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AVL.PathToPointDistanceProfile Method

Computes the profile of distances between the specified point and the characteristic points of a path.



public static void PathToPointDistanceProfile(
	AvlNet.Point2D inPoint,
	AvlNet.Path inPath,
	float inResolution,
	out AvlNet.Profile outDistanceProfile,
	out float[] outDistances,
	out AvlNet.Segment2D[] outConnectingSegments


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointAvlNet.Point2DInput point.
inPathAvlNet.PathInput path.
inResolutionfloat<0.0f, INF>1.0fDefault value: 1.0f.
outDistanceProfileAvlNet.ProfileProfile of distances between input point and consecutive points of input path.
outDistancesfloatDistances between input point and consecutive points of input path
outConnectingSegmentsAvlNet.Segment2DSegments connecting input point and consecutive points of input path


The operation iterates over characteristic points of inPath and at each point computes the distance from this point to inPoint. The operation computes outDistanceProfile profile of consecutive distances and, additionally, the outConnectingSegments array of corresponding line segments.


The resulting outConnectingSegments drawn onto the input data.

The resulting outDistanceProfile.

See also