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AVL.PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle Method

Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points.



public static void PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(
	AvlNet.Point2D[] inPoints,
	float inAngle,
	out AvlNet.Rectangle2D outBoundingRectangle,
	out AvlNet.Point2D outCenter,
	out float outLongSide,
	out float outShortSide


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointsAvlNet.Point2DInput array of points.
inAnglefloatExpected angle of the resulting rectangle.
outBoundingRectangleAvlNet.Rectangle2DSmallest bounding rectangle of the input points.
outCenterAvlNet.Point2DCenter of the bounding rectangle
outLongSidefloatLength of the bounding rectangle long side
outShortSidefloatLength of the bounding rectangle short side


Error type Description
DomainError Empty array on input in PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle.

See also