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AVL.SmoothImage_Gauss Method

Smooths an image using a gaussian kernel.



public static void SmoothImage_Gauss(
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.Region inRoi,
	float inStdDevX,
	float? inStdDevY,
	float inKernelRelativeSize,
	out AvlNet.Image outImage,
	out int diagKernelRadiusX,
	out int diagKernelRadiusY


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRoiAvlNet.RegionRange of output pixels to be computed. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inStdDevXfloat<0.0f, INF>1.0fHorizontal smoothing standard deviation. Default value: 1.0f.
inStdDevYfloat?<0.0f, INF>Vertical smoothing standard deviation. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inKernelRelativeSizefloat<0.0f, 3.0f>2.0fA multiple of the standard deviation determining the size of the kernel. Default value: 2.0f.
outImageAvlNet.ImageOutput image.
diagKernelRadiusXintHorizontal radius of Gaussian kernel being used.
diagKernelRadiusYintVertical radius of Gaussian kernel being used.


SmoothImage_Gauss performed on a sample image with inStdDevX = 3.0.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE2 technology for pixels of types: UINT8, SINT16, REAL.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.

Hardware acceleration settings may be manipulated with Settings class.

See also