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AVL.ShapeCircularity Method

Computes the area of a shape divided by the area of a circle having the same feature.



public static void ShapeCircularity(
	AvlNet.Path inShape,
	AvlNet.CircularityMeasure inCircularityMeasure,
	out float outCircularity


Name Type Range Default Description
inCircularityMeasureAvlNet.CircularityMeasureRadiusPreservingDefault value: RadiusPreserving.


Circularity is a measure of similarity of a shape to the perfect circle. Circular shapes have circularity close to 1.0, while the more elongated the shape is (or contains more holes), the closer to 0.0 is its circularity.

Mathematically, the circularity is calculated as follows: Where c denotes a circular shape having the same feature as input shape s. The feature being considered depends on the inCircularityMeasure chosen and it is:

  • the minimal bounding circle in case of BoundingCirclePreserving
  • the perimeter in case of PerimeterPreserving
  • the radius (maximal distance from mass center to any of the shape points) in case of RadiusPreserving

Note that if the input path is not a valid shape (i.e. it has at least one self-intersection), the computation may lead to results that are not intuitive.


Circularity with RadiusPreserving of the sample shape equals to 0.340.

Circularity with PerimeterPreserving of the sample shape equals to 0.998.


Error type Description
DomainError Open path on input in ShapeCircularity.
DomainError Degenerate shape on input in ShapeCircularity.
DomainError Not supported circularity measure in ShapeCircularity.

See also