| Name | Description |
| AbsoluteHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Transforms each bin value to its absolute value. |
| AbsoluteProfile(AvlNet.Profile) | Transforms each profile value to its absolute value. |
| AbsoluteProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?) | Transforms each profile value to its absolute value. |
| AbsoluteSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its absolute value. |
| AbsoluteValueImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms pixel values to their absolute values pixel by pixel. |
| AbsoluteValueImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms pixel values to their absolute values pixel by pixel. |
| AccessCharacterSample(AvlNet.CharacterSample, string, AvlNet.Region) | Provides access to internal data of the CharacterSample structure. |
| AccessEdgeModel2(AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns information about a model. |
| AccessGoldenTemplate2Model(AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model, AvlNet.Region, int, int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int) | Returns information about a model. |
| AccessOcrCandidate(AvlNet.OcrCandidate, string, float) | Returns fields of OcrCandidate structure. |
| AccessSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, int, int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int, int, int, AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod) | Returns individual fields of a spatial map. |
| AccumulateProfile(float, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Creates a profile in a loop by concatenating individual values. |
| AccumulateProfile(float, int?, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Creates a profile in a loop by concatenating individual values. |
| AddChannels_Saturation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels with saturation. |
| AddChannels_Saturation(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels with saturation. |
| AddChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels. |
| AddChannels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by summing the values of the input image channels. |
| AddHistograms_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Histogram>, AvlNet.Histogram) | Adds histograms of an array bar by bar. |
| AddHistograms_OfLoop(AvlNet.HistogramCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Adds histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar. |
| AddHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Adds two histograms bar by bar. |
| AddImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| AddImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| AddImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| AddImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| AddImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds two images pixel by pixel. |
| AddImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds two images pixel by pixel. |
| AddNoiseToImage(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Adds random noise to the image. |
| AddNoiseToImage(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, bool, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Adds random noise to the image. |
| AddProfiles_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.Profile) | Adds profiles of an array value by value. |
| AddProfiles_OfLoop(AvlNet.ProfileCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Adds profiles appearing in consecutive iterations value by value. |
| AddProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Adds two profiles value by value. |
| AddSpatialMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Combines two spatial maps. |
| AddToHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, double, AvlNet.Histogram) | Increases each bin value by a number. |
| AddToImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds a scalar value to each pixel. |
| AddToImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Adds a scalar value to each pixel. |
| AddToProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float) | Adds a scalar value to each element of a profile. |
| AddToProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float) | Adds a scalar value to each element of a profile. |
| AdjustPathArraysToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<IList<AvlNet.Path>>, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Translates, rotates and scales multiple contour sets (PathArray), each separately, to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPathArraysToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<IList<AvlNet.Path>>, float?, NullableRef<IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>>, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Translates, rotates and scales multiple contour sets (PathArray), each separately, to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPathArraysToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<IList<AvlNet.Path>>, float?, NullableRef<IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>>, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Translates, rotates and scales multiple contour sets (PathArray), each separately, to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPathArrayToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Translates, rotates and scales the given contour set to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPathArrayToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Translates, rotates and scales the given contour set to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPathArrayToEdges(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.AdjustmentMetric, bool, bool, bool, int, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Translates, rotates and scales the given contour set to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision. |
| AdjustPointArrays(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, bool, int, float, int, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?) | Aligns a point array to match best the input point array. |
| AdjustPointGrids3DGlobal(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix, float) | Aligns (rotation + translation) a point grid to match best the reference point grid using a global registration algorithm. |
| AdjustPointGrids3DGlobal(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, float, NullableRef<AvlNet.TransformLimits3D>, float?, int?, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix, float) | Aligns (rotation + translation) a point grid to match best the reference point grid using a global registration algorithm. |
| AdjustPointGrids3D(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix) | Aligns (rotation + translation) a point grid to match best the reference point grid. |
| AdjustPointGrids3D(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Aligns (rotation + translation) a point grid to match best the reference point grid. |
| AlignArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Moves an arc from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Moves a circle from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Moves a nested coordinate system from its local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Line2D) | Moves a line from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignPathArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Moves an array of paths from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Moves a path from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignPoint3DArrayToPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Rotates an array of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPoint3DArrayToPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates an array of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPoint3DArrayToPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates an array of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPoint3DGridToPlane(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Rotates a grid of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPoint3DGridToPlane(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates a grid of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPoint3DGridToPlane(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates a grid of 3D points with a rotation that transforms the input plane to be parallel to XY plane. |
| AlignPointArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Moves an array of points from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Moves a point from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Moves a rectangle from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignRegionToSurfaceCoordinatesFormat(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another coordinates format. |
| AlignRegionToSurfaceFormat(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Region) | Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another format. |
| AlignRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Aligns a region to a coordinate system. |
| AlignSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Moves a segment from a local coordinate system to the absolute one. |
| AlignShapeRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Aligns a shape region to a coordinate system. |
| AnalyzePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGridType, AvlNet.ValueLimits, AvlNet.ValueLimits, AvlNet.ValueLimits, float, float, float, double, double, double, double) | Analyzes the steps in X and Y directions of a point 3D grid. |
| AngleBetweenDirections(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction. |
| AngleBetweenDirections(float, float, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, AvlNet.AngleRange, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction. |
| AngleBetweenDirections(float, float, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, float) | Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction. |
| AngleBetweenLines3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenLines3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenLines(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines. |
| AngleBetweenLines(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two lines. |
| AngleBetweenPlanes(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two planes in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenPlanes(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float) | Measures the smaller and the larger angle between two planes in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenSegments3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float) | Measures the angle between two segments in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenSegments(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.AngleMetric, bool, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Arc2D>) | Measures the angle between two segments with one of four possible metrics. |
| AngleBetweenSegments(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.AngleMetric, bool, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Measures the angle between two segments with one of four possible metrics. |
| AngleBetweenThreePoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float) | Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenThreePoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Arc2D>) | Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points. |
| AngleBetweenThreePoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points. |
| AngleBetweenVectors3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, float) | Measures the angle between two vectors in 3D. |
| AngleBetweenVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the angle between two vectors. |
| AngleBetweenVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the angle between two vectors. |
| AngleBetweenVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, float, float) | Measures the angle between two vectors. |
| AnnotateGridPoints_DeprecatedDeprecated(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | |
| AnnotateGridPoints_DeprecatedDeprecated(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, float?, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | |
| AnnotateGridPoints_DeprecatedDeprecated(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, float?, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | |
| AnnotateGridPoints_Ransac(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign 2D indices to them. |
| AnnotateGridPoints_Ransac(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int?, int?, float, float?, float, float, float, float?, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign 2D indices to them. |
| AnnotateGridPoints_Ransac(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int?, int?, float, float?, float, float, float, float?, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, float) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign 2D indices to them. |
| AnnotateGridPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float?, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign 2D indices to them. |
| AnnotateGridPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float?, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid and assign 2D indices to them. |
| AnyCameraModelToRectificationTransform(AvlNet.AnyCameraModel, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Conversion |
| AppendImageChannel(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Appends a single valued channel to the input image. |
| AppendPointToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D) | Appends a point to a path. |
| ApplyPCATransform(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.PCAModel, AvlNet.Matrix) | Applies previously obtained Principal Component Analysis (PCA) transformation coefficients to new data. |
| ApplyPixelLut(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PixelLut, AvlNet.Image) | Applies previously created Look Up transformation to provided image. |
| ApplyPixelLut(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.PixelLut, AvlNet.Image) | Applies previously created Look Up transformation to provided image. |
| ArcCircle(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the circle containing an arc. |
| ArcEndpoints(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes two endpoints of an arc. |
| ArcLength(AvlNet.Arc2D, float) | Computes the length of an arc. |
| ArcMidpoint(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the midpoint of an arc. |
| ArrangePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>) | Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, double, double, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, double, double, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| ArrangePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
| AssertImageEqualTo(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, string) | Asserts that two images are equal or differ by a small given margin. |
| AssertImageEqualTo(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, string, float, int) | Asserts that two images are equal or differ by a small given margin. |
| AutoAdjustColors(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Adjusts image colors by stretching each channel separately. |
| AverageAngle(IList<float>, AvlNet.AngleRange, float) | Computes the average of the input angles using points on a unit circle. |
| AverageChannels_121(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels_121(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels_251(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels_251(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels_Weighted(AvlNet.Image, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image from weighted averages of the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels_Weighted(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image from weighted averages of the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageChannels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels. |
| AverageImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images from an array pixel by pixel. |
| AverageImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images from an array pixel by pixel. |
| AverageImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.AverageImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>) | Averages images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| AverageImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.AverageImages_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>) | Averages images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| AverageImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Averages two images pixel by pixel. |
| AverageImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Averages two images pixel by pixel. |
| AveragePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the average of two paths (of equal size and type) point by point. |
| AveragePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the middle point of two input points. |
| BarcodeFormatToMIL1DcodeFormat(AvlNet.BarcodeFormat, AvlNet.MIL1DcodeFormat) | Converts BarcodeFormat object to a MIL1DcodeFormat |
| BayerToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DebayeringMethod, AvlNet.BayerType, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a Bayer-encoded color image into RGB color space. |
| BlendImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes weighted sum pixel by pixel. |
| BlendImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes weighted sum pixel by pixel. |
| BoolToHash(bool, AvlNet.Hash) | Converts a Bool to a Hash. |
| BoolToPassFailStatus(bool, bool) | Converts a bool value to a pass/fail status. |
| BottomHatImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using an arbitrary kernel. |
| BottomHatImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using an arbitrary kernel. |
| BottomHatImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using a predefined mask. |
| BottomHatImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using a predefined mask. |
| BottomHatImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using a predefined kernel. |
| BottomHatImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using a predefined kernel. |
| BottomHatImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a image using a predefined kernel. |
| BottomHatRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| BottomHatRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| BottomHatRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological black top hat (bottom hat) operation on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| Box2DToBox3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Box3D) | Projects a 2D box onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Box2DToBox3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Box3D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 2D box onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Box2DToBox3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 2D box onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Box3DCenter(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Returns the center of the input box in 3D. |
| Box3DCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Returns a characteristic point of a box in 3D. |
| Box3DSurfaceArea(AvlNet.Box3D, float) | Returns the surface area of the input box in 3D. |
| Box3DToBox2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Box) | Projects a 3D box onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Box3DToBox2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Box, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 3D box onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Box3DToBox2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 3D box onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Box3DToBox(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box) | Converts a box in 3D to a box in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinates. |
| Box3DVolume(AvlNet.Box3D, float) | Returns the volume of the input box in 3D. |
| BoxCenter(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns center of a box. |
| BoxCharacteristicPoints(AvlNet.Box, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Computes the characteristic points of the box. |
| BoxCharacteristicPoints(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the characteristic points of the box. |
| BoxCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of a box. |
| Boxes3DBoundingBox3D_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Box3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Box3D>) | Computes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| BoxesBoundingBox3D(IList<AvlNet.Box3D>, AvlNet.Box3D) | Computes the bounding box 3D of given boxes in 3D. |
| BoxesBoundingBox_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Box>, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the bounding box of given boxes; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| BoxesBoundingBox(IList<AvlNet.Box>, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the bounding box of given boxes. |
| BoxIntersection3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Box3D) | Computes the common part of two boxes in 3D. |
| BoxIntersection(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the common part of two boxes. |
| BoxToBox3D(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box3D) | Converts a box in 2D to a box in 3D. |
| BoxToBoxDistance(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, float, float) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first box with one of the points of the second box. |
| BoxToBoxDistance(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first box with one of the points of the second box. |
| BoxToBoxDistance(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first box with one of the points of the second box. |
| BoxToRectangle2D(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Converts a box to a rectangle. |
| BoxToShapeRegionDeprecated(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated) | |
| BoxToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a box to shape region. |
| CalibrateCamera_LineScan(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, float) | Finds the line scan camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grid. |
| CalibrateCamera_LineScan(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, float) | Finds the line scan camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grid. |
| CalibrateCamera_LineScan(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, float, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the line scan camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grid. |
| CalibrateCamera_LineScan(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the line scan camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grid. |
| CalibrateCamera_Pinhole(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel) | Finds the camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. Uses pinhole camera model (perspective camera). |
| CalibrateCamera_Pinhole(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel) | Finds the camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. Uses pinhole camera model (perspective camera). |
| CalibrateCamera_Pinhole(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel, NullableRef<AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>>) | Finds the camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. Uses pinhole camera model (perspective camera). |
| CalibrateCamera_Pinhole(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel, AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel, float, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. Uses pinhole camera model (perspective camera). |
| CalibrateCamera_Telecentric(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, float, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel) | Finds the telecentric camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. |
| CalibrateCamera_Telecentric(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, float, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel, NullableRef<AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>>) | Finds the telecentric camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. |
| CalibrateCamera_Telecentric(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, float, int, int, AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType, float, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel, AvlNet.TelecentricCameraModel, float, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the telecentric camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grids. |
| CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep(IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>, AvlNet.Size, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<bool>) | Compute the transformation between the camera and the calibration target reference frames. (all units in mm) |
| CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep(IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>, float?, AvlNet.Size, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<bool>) | Compute the transformation between the camera and the calibration target reference frames. (all units in mm) |
| CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep(IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>, float?, AvlNet.Size, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<bool>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>, IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>) | Compute the transformation between the camera and the calibration target reference frames. (all units in mm) |
| CalibrateEyeInHand(IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, IList<AvlNet.Matrix>, AvlNet.HandEyeCalibrationMethod, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Computes Hand-Eye calibration matrices. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Default(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters from world plane calibration grid. World plane origin and axes are unspecified. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Default(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters from world plane calibration grid. World plane origin and axes are unspecified. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Default(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters from world plane calibration grid. World plane origin and axes are unspecified. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Default(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters from world plane calibration grid. World plane origin and axes are unspecified. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using sparse world coordinate information, i.e. world coordinates are known for only a few points of the grid. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using sparse world coordinate information, i.e. world coordinates are known for only a few points of the grid. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float?, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using sparse world coordinate information, i.e. world coordinates are known for only a few points of the grid. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Labeled(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, NullableRef<NullableValue<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using sparse world coordinate information, i.e. world coordinates are known for only a few points of the grid. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Manual(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters. Image and their corresponding world points are directly specified (no grid needed). |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Manual(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters. Image and their corresponding world points are directly specified (no grid needed). |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Manual(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters. Image and their corresponding world points are directly specified (no grid needed). |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Manual(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters. Image and their corresponding world points are directly specified (no grid needed). |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using multiple grids, using sparse world coordinate information. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using multiple grids, using sparse world coordinate information. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<List<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, float?, float, float, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Vector2D>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation parameters using multiple grids, using sparse world coordinate information. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_Multigrid(IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, IList<IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, NullableRef<List<List<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>>>, NullableRef<NullableValue<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Vector2D>>) | |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_OffgridOrigin(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, float, float, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix, with world origin and axes specified in the image coordinates. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_OffgridOrigin(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix, with world origin and axes specified in the image coordinates. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_OffgridOrigin(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix, with world origin and axes specified in the image coordinates. |
| CalibrateWorldPlane_OffgridOrigin(IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.AnyCameraModel>, float, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the image to world plane transformation matrix, with world origin and axes specified in the image coordinates. |
| ChargeImageMemoryPools(IList<int>, bool) | Preallocates memory buffers for images. |
| CheckLicense(AvlNet.ProductType, bool) | Check license for a specified module. |
| CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_EdgeAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, int, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, float?, float?, float, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, float, float?, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, float, float?, bool, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, float, float?, bool, float, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Verifies object presence by analysing pixel intensities in the specified region. |
| CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, float?, float?, float, float, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria. |
| CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, float?, float?, float, float, bool) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria. |
| CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, float?, float?, float, float, bool, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria. |
| CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, float?, float?, float, float, bool, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.Image) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria. |
| CheckPresence_PixelAmount(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int, int?, float?, float?, float, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Image) | Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of pixels that meet the specified criteria. |
| Circle2DToCircle3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Projects a 2D circle onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Circle2DToCircle3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Circle3D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 2D circle onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Circle2DToCircle3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 2D circle onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Circle2DToCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Converts a circle in 2D to a circle in 3D. |
| Circle2DToEllipse2D(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Ellipse2D) | Converts a circle to an ellipse. |
| Circle2DToRing2D(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Ring2D) | Converts a circle to a full circle ring. |
| Circle2DToShapeRegionDeprecated(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated) | |
| Circle2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a circle to region of interest. |
| Circle3DArea(AvlNet.Circle3D, float) | Computes the area of a circle in 3D. |
| Circle3DBoundingBox(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Box3D) | Computes the smallest box in 3D containing a circle in 3D. |
| Circle3DPerimeterLength(AvlNet.Circle3D, float) | Computes the length of a circle in 3D perimeter. |
| Circle3DToCircle2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Projects a 3D circle onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Circle3DToCircle2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Circle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 3D circle onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Circle3DToCircle2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 3D circle onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Circle3DToCircle2D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Converts a circle in 3D to a circle in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinates and tilt. |
