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AVL.AnnotateGridPoints Method

Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign world plane coordinates to them.



public static void AnnotateGridPoints(
	AvlNet.Point2D[] inPoints,
	float inScale,
	float? inMinDistance,
	float inMaxDistance,
	float inAngleTolerance,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] outPoints3D,
	out AvlNet.Point2D[] outSelectedPoints,
	out AvlNet.Segment2D[] diagValidSubgraph


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointsAvlNet.Point2DPoints to calculate a grid.
inScalefloat<0.001f, INF>1.0fDistance between two rows or two columns of the grid in world units. Default value: 1.0f.
inMinDistancefloat?<0.0f, INF>Minimum distance between two rows or two columns in pixels. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inMaxDistancefloat<0.0f, INF>10.0fMaximum distance between two rows or two columns in pixels. Default value: 10.0f.
inAngleTolerancefloat<0.0f, 90.0f>10.0fMaximum deviation from right angles in the grid. Default value: 10.0f.
outPoints3DAvlNet.Point3DCalculated points in the world units.
outSelectedPointsAvlNet.Point2DWhich points were selected to calculate the grid.
diagValidSubgraphAvlNet.Segment2DGraph forming a valid grid.

See also