, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, AvlNet.OcrModel, float)Trains an OCR support vector machines classifier.
TrainOcr_SVM(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, float, float, bool, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, AvlNet.OcrModel, float, AvlNet.Image[])Trains an OCR support vector machines classifier.
TrainOcr_SVM(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, float?, float?, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Size?, int?, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, AvlNet.OcrModel, float)Trains an OCR support vector machines classifier.
TrainOcr_SVM(AvlNet.CharacterSample[], AvlNet.Size, float?, float?, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Size?, int?, AvlNet.CharacterFeatures, AvlNet.OcrModel, float, AvlNet.Image[])Trains an OCR support vector machines classifier.
TrainOrganicModel(int, float, float, int, AvlNet.DataPreprocessing, AvlNet.OrganicModel)Trains OrganicModel, which has to be previously initialized with LoadOrganicTrainingData.
TrainOrganicModel(int, float, float, int, AvlNet.DataPreprocessing, float?, AvlNet.OrganicModel)Trains OrganicModel, which has to be previously initialized with LoadOrganicTrainingData.
TransformImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Transforms an image by the provided transformation matrix.
TransformPoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Point3D[])Applies a general transformation expressed by a matrix to an array of 3D points.
TransformPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Applies a general transformation expressed by a matrix to a grid of 3D points.
TransformPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Point3D)Applies a general transformation expressed by a matrix to a 3D point.
TranslateArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D)Translates an arc by a vector.
TranslateBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Box3D)Shifts a box in 3D by a vector.
TranslateBox(AvlNet.Box, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Box)Shifts a box by a discreet vector.
TranslateCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D)Shifts a circle in 3D by a vector.
TranslateCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D)Translates a circle by a vector.
TranslateCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D)Translates a coordinate system by a vector.
TranslateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Image)Translates an image by a vector, without changing its dimensions.
TranslateLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Line3D)Shifts a line in 3D by a vector.
TranslateLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Line2D)Translates a line by a vector.
TranslateLocation(AvlNet.Location, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Location)Shifts a Location by given number of pixels along each axis
TranslatePathArray(AvlNet.Path[], AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Path[])Translates an array of paths by a vector.
TranslatePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Path)Translates a path by a vector.
TranslatePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Moves the pixels of the input image by the vectors specified with inVectorImage.
TranslatePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image)Moves the pixels of the input image by the vectors specified with inVectorImage.
TranslatePlane(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D)Shifts a plane in 3D by a vector.
TranslatePoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3D[], AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Point3D[])Translates an array of points by a vector.
TranslatePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid)Translates a grid of points by a vector.
TranslatePoint3D_Toward(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D)Translates a point in 3D towards another point in 3D by a specified distance.
TranslatePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Point3D)Translates a point by a vector.
TranslatePointArray(AvlNet.Point2D[], AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Point2D[])Translates an array of points by a vector.
TranslatePoint_Toward(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Translates a point towards another point by a specified distance.
TranslatePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Point2D)Translates a point by a vector.
TranslateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D)Translates a rectangle by a vector.
TranslateRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Region)Translates a region by a given number of pixels along each axis.
TranslateRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, int, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region)Translates a region by a given number of pixels along each axis.
TranslateSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D)Shifts a segment in 3D by a vector.
TranslateSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D)Translates a segment by a vector.
TranslateSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Vector3D, bool, AvlNet.Surface)Translates a surface by a vector.
TransposeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Flips and rotates an image so that columns are exchanged with rows.
TransposePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path)Flips and rotates a path so that x-coordinates are exchanged with y-coordinates.
TransposeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region)Flips and rotates a region so that x-coordinates are exchanged with y-coordinates.
UncropImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Image)Inverse of CropImage.
UncropProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, int, AvlNet.Profile)Extends the profile by adding zeros at the beginning and at the end.
UncropRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Region)Inverse of CropRegion
UndistortImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Image)Removes lens distortion from an image. To be used with a GUI based on chessboard pattern recognition.
UndistortImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image)Removes lens distortion from an image. To be used with a GUI based on chessboard pattern recognition.
Vector3DAzimuth(AvlNet.Vector3D, float)Computes the angle between a 3D vector's projection to the XY plane and the X axis measured toward Y axis, as an angle in the range from 0 to 360.
Vector3DElevation(AvlNet.Vector3D, float)Computes the angle between a 3D vector's projection to the XY plane and itself measured toward Z axis, as an angle in the range from -90 to 90.
Vector3DLength(AvlNet.Vector3D, float)Computes the length of a 3D vector.
VectorBetweenPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Vector3D)Computes a vector representing distance from one point in 3D to another.
VectorBetweenPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Vector2D)Computes a vector representing distance from one point to another.
VectorDirection(AvlNet.Vector2D, float)Computes the direction angle of a vector as an angle in range the from 0 to 360.
VectorLength(AvlNet.Vector2D, float)Computes the length of a vector.
VisualizeHeatMap(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, int, bool, AvlNet.Image)Colorizes heat-map and blends it with background image
VisualizeHeatMap(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Colorizes heat-map and blends it with background image
VisualizeHeatMap(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, int, int?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image)Colorizes heat-map and blends it with background image
VisualizeHeatMap(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, int, int?, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Colorizes heat-map and blends it with background image
WriteVideoStream(AvlNet.OutputVideoStream, AvlNet.Image)Writes an image to a previously opened video stream.
XyzToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from XYZ to Red-Green-Blue.
YCoCgToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from pseudointensitY-Orange-Green into Red-Green-Blue.
Yuv442ToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts a YUV-encoded image into RGB color space.
YuvToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image)Converts color space from YUV into Red-Green-Blue.

See also