| CircleArea(AvlNet.Circle2D, float) | Computes the area of a circle. |
| CircleBoundingBox(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing a circle. |
| CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle. |
| CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle. |
| CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle. |
| CircleBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a circle. |
| CircleCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of a box containing the input circle. |
| CircleCircleIntersection(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes common points of two circles. |
| CirclePerimeterLength(AvlNet.Circle2D, float) | Computes the length of a circle perimeter. |
| CirclePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Point3D?) | Computes common points of a circle in 3D and a plane. |
| CircleSection(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Computes an arciform section of the circle perimeter. |
| CircleTangents(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D?) | Computes circle tangent lines passing through a point. |
| CircleThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Computes a circle in 3D passing through three noncollinear 3D points. |
| CircleThroughPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Computes a circle passing through three noncollinear points. |
| CircleToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between two circles. |
| CircleToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distance between two circles. |
| CircleToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the distance between two circles. |
| CircleToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a circle in 3D and a plane. |
| CircleToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the distance between a circle in 3D and a plane. |
| CircleToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D, float) | Measures the distance between a circle in 3D and a plane. |
| ClassifyPaths(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFilter, AvlNet.PathFeature, float?, float?, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, NullableRef<List<float>>) | Splits the paths of the input array - in accordance to the relation between computed feature values and the specified range. |
| ClassifyRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, NullableRef<List<float>>) | Splits an array of regions according to the selected feature and range. |
| ClearImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel) | Sets image pixels in ROI to the specified value. |
| ClearImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel) | Sets image pixels in ROI to the specified value. |
| ClipPixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Sets pixels below the low value to the low value and above the high value to the high value. |
| ClipPixels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image) | Sets pixels below the low value to the low value and above the high value to the high value. |
| ClipProfileValues(AvlNet.Profile) | Applies limits to profile values. |
| ClipProfileValues(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float?, float?) | Applies limits to profile values. |
| CloseGPUProcessing() | |
| CloseImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| CloseImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Removes small dark structures from an image (or fills in bright ones) by applying consecutive dilation and erosion. |
| ClosePath(AvlNet.Path) | Adds the segment connecting the last point with the first one in a path. |
| CloseRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological closing on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| CloseRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological closing on a region using selected predefined kernel. |
| CloseRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological closing on a region using selected predefined kernel. |
| CloseSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Surface) | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
| CloseSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Surface) | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
| ClusterData_KMeans(IList<IList<float>>, int, int, int, float, AvlNet.KMeansClusteringMethod, AvlNet.Matrix, IList<int>, float) | Clusters data using KMeans algorithm. |
| ClusterPoints2D_SingleLink(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Clusters data using hierarchical single-link algorithm. |
| ClusterPoints2D_SingleLink(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int?, float?, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Clusters data using hierarchical single-link algorithm. |
| ClusterPoints2D(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, int, int, IList<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>, float) | Clusters 2D points using K Means Clustering method. |
| ClusterPoints2D(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, int, int?, int, IList<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>, float) | Clusters 2D points using K Means Clustering method. |
| ClusterPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int, int, IList<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D?>, float) | Clusters 3D points using K Means Clustering method. |
| ClusterPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int, int?, int, IList<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D?>, float) | Clusters 3D points using K Means Clustering method. |
| CmykToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key into Red-Green-Blue. |
| ColorDistanceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Image) | Compares each pixel with the specified color using chromatic and non-chromatic information. |
| ColorDistanceImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Image) | Compares each pixel with the specified color using chromatic and non-chromatic information. |
| ColorDistance_CIE76(AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Compares two pixels using CIE76 delta E. Assumes RGB color space. |
| ColorDistance_CIE94(AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, float, float, float) | Compares two pixels using CIE94 delta E. Assumes RGB color space. |
| ColorDistance_CIEDE2000(AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float, float, float) | Compares two pixels using CIEDE2000 delta E. Assumes RGB color space. |
| ColorDistance(AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, float, float) | Compares two pixels using chromatic and non-chromatic information. Assumes RGB color space. |
| ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Shows a monochromatic image in false colors. |
| ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Shows a monochromatic image in false colors. |
| ColorizeImage(AvlNet.ColorizeImageState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ColorPalette, bool, int?, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Shows a monochromatic image in false colors. |
| CombineSpatialMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Combines two spatial maps. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model, float, float, AvlNet.Region) | Compares an image with a multi-image model using an ensemble of image features approach. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float?, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float?, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, float?, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Compares image edges with the edges of a perfect template. Significant differences are considered defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region) | Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region) | Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects. |
| CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Compares an image with a template image considered to have no defects. |
| CompareImages_CVG(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Compares two images tile by tile using one of several available methods. |
| CompareImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CompareMeasure, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Compares two images tile by tile using one of several available methods. |
| ComposeImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Takes pixels from the first image within the specified region and from the other one elsewhere. |
| ComposeImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Takes pixels from the first image within the specified region and from the other one elsewhere. |
| ConcatenatePaths_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Joins open paths of an array. |
| ConcatenatePaths_OfLoop(AvlNet.ConcatenatePaths_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Path, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Joins open paths appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| ConcatenatePaths(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Joins up to four open paths. |
| ControlAVX2(bool, bool) | Enables or disables AVX2 cpu extension usage by other filters. |
| ControlEdgeModelLimits(bool) | Limits the size of the EdgeModel objects created by CreateEdgeModel filter. |
| ControlEdgeModelLimits(int?, int?, bool) | Limits the size of the EdgeModel objects created by CreateEdgeModel filter. |
| ControlImageMemoryPools(bool) | Enables or disables deterministic image memory allocator. |
| ControlParallelComputing(bool, int) | Enables or disables filters multithreading parallelization. |
| ControlParallelComputing(bool, int?, int?, int) | Enables or disables filters multithreading parallelization. |
| ControlSIMD(AvlNet.SimdLevel) | Enables or disables SIMD cpu extension (e.g. SSE, AVX2, NEON) usage by other filters. This filter does not affect third party components e.g. camera software, OpenCV. |
| ControlSIMD(AvlNet.SimdLevel?, AvlNet.SimdLevel) | Enables or disables SIMD cpu extension (e.g. SSE, AVX2, NEON) usage by other filters. This filter does not affect third party components e.g. camera software, OpenCV. |
| ControlSSE(bool, bool) | Enables or disables SSE cpu extension usage by other filters. |
| ConvertCoordinateSystem2DTo3D(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Converts a coordinate system connected with the surface image to a coordinate system connected with the surface. |
| ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Joins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage. |
| ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Joins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage. |
| ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Joins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage. |
| ConvertPixelType(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image) | Changes the type of pixel components. |
| ConvertPixelType(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image) | Changes the type of pixel components. |
| ConvertRectificationMap(AvlNet.RectificationMap, int, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Converts a rectification map to a different format. |
| ConvertRectificationMap(AvlNet.RectificationMap, AvlNet.PlainType?, int?, int, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Converts a rectification map to a different format. |
| ConvertSpatialMapToMatrixMaps(AvlNet.SpatialMap, bool, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Splits a spatial map into two matrices of source coordinates. |
| ConvertSpatialMap_ToNearest(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Converts any spatial map to NearestNeighbour interpolation. |
| ConvertSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, int, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Converts a spatial map to a different format. |
| ConvertSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.PlainType?, int?, int, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Converts a spatial map to a different format. |
| ConvertSurfaceType(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the point Z coordinate type. |
| ConvertSurfaceType(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the point Z coordinate type. |
| ConvertToCumulativeHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the cumulative histogram of input histogram. |
| ConvertToEquidistantPath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.EquidistanceType, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a new path whose characteristic points lie on the input path, but are equally spaced. |
| ConvertToMultichannel(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a multichannel image from a monochromatic one by replicating its channel. |
| ConvertToMultichannel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a multichannel image from a monochromatic one by replicating its channel. |
| ConvolveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a convolution of the input image with a user-specified mask. |
| ConvolveImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Matrix, bool, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a convolution of the input image with a user-specified mask. |
| ConvolveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, IList<float>, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Applies a user-defined convolution to a profile. |
| ConvolveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, IList<float>, bool, int?, AvlNet.Profile) | Applies a user-defined convolution to a profile. |
| CopyImageData(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image copy with the same size and pixel format. |
| CopyImageData(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image copy with the same size and pixel format. |
| CopyPixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Copies pixels from one image to another. |
| CorrectGamma(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Performs gamma correction. |
| CorrectGamma(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Performs gamma correction. |
| CreateAffineTransformMatrix(float, float, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Matrix) | Creates affine transform matrix matrix. Return product of matrices: Translation * Rotation * Scale * Shearing. |
| CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images. |
| CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images. |
| CreateArcFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast arc fitting on images. |
| CreateArcPath(AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Path) | Creates an open path containing cocircular, equidistant points. |
| CreateArc(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Creates an arc from an aligned point, radius, and angle range. |
| CreateBicircularCurve(AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a bicircular curve passing through the points of the leading path. |
| CreateBox3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D) | Creates a box in 3D. |
| CreateBoxBorderRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateBoxRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a rectangular region corresponding to a given box. |
| CreateBox(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, AvlNet.Box) | Creates a box. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images. |
| CreateCircleFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast circle fitting on images. |
| CreateCirclePath(AvlNet.Circle2D, int, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a closed path containing cocircular, equidistant points. |
| CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle. |
| CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle. |
| CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle. |
| CreateCircleRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Circle2D>) | Creates a circular region corresponding to a given circle. |
| CreateCircle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Creates a circle from an aligned point and radius. |
| CreateCoordinateSystemFromPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a coordinate system with the specified origin. |
| CreateCoordinateSystemFromRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a coordinate system from a rectangle. |
| CreateCoordinateSystemFromSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a coordinate system with the origin on a given segment. |
| CreateCoordinateSystemFromTwoPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a coordinate system with two points on its axes. |
| CreateCoordinateSystemFromVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a coordinate system from a vector. |
| CreateCrossRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a cross-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CylinderMappingMode, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CylinderMappingMode, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CylinderMappingMode, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateCylinderMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.CylinderMappingMode, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a cylinder surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateDataPartition(IList<IList<float>>, IList<int>, float, int, IList<List<float>>, IList<List<float>>, IList<List<float>>, IList<List<float>>) | Divides the input set to test and train subsets, trying to maintain balance in class distribution. |
| CreateEdgeModel1(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel>, NullableRef<NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel>, AvlNet.Point2D?, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Image>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel>, NullableRef<NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Image>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel2(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel2>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel2>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel2>, NullableRef<NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel2>, AvlNet.Point2D?, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Image>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEdgeModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.EdgeModel2>, NullableRef<NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Image>>) | Creates a model for edge-based template matching. |
| CreateEllipsePath(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, int, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a closed path containing elliptical, equidistant points. |
| CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle. |
| CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle. |
| CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle. |
| CreateEllipseRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Creates an elliptic region of given bounding rectangle. |
| CreateFlatSurface(int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a uniform surface. |
| CreateFlatSurface(int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, double, double, double, double, double, double, double?, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a uniform surface. |
| CreateGammaCorrectionLut(float, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut) | Creates Look Up Table for gamma correction operation on image pixels. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate2(IList<AvlNet.Image>, int, int, int, int, int, float, AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model) | Create a model to be used with CompareGoldenTemplate2 filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate2(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int, int, int, int, float, AvlNet.GoldenTemplate2Model) | Create a model to be used with CompareGoldenTemplate2 filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Edges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.EdgeGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Edges filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter. |
| CreateGoldenTemplate_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, AvlNet.GrayGoldenTemplate, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Creates golden template for application in CompareGoldenTemplate_Intensity filter. |
| CreateGrayModel2(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel2) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel2) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel2, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel2, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel2, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGrayModel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, int, int?, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.GrayModel, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates a model for NCC or SAD template matching. |
| CreateGridRegion(AvlNet.Box, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a grid-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateHistogram(IList<float>, float, bool, AvlNet.Histogram) | Creates the histogram of the array of real numbers. |
| CreateHistogram(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<double>>, float?, float, int?, bool, AvlNet.Histogram) | Creates the histogram of the array of real numbers. |
| CreateImageFromPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input point grid. |
| CreateImageFromSurface_AnyScales(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageFromSurface_AnyScales(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, float?, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageFromSurface_AnyScales(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, double?, float?, AvlNet.Image, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceFormat>) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageFromSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageFromSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode, double?, double?, double?, double?, float?, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageFromSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode, double?, double?, double?, double?, float?, AvlNet.Image, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceFormat>) | Creates a depth image from the Z-values of the input surface. |
| CreateImageInversePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map representing an image inverse polar transform. |
| CreateImageInversePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map representing an image inverse polar transform. |
| CreateImageInversePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map representing an image inverse polar transform. |
| CreateImagePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map representing an image polar transform. |
| CreateImagePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map representing an image polar transform. |
| CreateImagePolarTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map representing an image polar transform. |
| CreateImagePyramid_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, int, int, AvlNet.DownsampleFunction, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous, gauss-smoothed one. |
| CreateImagePyramid(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.DownsampleFunction, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous one. |
| CreateImageResizeMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map representing an image resizing. |
| CreateImageResizeMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map representing an image resizing. |
| CreateImageResizeMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map representing an image resizing. |
| CreateImageRotationMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map representing an image rotation. |
| CreateImageRotationMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map representing an image rotation. |
| CreateImageRotationMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map representing an image rotation. |
| CreateImageTiles_AsBoxes(AvlNet.Size, int, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Box>, int, int) | Generates an array of boxes covering the area of an image. |
| CreateImageTiles_AsBoxes(AvlNet.Size, int, int?, int?, int?, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Box>, int, int) | Generates an array of boxes covering the area of an image. |
| CreateImageTiles(AvlNet.Size, int, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Box>, int, int) | Generates an array of regions and an array of boxes covering the area of an image. |
| CreateImageTiles(AvlNet.Size, int, int?, int?, int?, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Box>, int, int) | Generates an array of regions and an array of boxes covering the area of an image. |
| CreateLineRegion(AvlNet.Line2D, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a line region. |
| CreateLineRegion(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a line region. |
| CreateLineRegion(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Line2D) | Creates a line region. |
| CreateLineRegion(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Line2D>) | Creates a line region. |
| CreateLogarithmLut(float, bool, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut) | Creates Look Up Table for logarithm operation on image pixels. |
| CreateLogarithmLut(float?, float, bool, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut) | Creates Look Up Table for logarithm operation on image pixels. |
| CreateMatrixTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map which performs transform defined as a 3x3 homography matrix. |
| CreateMatrixTransformMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map which performs transform defined as a 3x3 homography matrix. |
| CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>) | (Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function. |
| CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>) | (Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function. |
| CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentScanField>) | (Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function. |
| CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentScanField>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | (Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function. |
| CreateMeasurementMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | (Pre)computes image sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth function. |
| CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region along a given path. The region may be internal or external to the path. |
| CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region along a given path. The region may be internal or external to the path. |
| CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates a region along a given path. The region may be internal or external to the path. |
| CreatePathBorderRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a region along a given path. The region may be internal or external to the path. |
| CreatePathFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on surfaces. |
| CreatePathFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on surfaces. |
| CreatePathFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on surfaces. |
| CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.PathFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images. |
| CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.PathFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images. |
| CreatePathFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast path fitting on images. |
| CreatePathRegion(AvlNet.Path, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region along the given path. |
| CreatePathRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region along the given path. |
| CreatePathRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates a region along the given path. |
| CreatePathRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a region along the given path. |
| CreatePCATransform(AvlNet.Matrix, int, AvlNet.PCAModel, AvlNet.Matrix) | Performs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on provided data, creates the feature vector and normalization coefficients (mean and standard deviation of variables). |
| CreatePCATransform(AvlNet.Matrix, int, float?, AvlNet.PCAModel, AvlNet.Matrix) | Performs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on provided data, creates the feature vector and normalization coefficients (mean and standard deviation of variables). |
| CreatePCATransform(AvlNet.Matrix, int, float?, AvlNet.PCAModel, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, IList<int>) | Performs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on provided data, creates the feature vector and normalization coefficients (mean and standard deviation of variables). |
| CreatePerspectiveMap_Path(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix) | Creates a perspective transform map from planes defined by paths. |
| CreatePerspectiveMap_Path(AvlNet.ImageFormat, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Path, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix) | Creates a perspective transform map from planes defined by paths. |
| CreatePerspectiveMap_Points(AvlNet.ImageFormat, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix) | Creates a perspective transform map from four points denoting a rectangle in the world coordinates. |
| CreatePerspectiveMap_Points(AvlNet.ImageFormat, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<AvlNet.Point2D>>, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Matrix) | Creates a perspective transform map from four points denoting a rectangle in the world coordinates. |
| CreatePincushionMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for removing/adding pincushion distortion, using divisional lens distortion model. |
| CreatePincushionMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for removing/adding pincushion distortion, using divisional lens distortion model. |
| CreatePoint3DGridFromImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Creates a Point3DGrid structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of image. |
| CreatePoint3DGridFromImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Creates a Point3DGrid structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of image. |
| CreatePointGraph(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, float, IList<List<int>>, IList<List<float>>) | Creates a graph of points that lie close to each other. |
| CreatePointGraph(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, float, float?, float?, IList<List<int>>, IList<List<float>>) | Creates a graph of points that lie close to each other. |
| CreatePointGraph(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, float, float?, float?, IList<List<int>>, IList<List<float>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Creates a graph of points that lie close to each other. |
| CreatePointGrid(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Creates a grid of points. |
| CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path. |
| CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path. |
| CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path. |
| CreatePolygonRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a polygonal region corresponding to a given closed path. |
| CreatePowerLut(float, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.PixelLut) | Creates Look Up Table for power operation on image pixels. |
| CreateRandomPointArray(int, AvlNet.Box, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Creates array of random points inside given box. |
| CreateRandomPointArray(int, AvlNet.Box, float, int?, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Creates array of random points inside given box. |
| CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRectangleBorderRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Creates a frame-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRectanglePath(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a closed path containing four vertices of rectangle. |
| CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle. |
| CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle. |
| CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle. |
| CreateRectangleRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle. |
| CreateRectangle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Creates a rectangle from an aligned point. |
| CreateRectificationMap_Advanced(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CreateSpatialMapUnit, AvlNet.CreateSpatialMapUnit, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Allows for flexible definition of output geometry. |
| CreateRectificationMap_Advanced(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.CreateSpatialMapUnit, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.CreateSpatialMapUnit, float?, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Allows for flexible definition of output geometry. |
| CreateRectificationMap_Basic(AvlNet.Image, float, float, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for removing lens and perspective distortion directly from an image containing circles calibration pattern. Internally uses a pinhole camera model with polynomial lens distortion. |
