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AVL.SmoothPath_Gauss Method

Smooths a path by averaging its characteristic points within a kernel using gaussian-weighted average.



public static void SmoothPath_Gauss(
	AvlNet.Path inPath,
	float inStdDev,
	float inKernelRelativeSize,
	out AvlNet.Path outPath


Name Type Range Default Description
inPathAvlNet.PathInput path.
inStdDevfloat<0.0f, INF>0.6fSmoothing standard deviation. Default value: 0.6f.
inKernelRelativeSizefloat<0.0f, INF>3.0fA multiple of the standard deviation determining the size of the kernel. Default value: 3.0f.
outPathAvlNet.PathOutput path.


The operation replaces each characteristic point of the path with the local gaussian average, thus smoothing its shape. The local average is computed as a gaussian mean of the consecutive inStdDev*inKernelRelativeSize characteristic points.


A sample path

SmoothPath_Gauss run on the sample path with inStdDev = 0.6 and inKernelRelativeSize = 3.

SmoothPath_Gauss run on the sample path with inStdDev = 2 and inKernelRelativeSize = 3.

See also