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AVL.CreatePointGraph Method

Creates a graph of points that lay close to each other.



public static void CreatePointGraph(
	AvlNet.Point2D[] inPoints,
	int inMaxRank,
	float? inMaxDistance,
	float? inMaxRelativeDistance,
	out int[][] outGraph,
	out float[][] outDistances,
	out AvlNet.Segment2D[] diagSegments


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointsAvlNet.Point2DInput points.
inMaxRankint<1, INF>8Maximum connections going out of one point. Default value: 8.
inMaxDistancefloat?<0.0f, INF>10.0fMaximum distance between adjacent point in the graph. Default value: 10.0f, or null.
inMaxRelativeDistancefloat?<1.0f, INF>Maximum distance in relation to the shortest distance for a point. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
outGraphintGraph of points (adjacency list).
outDistancesfloatDistances between adjacent points in the graph.
diagSegmentsAvlNet.Segment2DGraph edges, useful for visualization.

See also