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AVL.ConvertToEquidistantPath Method

Creates a new path whose characteristic points lie on the input path, but are equally spaced.



public static void ConvertToEquidistantPath(
	AvlNet.Path inPath,
	float inStep,
	AvlNet.EquidistanceType inEquidistanceType,
	out AvlNet.Path outPath


Name Type Range Default Description
inPathAvlNet.PathInput path.
inStepfloat<0.0f, INF>1.0fRequested distance between consecutive points. Default value: 1.0f.
inEquidistanceTypeAvlNet.EquidistanceTypeDefines how the distance is measured.
outPathAvlNet.PathOutput path.


The operation follows a path from its beginning to the end, reselecting its characteristic points every inStep pixels. Note that this operation can significantly change the shape of a path, especially when the inStep value is relatively big.

To reduce the number of points in a path preserving its shape, one can use ReducePath filter.


ConvertToEquidistantPath run on the sample path with inStep = 10 and inEquidistanceType = OutputPathEquidistance.

ConvertToEquidistantPath run on the sample path with inStep = 100 and inEquidistanceType = OutputPathEquidistance.


Error type Description
DomainError inStep has to be positive in ConvertToEquidistantPath.

See also