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AVL.OpenRegion Method

Performs a morphological opening on a region using a predefined kernel.



public static void OpenRegion(
	AvlNet.Region inRegion,
	AvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernel inKernel,
	int inRadiusX,
	int? inRadiusY,
	out AvlNet.Region outRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionAvlNet.RegionInput region.
inKernelAvlNet.RegionMorphologyKernelKernel shape (predefined).
inRadiusXint<0, INF>1Nearly half of the kernel's width (2*R+1). Default value: 1.
inRadiusYint?<0, INF>Nearly half of the kernel's height (2*R+1), or same as inRadiusX. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
outRegionAvlNet.RegionOutput region.


The operation performs a morphological opening, which is a tool used for removing thin parts from a region. The operation is a convolution of two basic morphological operations:

  • Firstly, the input region is eroded using ErodeRegion operation.
  • Then, the resulting region is dilated using DilateRegion operation.

During the erosion thin parts of a region are eliminated, while further dilation assures that the width of region limbs is preserved.

Both of the component operations are conducted using the same inKernel, inRadiusX and inRadiusY parameters.


OpenRegion run with inKernel = Ellipse of dimensions inRadiusX = 3, inRadiusY = 3.


Error type Description
DomainError Unsupported kernel in OpenRegion.

See also