| CreateRectificationMap_PixelUnits(AvlNet.ImageFormat, int?, int?, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Defines the output geometry in pixels. |
| CreateRectificationMap_PixelUnits(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?, int?, float?, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Defines the output geometry in pixels. |
| CreateRectificationMap_WorldUnits(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, float, float, float, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Defines the output geometry in world units. |
| CreateRectificationMap_WorldUnits(AvlNet.ImageFormat, float, float, float, float, float?, bool, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Computes a spatial map for transforming distorted images to rectified images defined in world coordinate plane. Defines the output geometry in world units. |
| CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRingRegion(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, AvlNet.BorderPosition, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Circle2D>) | Creates a ring-shaped region with given parameters. |
| CreateRing(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Ring2D) | Creates a ring from an aligned point, inner and outer radius, and angle range. |
| CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ScanMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection. |
| CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ScanMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection. |
| CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ScanMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection. |
| CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ScanMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection. |
| CreateScanMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection. |
| CreateSegment3D(AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Produces a segment in 3D of given parameters. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap3D(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on surfaces. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images. |
| CreateSegmentFittingMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast segment fitting on images. |
| CreateSegmentPath(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, int, AvlNet.Path) | Creates an open path containing collinear, equidistant points. |
| CreateSegmentRegion(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a segment region. |
| CreateSegmentRegion(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a segment region. |
| CreateSegmentRegion(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Creates a segment region. |
| CreateSegmentRegion(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, int, int, bool, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Creates a segment region. |
| CreateSegment(AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Produces a segment of given parameters. |
| CreateShapeRegionRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region corresponding to the given shape region. |
| CreateShapeRegionRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region corresponding to the given shape region. |
| CreateShapeRegionRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Creates a region corresponding to the given shape region. |
| CreateShapeRegionRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Creates a region corresponding to the given shape region. |
| CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateSphereMap(AvlNet.ImageFormat, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, int?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a spatial map for transformations from a sphere surface to a flat rectangle. |
| CreateSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a Surface structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of an image. |
| CreateSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a Surface structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of an image. |
| CreateSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.PointCloudCoordinateTransform, AvlNet.OutputSurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Creates a Surface structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of an image. |
| CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>) | (Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function. |
| CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>) | (Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function. |
| CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentScanField>) | (Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function. |
| CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentScanField>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | (Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function. |
| CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.SegmentScanField, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | (Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function. |
| CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D. |
| CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D. |
| CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D. |
| CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D. |
| CreateSurfaceScanMap(AvlNet.SurfaceFormat, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Precomputes a data object that is required for fast 1D edge detection in 3D. |
| CreateUniformHistogram(double, float, float, int, AvlNet.Histogram) | Creates a uniform histogram of desired parameters with common value of all bins. |
| CreateUniformProfile(float, int, float, float, AvlNet.Profile) | Creates a profile with all its elements set to the same value. |
| CreateVector(float, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Produces a vector of given length and direction. |
| CropHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, int, int, AvlNet.Histogram) | Confines a histogram to its continuous segment. |
| CropImageToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, int, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from a quadrangle on another image. |
| CropImageToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, int, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from a quadrangle on another image. |
| CropImageToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, int, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from a quadrangle on another image. |
| CropImageToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, int, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path) | Creates an image from a quadrangle on another image. |
| CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CropScaleMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested). |
| CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.CropScaleMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested). |
| CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.CropScaleMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested). |
| CropImageToRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.CropScaleMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates an image from a rectangular fragment of another image (with black margins if requested). |
| CropImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from a box-shaped fragment of the input image (with margins if requested). |
| CropPoint3DGridByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes from the grid points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
| CropPoint3DGridByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes from the grid points that are too distant from a given plane. |
| CropPoint3DGridToRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes points that are not represented in a given region of the input grid. |
| CropPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits, AvlNet.ValueLimits, AvlNet.ValueLimits, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes from the grid points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
| CropProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile) | Confines a profile to its continuous subsequence. |
| CropProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, AvlNet.Profile) | Confines a profile to its continuous subsequence. |
| CropRegionToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region from a quadrangular fragment of another one. The quadrangle must be convex. |
| CropRegionToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region from a quadrangular fragment of another one. The quadrangle must be convex. |
| CropRegionToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates a region from a quadrangular fragment of another one. The quadrangle must be convex. |
| CropRegionToQuadrangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a region from a quadrangular fragment of another one. The quadrangle must be convex. |
| CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one. |
| CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one. |
| CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one. |
| CropRegionToRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one. |
| CropRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one. |
| CropSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Crops a spatial map to the specified input and output boxes. |
| CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
| CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
| CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
| CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, float, AvlNet.Metric3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
| CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane. |
| CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane. |
| CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane. |
| CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane. |
| CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Box3D, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D. |
| CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Box3D, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D. |
| CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Box3D, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D. |
| CropSurfaceToBox3D(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Box3D, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D. |
| CropSurfaceToRegion(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes points that are not present in a given region. |
| CropSurface_Dynamic(AvlNet.Surface, int, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Dynamic(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int?, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Dynamic(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int?, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Dynamic(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int?, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Dynamic(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int?, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Relative(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Relative(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Surface, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Relative(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Surface, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface_Relative(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Surface, float?, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
| CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
| CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
| CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
| CropSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
| CutImageIntoTiles(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Generates an array of small images by cutting the input image. |
| CutImageIntoTiles(AvlNet.Image, int, int?, int?, int?, AvlNet.OverflowControl, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Generates an array of small images by cutting the input image. |
| DaPImageMedian(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.AngleRange, float) | Computes the average direction within the region of interest. |
| DaPImageMedian(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.AngleRange, float) | Computes the average direction within the region of interest. |
| DebugPreviewCloseAllWindows() | Closes all active debug preview windows and terminates preview window subsystem. |
| DebugPreviewCloseWindow(AvlNet.DebugPreviewWindowState) | Closes debug preview window. |
| DebugPreviewShowImage(AvlNet.DebugPreviewWindowState, AvlNet.Image) | Shows image in separated window. When called first time creates new window with size fit to image. |
| DebugPreviewShowImage(AvlNet.DebugPreviewWindowState, AvlNet.Image, string, int, int) | Shows image in separated window. When called first time creates new window with size fit to image. |
| DebugPreviewShowNewImage(AvlNet.Image) | Creates new separated window and shows image in it. DebugPreviewCloseAllWindows need to be called to free resources reserved by this function. |
| DebugPreviewShowNewImage(AvlNet.Image, string, int, int) | Creates new separated window and shows image in it. DebugPreviewCloseAllWindows need to be called to free resources reserved by this function. |
| DebugPreviewShowNewRegion(AvlNet.Region) | Creates new separated window and shows region in it. DebugPreviewCloseAllWindows need to be called to free resources reserved by this function. |
| DebugPreviewShowNewRegion(AvlNet.Region, string, int, int) | Creates new separated window and shows region in it. DebugPreviewCloseAllWindows need to be called to free resources reserved by this function. |
| DebugPreviewShowRegion(AvlNet.DebugPreviewWindowState, AvlNet.Region) | Shows region in separated window. When called first time creates new window with size fit to region. |
| DebugPreviewShowRegion(AvlNet.DebugPreviewWindowState, AvlNet.Region, string, int, int) | Shows region in separated window. When called first time creates new window with size fit to region. |
| DebugPreviewWaitForAnyWindowClose() | Waits until user closes any of active debug windows. |
| DebugPreviewWaitForWindowsClose() | Waits until user closes all active debug windows. |
| DecodeBarcode(IList<float>, INullable<string>, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?) | Translates an array of bar widths to sequence of digits or text in accordance to the selected barcode standard. |
| DecodeBarcode(IList<float>, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?, INullable<string>, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat?) | Translates an array of bar widths to sequence of digits or text in accordance to the selected barcode standard. |
| DecodeDataMatrix(AvlNet.Image, bool, INullable<string>, AvlNet.DataMatrixType?) | Translates an image of 0 or 255 values to a text in accordance to how DataMatrix codes are encoded. |
| DecodeQRCode(AvlNet.Image, INullable<string>) | Translates a matrix of 0 or 1 values to a text in accordance to how QR codes are encoded. |
| DeepModelToClassifyObjectModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and ClassifyObjectModelDirectory |
| DeepModelToDetectAnomalies1ModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and DetectAnomalies1ModelDirectory |
| DeepModelToDetectAnomalies2ModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and DetectAnomalies2ModelDirectory |
| DeepModelToDetectFeaturesModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and DetectFeaturesModelDirectory |
| DeepModelToLocatePointsModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and LocatePointsModelDirectory |
| DeepModelToSegmentInstancesModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between DeepModel and SegmentInstancesModelDirectory |
| DemarcateRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Splits common pixels of the input regions among these regions. |
| DemarcateRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Metric?, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Splits common pixels of the input regions among these regions. |
| DetectArc_LSD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Arc2D>) | Finds arcs in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectArc_LSD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Arc2D>) | Finds arcs in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectCalibrationGrid_Chessboard(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Size, bool, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Detects a chessboard calibration grid on the image, and returns calibration points where 4 chessboard squares meet. |
| DetectCalibrationGrid_Chessboard(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Size, bool, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Detects a chessboard calibration grid on the image, and returns calibration points where 4 chessboard squares meet. |
