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AVL.CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity Method

Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.



public static void CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.Plane3D inPlane,
	float? inMinDistance,
	float? inMaxDistance,
	out AvlNet.Surface outSurface


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inPlaneAvlNet.Plane3DPlane to which distance is measured.
inMinDistancefloat?Minimal distance from a given plane. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inMaxDistancefloat?1.0fMaximal distance from a given plane. Default value: 1.0f, or null.
outSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceOutput surface.

See also