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AVL.RegionPerimeterLength Method

Computes the length of the input region perimeter.



public static void RegionPerimeterLength(
	AvlNet.Region inRegion,
	out float outPerimeterLength


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionAvlNet.RegionInput region.


The operation computes the perimeter length of a region shape. Because regions are pixel-precise, the literal computation of the length of the region contour would lead to the overestimation of the diagonal edges. Therefore, the filter employs the following equation to approximate the result:


  • sides denotes the number of pixel sides adjacent to the region background
  • vertices is the number of turns to right during clockwise walk along the pixel sides of the region boundary
  • a, b are constants defined as follows:

To compute the actual contour of the region, one can use RegionContours filter.


RegionPerimeterLength run on the sample region (circular region of radius 100) computes outPerimeterLength = 627.382, while the actual perimeter of the perfect circle of radius 100 is 628.318 .

See also