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AVL.LerpVectors Method

Linearly interpolates between two vectors.



public static void LerpVectors(
	AvlNet.Vector2D inVector0,
	AvlNet.Vector2D inVector1,
	float inLambda,
	out AvlNet.Vector2D outVector


Name Type Range Default Description
inLambdafloat<-INF, INF>0.5fInterpolation between the input vectors where 0.0 value is equal to inVector0 and 1.0 to inVector1. Default value: 0.5f.


LerpVectors performed on red inVector0 = (150, 150) and blue inVector1 = (-50, 50) with inLambda = 0,25. Green is the resulting outVector.

LerpVectors performed on red inVector0 = (50, 50) and blue inVector1 = (-25, 25) with inLambda = -1,0. Green is the resulting outVector.


Please note that:
  • interpolation begins at inVector0,
  • for positive inLambda values interpolation is performed in the direction of inVector1 while for negative - in the direction of a vector which, when visualized with the same base point, ends in the point acquired by mirroring the head of inVector0 by a line perpendicular to the vector (inVector0 - inVector1).
Hence when inLambda = 0,0, outVector is equal to inVector0, while for inLambda = 1,0 it's the same as inVector1 and for inLambda = -1,0 - as the previously described vector. Other inLambda values interpolate between the input vectors and beyond.

See also