| DetectCalibrationGrid_Circles(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Detects an arbitrary size symmetric circle pattern on the image. |
| DetectCalibrationGrid_Circles(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>) | Detects an arbitrary size symmetric circle pattern on the image. |
| DetectCalibrationGrid_Circles(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, AvlNet.Region, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Detects an arbitrary size symmetric circle pattern on the image. |
| DetectCircle_LSD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Circle2D>) | Finds circles in the input image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectCircle_LSD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Circle2D>) | Finds circles in the input image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectCorners_CornerResponse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CornerResponseMethod, int, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>) | Detects corners using corner response method. |
| DetectCorners_CornerResponse(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CornerResponseMethod, int, float?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>) | Detects corners using corner response method. |
| DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, float, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm. |
| DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm. |
| DetectCorners_Foerstner(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Detects corners using the Foerstner algorithm. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, float, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeMaskFilter, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. Faster, yet less accurate version. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image) | Extracts a binary image of pixel-precise continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image) | Extracts a binary image of pixel-precise continuous edges. |
| DetectEdges(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.EdgeFilter, float, float?, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Extracts a binary image of pixel-precise continuous edges. |
| DetectLinePeak_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>) | Finds line peaks on an image. |
| DetectLinePeak_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds line peaks on an image. |
| DetectLinePeak(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinePeakDetectionMethod, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>) | Finds line peaks on an image. |
| DetectLinePeak(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinePeakDetectionMethod, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D?>, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds line peaks on an image. |
| DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Line2D>, IList<float>) | Finds lines in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Line2D>, IList<float>) | Finds lines in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectLines(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Line2D>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Finds lines in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.HoughCircle>) | Finds circles of a given radius in the input image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.HoughCircle>) | Finds circles of a given radius in the input image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectMultipleCircles(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.HoughCircle>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Finds circles of a given radius in the input image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<float>) | Finds a specified shape in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Path, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<float>) | Finds a specified shape in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectPaths(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Path, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Finds a specified shape in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectPointSegments(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, int, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detect points that lie along multiple segments. |
| DetectPointSegments(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, int, float?, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detect points that lie along multiple segments. |
| DetectPolygons_LSD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Finds a specified polygons in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectPolygons_LSD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Finds a specified polygons in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectRidges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent bright or dark thin lines. |
| DetectRidges_AsPaths(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Extracts subpixel-precise paths that represent bright or dark thin lines. |
| DetectRidges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of bright or dark thin lines. |
| DetectRidges_AsRegion(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Polarity, int, AvlNet.Region) | Extracts a pixel-precise region of bright or dark thin lines. |
| DetectSegments_LSD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds segments in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectSegments_LSD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GaussKernel, float, int, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds segments in an image using Line Segment Detection method. |
| DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds segments in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds segments in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectSegments(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Finds segments in an image using Hough Transform. |
| DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.HoughCircle>) | Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image. |
| DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.HoughCircle>) | Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image. |
| DetectSingleCircle(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.HoughCircle>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Finds the strongest circle of a given radius in the input image. |
| DifferenceHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes histogram representing difference between corresponding bars of given histograms. |
| DifferenceImage_Flex(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.TileTranslationMode, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values using tiles. |
| DifferenceImage_Flex(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box?, AvlNet.Box?, int, int?, AvlNet.TileTranslationMode, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values using tiles. |
| DifferenceImage_Shifted(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values. |
| DifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values. |
| DifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the non-negative distances between corresponding pixel values. |
| DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images. |
| DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images. |
| DifferenceOfGaussians(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile) | Applies difference of Gaussians on an image, i.e. computes difference of two Gaussian smoothed images. |
| DifferenceProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes profile representing difference between corresponding values of given profiles. |
| DifferentiateProfile_Step(AvlNet.Profile, bool, int, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the derivative of a profile with a given difference step. |
| DifferentiateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.DifferentiationMethod, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the derivative of a profile. |
| DilateAndErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Calculates dilation and erosion simultaneously for faster execution. |
| DilateAndErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Calculates dilation and erosion simultaneously for faster execution. |
| DilateBox(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.Box) | Performs a morphological dilation on a box using box kernel. |
| DilateBox(AvlNet.Box, int, int?, AvlNet.Box) | Performs a morphological dilation on a box using box kernel. |
| DilateImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel. |
| DilateImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel. |
| DilateImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel. |
| DilateImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel. |
| DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel. |
| DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel. |
| DilateImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Replaces each pixel with the maximum of pixels within a kernel. |
| DilatePolygon(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Enlarges a polygon by a given radius. |
| DilateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Changes a profile by choosing maximum point within a kernel. |
| DilateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Changes a profile by choosing maximum point within a kernel. |
| DilateRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological dilation on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| DilateRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological dilation on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| DilateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological dilation on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| DilateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological dilation on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| DilateShapeRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Performs a morphological dilation on a shape region. |
| DilateSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Surface) | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
| DilateSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Surface) | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
| DirectoryToClassifyObjectModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and ClassifyObjectModelDirectory |
| DirectoryToDetectAnomalies1ModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and DetectAnomalies1ModelDirectory |
| DirectoryToDetectAnomalies2ModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and DetectAnomalies2ModelDirectory |
| DirectoryToDetectFeaturesModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and DetectFeaturesModelDirectory |
| DirectoryToLocatePointsModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and LocatePointsModelDirectory |
| DirectoryToSegmentInstancesModelDirectory(string, string) | Conversion between Directory and SegmentInstancesModelDirectory |
| DischargeAVLImageMemoryPools() | |
| DischargeImageMemoryPools() | Releases preallocated image memory buffers. |
| DistanceTransform(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image in which the pixel values denote the estimated distances to the nearest bright pixel in the input image. |
| DivideHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Divides two histograms bar by bar. |
| DivideHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, double, AvlNet.Histogram) | Divides each bin value by a number. |
| DivideImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Divides two images pixel by pixel. |
| DivideImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Divides two images pixel by pixel. |
| DivideImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Divides each pixel by a scalar value. |
| DivideImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Divides each pixel by a scalar value. |
| DivideProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Divides two profiles value by value. |
| DivideProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float) | Divides each element of a profile by a scalar value. |
| DivideProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float) | Divides each element of a profile by a scalar value. |
| DownsampleImage_Midlevels(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.MidlevelScale, AvlNet.Image) | Shrinks an image by the factor of 1.5 or SQRT(2) along each axis. |
| DownsampleImage(AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.DownsampleFunction, AvlNet.Image) | Shrinks an image by the factor of two along each axis. |
| DownsampleRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.DownsampleRegionMode, int, AvlNet.Region) | Shrinks a region by the factor of two along each axis. |
| DrawArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws an arc on an image. |
| DrawArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws an arc on an image. |
| DrawBox(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Draws a box on an image. |
| DrawCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a circle on an image. |
| DrawCircle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a circle on an image. |
| DrawCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float) | Draws a pair of arrows representing a coordinate system on an image. |
| DrawCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float) | Draws a pair of arrows representing a coordinate system on an image. |
| DrawCrosshair(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.CrosshairShape, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a crosshair on an image. |
| DrawCrosshair(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.CrosshairShape, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a crosshair on an image. |
| DrawDimensionLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.MetricUnit, int) | Draws a dimension line on an image. |
| DrawDimensionLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.MetricUnit, int) | Draws a dimension line on an image. |
| DrawDimensionLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.MetricUnit, int, float) | Draws a dimension line on an image. |
| DrawEllipse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws an ellipse on an image. |
| DrawEllipse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws an ellipse on an image. |
| DrawGridImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, int, int, int?, int?) | Draws an image as a tile on an image considered to be a grid of tiles. |
| DrawImagesGrid(IList<AvlNet.Image>, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Draws a grid of images. |
| DrawImagesGrid(IList<AvlNet.Image>, int, int, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.Image) | Draws a grid of images. |
| DrawImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location) | Draws an image on another one. |
| DrawLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a line on an image. |
| DrawLine(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a line on an image. |
| DrawPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a path on an image. |
| DrawPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a path on an image. |
| DrawPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a point on an image. |
| DrawPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a point on an image. |
| DrawRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a rectangle on an image. |
| DrawRectangle(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle) | Draws a rectangle on an image. |
| DrawRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Draws a region on an image. |
| DrawRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Draws a region on an image. |
| DrawSegment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, AvlNet.MarkerType, float) | Draws a segment on an image. |
| DrawSegment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, AvlNet.MarkerType, float) | Draws a segment on an image. |
| DrawShapeRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, bool) | Draws a shape region on an image. |
| DrawShapeRegion(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, bool) | Draws a shape region on an image. |
| DrawString(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float) | Draws a string on an image. |
| DrawString(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float, float, AvlNet.Pixel?) | Draws a string on an image. |
| DrawVector(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float) | Draws a vector at an associated initial point on an image. |
| DrawVector(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.DrawingStyle, float) | Draws a vector at an associated initial point on an image. |
