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AVL.GroupRegionsByRegions Method

For each region returns which regions lie inside of it or intersect with it.



public static void GroupRegionsByRegions(
	AvlNet.Region[] inRegions,
	AvlNet.Region[] inGroupRegions,
	AvlNet.MatchingCriterion inMatchingCriterion,
	out int[][] outGroupedIndices,
	out AvlNet.Region[][] outGroupedRegions


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionsAvlNet.RegionArray of regions that will be classified into multiple groups.
inGroupRegionsAvlNet.RegionArray of regions that define the groups.
inMatchingCriterionAvlNet.MatchingCriterionSpecifies whether a region must fully belong to a group region or if it is enough that it intersects.
outGroupedIndicesintIndices of input regions classified into multiple groups.
outGroupedRegionsAvlNet.RegionInput regions classified into multiple groups

See also