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AVL.ThresholdImage_Dynamic Method

Thresholds an image relatively to the average pixel value in a local rectangular neighborhood.



public static void ThresholdImage_Dynamic(
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	int inRadiusX,
	float inFuzziness,
	out AvlNet.Image outMonoImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRadiusXint<0, 65536>5Horizontal radius of internal mean blur. Default value: 5.
inFuzzinessfloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fA tolerance for inMin/MaxRelativeValue that results in intermediate output values. Default value: 0.0f.


The operation transforms each pixel value to the maximum or minimum level thus creating binary image. The result of the transformation depends on the relative pixel intensity:

  • Pixel values that are brighter than local average of the pixel neighbourhood by at least inMinRelativeValue and at most inMaxRelativeValue are transformed to the maximum level.
  • Other pixel values are transformed to the minimum level.

If any of the parameters inMinRelativeValue, inMaxRelativeValue is not set, it is assumed to be, accordingly, -infinity or infinity.

Pixel neighbourhood used to compute the local average is a rectangle of dimensions (2 \cdot \text{\textbf{inRadiusX} }+1) \times (2 \cdot \text{\textbf{inRadiusY} }+1) centered at the pixel being processed.

Parameter inFuzziness (set to 0 by default) allows to perform fuzzy thresholding which linearly interpolates those pixel values that differ by at most inFuzziness from the border intensities; thus creating smooth transition between minimum and maximum values in the resulting image.

In the multichannel images the operation uses an average of channel values in each pixel, thus the resulting image is always monochromatic.


ThresholdImage_Dynamic performed on the sample image with inMinRelativeValue = 5.0, inMaxRelativeValue = auto, inFuzziness = 0.0.

ThresholdImage_Dynamic performed on the sample image with inMinRelativeValue = 5.0, inMaxRelativeValue = auto, inFuzziness = 10.0.

See also