| EdgeModel2ByteSize(AvlNet.EdgeModel2, long) | Returns estimated size of the EdgeModel2 in bytes. |
| Ellipse2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts an ellipse to region of interest. |
| EllipseArea(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, float) | Computes the area of an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingBox(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Ellipse2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an ellipse. |
| EllipseThroughFourPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Ellipse2D?) | Computes an ellipse passing through four noncollinear points. |
| EllipseThroughThreePoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Ellipse2D?) | Computes an ellipse passing through three noncollinear points. |
| EmptyImage(int, int, AvlNet.Pixel, int, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image filled with one color. |
| EmptyRegion(int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Creates an empty region with a given frame. |
| EnableAvlDiagnosticOutputs(bool) | |
| EnableAVX2Acceleration(bool) | |
| EnableGPUProcessing(bool) | |
| EnableNEONAcceleration(bool) | |
| EnableSSEAcceleration(bool) | |
| EnhanceMultipleObjectMatches(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<IList<AvlNet.Path>>, bool, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>) | Improves accuracy of multiple object matching by adding a subpixel-precise adjustment. |
| EnhanceSingleObjectMatch(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Object2D, IList<AvlNet.Path>, bool, AvlNet.Object2D, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Improves accuracy of single object matching by adding a subpixel-precise adjustment. |
| EnlargeRegionNTimes(AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Region) | Enlarges a region by a natural factor. |
| EnumerateImages_Random(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesRandomState, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly. |
| EnumerateImages_Random(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesRandomState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, int?, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly. |
| EnumerateImages_Random(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesRandomState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, int?, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string, bool, bool) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly. |
| EnumerateImages_Random(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesRandomState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, int?, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string, NullableValue<bool>, NullableValue<bool>) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly. |
| EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted according to the specified order. |
| EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted according to the specified order. |
| EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string, bool, bool) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted according to the specified order. |
| EnumerateImages(AvlNet.EnumerateFilesState, string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string, NullableValue<bool>, NullableValue<bool>) | Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted according to the specified order. |
| EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, bool, int, AvlNet.Image) | Enumerates tiles from image. |
| EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, int, AvlNet.Image) | Enumerates tiles from image. |
| EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<bool>, NullableValue<bool>) | Enumerates tiles from image. |
| EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, bool, bool, AvlNet.Box) | Enumerates tiles from image. |
| EnumerateImageTiles(AvlNet.EnumerateImageTilesState, AvlNet.Image, int, int?, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<bool>, NullableValue<bool>, AvlNet.Box) | Enumerates tiles from image. |
| EqualizeImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Maps image pixels to new values to achieve uniform distribution of intensities in the range (0, 255). |
| EqualizeImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Maps image pixels to new values to achieve uniform distribution of intensities in the range (0, 255). |
| Equals(object) | Inherited from System.Object |
| ErodeBox(AvlNet.Box, int, AvlNet.Box) | Performs a morphological erosion on a box using box kernel. |
| ErodeBox(AvlNet.Box, int, int?, AvlNet.Box) | Performs a morphological erosion on a box using box kernel. |
| ErodeImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel. |
| ErodeImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within an arbitrary kernel. |
| ErodeImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel. |
| ErodeImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a small rectangular kernel. |
| ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel. |
| ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel. |
| ErodeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Replaces each pixel with the minimum of pixels within a kernel. |
| ErodePolygon(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Shrinks a polygon by a given radius. |
| ErodeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Changes a profile by choosing minimum point within a kernel. |
| ErodeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, int, bool, AvlNet.Profile) | Changes a profile by choosing minimum point within a kernel. |
| ErodeRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological erosion on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| ErodeRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological erosion on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| ErodeRegion_Threshold(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Region) | Erodes a region with inThresholdValue pixels of inKernel. |
| ErodeRegion_Threshold(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, int, AvlNet.Region) | Erodes a region with inThresholdValue pixels of inKernel. |
| ErodeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological erosion on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| ErodeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological erosion on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| ErodeShapeRegion(AvlNet.ShapeRegion, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Performs a morphological erosion on a shape region. |
| ErodeSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
| ErodeSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
| EstimateAffine3DTransform(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, float, AvlNet.Matrix, IList<int>, int) | Computes optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets. |
| ExpaintImage_Bornemann(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.LuminanceMode, AvlNet.Image) | Speculatively sets pixel values outside of a region using the fast marching method and coherence analysis. |
| ExpaintImage_Telea(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Speculatively sets pixel values outside of a region using the fast marching method. |
| ExpandRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Splits pixels of the input regions and their complement among these regions. |
| ExpandRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Metric?, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Splits pixels of the input regions and their complement among these regions. |
| ExtendPath(AvlNet.Path, float, float) | Resizes the first or the last segment of a path. |
| ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding. |
| ExtractBlobs_Color(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.ColorThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by color-based thresholding. |
| ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding. |
| ExtractBlobs_Dynamic(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DynamicThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by dynamic thresholding. |
| ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by thresholding using a single value. |
| ExtractBlobs_Intensity(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.IntensityThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by thresholding using a single value. |
| ExtractBlobs_Range(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.RangeThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by thresholding using a range of values. |
| ExtractBlobs_Range(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.RangeThresholdParams, AvlNet.PreSplitProcessingParams, AvlNet.SplittingParams, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Segments an image into blobs by thresholding using a range of values. |
| ExtractText2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Polarity, int, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting text elements to single characters. |
| ExtractText2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Polarity, int, int?, int?, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting text elements to single characters. |
| ExtractText2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Polarity, int, int?, int?, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting text elements to single characters. |
| ExtractText(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.TextSegmentation, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting character to single characters. |
| ExtractText(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.TextSegmentation, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting character to single characters. |
| FillImageBuffer(AvlNet.Image, int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int, int, System.IntPtr) | |
| FillImagePreviewBuffer(AvlNet.Image, int, int, System.IntPtr, int, bool) | |
| FillImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel) | Fills the input image with one color. |
| FillRegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, AvlNet.Region) | Adds pixels to the input region so that it contains no holes. |
| FillRegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Adds pixels to the input region so that it contains no holes. |
| FilterGridPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, float, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid. |
| FilterGridPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int?, int?, float, float?, float, float, float, float?, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid. |
| FilterGridPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int?, int?, float, float?, float, float, float, float?, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, float) | Select a subset of the given points that forms a grid. |
| FindClosestPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<int>) | For each given point, finds the closest point among the given point set. |
| FindConnectedComponents(IList<IList<int>>, IList<List<int>>, IList<int>) | Finds connected components in a graph given as set of bidirectional connections. |
| FindConnectedComponents(IList<IList<int>>, IList<List<int>>, IList<int>, bool) | Finds connected components in a graph given as set of bidirectional connections. |
| FindDataMode_FixedCount(IList<float>, float?, float?, int, float, float, float) | Finds the mode in a set of data values by looking for highest concentration of a fixed number of samples. |
| FindDataMode_FixedCount(IList<float>, float?, float?, int, float?, float, float, float) | Finds the mode in a set of data values by looking for highest concentration of a fixed number of samples. |
| FindDataMode_FixedSpread(IList<float>, float, float, float, int, float) | Finds the mode in a set of data values by looking for highest number of samples withing the specified spread. |
| FindDataMode_FixedSpread(IList<float>, float, float?, float, float, int, float) | Finds the mode in a set of data values by looking for highest number of samples withing the specified spread. |
| FindDataMode_MeanShift(IList<float>, int, float, float) | Finds the mode in a set of data values by iteratively computing its median. |
| FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount(IList<float>, int, bool, AvlNet.DataModeFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Finds local density maxima in set of values by looking for the highest concentration of a fixed number of samples. |
| FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount(IList<float>, int, float?, bool, float?, AvlNet.DataModeFunction, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Finds local density maxima in set of values by looking for the highest concentration of a fixed number of samples. |
| FindDensityMaxima_FixedSpread(IList<float>, float, int, bool, AvlNet.DataModeFunction, IList<float>, IList<int>) | Finds local density maxima in a set of values by looking for the highest number of samples withing a range determined by the given spread. |
| FindDensityMaxima_FixedSpread(IList<float>, float, int, bool, float?, AvlNet.DataModeFunction, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<float>, IList<int>) | Finds local density maxima in a set of values by looking for the highest number of samples withing a range determined by the given spread. |
| FindLongestSubpath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a new path from the longest sequence of segments of the input path that turn gently. |
| FindMatchingRegions_IoU(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<int>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<int>, double, IList<int?>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>>, IList<double?>) | Finds corresponding regions in two arrays based on IoU value. |
| FindMatchingRegions_IoU(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<int>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<int>, double, IList<int?>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>>, IList<double?>, IList<double?>) | Finds corresponding regions in two arrays based on IoU value. |
| FindMaxStableExtremalRegions(AvlNet.Image, int, int, int, float, float, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Segments an image by binarizing it with many different thresholds and by looking which blobs appear "stable". |
| FitArcToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Approximates path by an arc using the selected outliers suppression method and considering path's start and end. |
| FitArcToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Approximates path by an arc using the selected outliers suppression method and considering path's start and end. |
| FitArcToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Approximates points with an arc using the selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitArcToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Approximates points with an arc using the selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitArcToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Approximates points with an arc using the selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitArcToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitArcToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitArcToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, INullable<AvlNet.ArcFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitArcToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ArcFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, AvlNet.Arc2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds an arc that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Fits a circle to a hole in a plane. |
| FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Fits a circle to a hole in a plane. |
| FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Fits a circle to a hole in a plane. |
| FitCircle3DToHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Fits a circle to a hole in a plane. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitCircleToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Plane3D?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Plane3D?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Approximates points in 3D with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Approximates points with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Approximates points with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Approximates points with a circle using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitCircleToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.CircleFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CircleFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, AvlNet.Circle2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series 1D stripe detections and finds a circle that best matches the detected points. |
| FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane. |
| FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane. |
| FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane. |
| FitCircleToSurfaceHole(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, AvlNet.Line3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Line3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Line3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, int) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableValue<float>, int) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, NullableRef<AvlNet.Line3D>, AvlNet.Line3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, NullableRef<AvlNet.Line3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, INullable<AvlNet.Line3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int?, float, int?, INullable<AvlNet.Line3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, float) | Approximates points in 3D with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, int) | Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableValue<float>, int) | Approximates points with a line using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Line2D?, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Approximates points with a line using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitLineToPoints_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Line2D?) | Approximates points with a line using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int?, float, int?, AvlNet.Line2D?) | Approximates points with a line using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitLineToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitLineToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, int?, float?, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitLineToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, int?, float?, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<float>) | Approximates points with a line using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitLineToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.Line2D) | Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitLineToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.Line2D, float) | Approximates points with a line using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPathToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | |
| FitPathToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathOrientationAlignment, int, float, float, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float) | Rotates and shifts a path to minimize average distance between its points and a reference path. |
| FitPathToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | |
| FitPathToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections in 3D and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | |
| FitPathToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, int?, float?, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>>) | |
| FitPathToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.PathFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.PathFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPathToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PathFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float?, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid_M(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid_M(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid_M(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid_M(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoints_M(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToSurface_M(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitPlaneToSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Edge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, int) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableValue<float>, int) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int?, float, int?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>) | Approximates points in 3D with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableValue<float>) | Approximates points with a segment using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, int) | Approximates points with a segment using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_LTE(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int, int?, AvlNet.Segment2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableValue<float>, int) | Approximates points with a segment using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Approximates points with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_RANSAC(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, int?, float, int?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Approximates points with a segment using a RANSAC algorithm. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, int?, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitSegmentToPoints_TheilSen(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, int?, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D, IList<float>) | Approximates points with a segment using TheilSen algorithm, optionally with Siegel's improvement. |
| FitSegmentToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates points with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Approximates points with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionSegmentFittingMethod, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Approximates a region with a segment using selected outliers suppression method. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D?>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D ridge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, float, AvlNet.MEstimator?, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D edge detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingField, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableValue<AvlNet.SegmentFittingField>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | |
| FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, IList<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, INullable<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Profile>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FitSegmentToStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SegmentFittingMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, float, AvlNet.LineMEstimator?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and finds a segment that best matches the detected points. |
| FlattenSurface_WithScalePreserving(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Axis, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Flattens a curved surface preserving the scale on the axes. |
| FlattenSurface_WithScalePreserving(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Axis, float, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Surface) | Flattens a curved surface preserving the scale on the axes. |
| FlattenSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Axis, float, AvlNet.Surface) | Flattens a curved surface. |
| FlattenSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Axis, float, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Flattens a curved surface. |
| FormatLocationToString(AvlNet.Location, int, string, bool, string, int, bool, string) | Converts a location to a string of format "(X, Y)". |
| FormatPoint2DToString(AvlNet.Point2D, int, int, string, string, bool, string, bool, string) | Converts a 2D point to a string of format "(X, Y)". |
| FormatPoint3DToString(AvlNet.Point3D, int, int, string, string, bool, string, bool, string) | Converts a 3D point to a string of format "(X, Y, Z)". |
| FourierTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms an image into frequency domain using Fourier transformation. |
| FrequencyDomain_FilterFrequencies(AvlNet.Image, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image) | Filters the frequencies in a frequency domain image suppressing the elements of too low or too high frequency. |
| FrequencyDomain_ModulusImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the modulus of each frequency domain image pixel. |
| FrequencyDomain_PhaseImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the phase of each frequency domain image pixel. |
| Ftp_ReceiveFile(string, string, string, bool, bool) | Downloads a file from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_ReceiveFile(string, string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>) | Downloads a file from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_ReceiveImage(string, string, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Downloads an image from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_ReceiveImage(string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Downloads an image from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_ReceiveString(string, string, bool, bool, string) | Downloads a text string from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_ReceiveString(string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>, string) | Downloads a text string from a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendFile(string, string, string, bool, bool) | Sends a file to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendFile(string, string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>) | Sends a file to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendImage(AvlNet.Image, string, string, bool, bool) | Sends an image to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>) | Sends an image to a remote server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendString(string, string, string, bool, bool) | Sends a string to a remote serve using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Ftp_SendString(string, string, string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, bool, int?, bool, NullableRef<string>) | Sends a string to a remote serve using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). |
| Gap1DToSegment2D(AvlNet.Gap1D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Converts a gap to a segment. |
| GenerateCalibrationPoints(int, int, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.CameraModelType, float, AvlNet.Size, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Generates artificial points for camera calibration. Doesn't support distortion. |
| GenerateCalibrationPoints(int, int, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.CameraModelType, float, float?, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Size, IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Generates artificial points for camera calibration. Doesn't support distortion. |
| GetAvailableLicenses(IList<AvlNet.License>) | Reads available licenses in the system. |
| GetAvailableVideoCompressors(IList<string>) | Lists FourCC names of available video compressors. |
| GetAvlDiagnosticOutputsEnabled() | |
| GetAVX2AccelerationEnabled() | |
| GetComputerID(string) | Gets current Computer ID. |
| GetDongleSerialNumber(string) | Gets the current usb dongle's serial number. |
| GetGPUProcessingDiagInfo(string) | |
| GetHashCode() | Inherited from System.Object |
| GetHistogramBin(AvlNet.Histogram, int, bool, bool, double) | Returns the value of a single histogram bin. |
| GetHistogramBin(AvlNet.Histogram, int, bool, bool, double, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Returns the value of a single histogram bin. |
| GetHistogramBin(AvlNet.Histogram, int, bool, bool, double, float, float) | Returns the value of a single histogram bin. |
| GetHistogramCorrespondingBin(AvlNet.Histogram, float, bool, double) | Selects a bin that the given value in the histogram domain falls into and returns the value of this bin. |
| GetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Extracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image. |
| GetImageColumn(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Extracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image. |
| GetImageData(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ByteBuffer) | Extracts the image content (raw pixel data) as a binary buffer. |
| GetImageData(AvlNet.Image, int?, AvlNet.ByteBuffer) | Extracts the image content (raw pixel data) as a binary buffer. |
| GetImagePixel_Interpolated(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Returns an interpolated single pixel of an image. |
| GetImagePixel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Returns a single pixel of an image. |
| GetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image. |
| GetImageRow(AvlNet.Image, int?, int, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image. |
| GetLibraryVersion(int, int, int, int) | Gets current library version. |
| GetMaximumPath_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, float?, int?) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any path inside it is empty. |
| GetMaximumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMaximumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<int>) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMaximumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float, int) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMaximumRegion_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, float?, int?) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any region inside it is empty. |
| GetMaximumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMaximumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<int>) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMaximumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float, int) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the largest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumPath_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, float?, int?) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any path inside it is empty. |
| GetMinimumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<int>) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumPath(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.PathFeature, AvlNet.Path, float, int) | Returns the path from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumRegion_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, float?, int?) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value; returns NIL if the array or any region inside it is empty. |
| GetMinimumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<int>) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMinimumRegion(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, AvlNet.Region, float, int) | Returns the region from the input array that corresponds to the smallest computed feature value. |
| GetMultipleImagePixelValues_Safe(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, float, IList<float>) | Returns an array of pixel values at specified locations; the image range is checked. |
| GetNEONAccelerationEnabled() | |
| GetParallelComputingThreadsCount() | |
| GetPathCharacteristicPoint_Interpolated(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns linear interpolation between two consecutive characteristic points of a path. |
| GetPathCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Path, int, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns the selected characteristic point of a path. |
| GetPathSegment(AvlNet.Path, int, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Returns the selected segment of a path. |
| GetPoint3DGridPoint_Interpolated(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, AvlNet.Point3D) | Returns an interpolated single point of a point 3D grid. |
| GetPointOnPath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns a path point of desired distance (measured along path) from the first point of the path. |
| GetProfileElement_Interpolated(AvlNet.Profile, bool, bool, float, float) | Gets a single value from a profile, interpolated at any point. |
| GetProfileElement(AvlNet.Profile, int, bool, float) | Gets a single value from a profile, located at the specified index. |
| GetProfileValue(AvlNet.Profile, float, bool, float) | Gets a single value from a profile, located at the specified X (real-world) coordinate. |
| GetRegionFrame(AvlNet.Region, int, int) | Returns the width and height of the entire region's frame (not to be confused with RegionBoundingBox!). |
| GetSSEAccelerationEnabled() | |
| GetSurfaceElement_Interpolated(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D, int, AvlNet.Point3D) | Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates. |
| GetSurfacePath(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates. |
| GetThreadLimitInfo(int?, IList<string>) | Returns how many threads are possible and a list of threads currently being used. |
| GetType() | Inherited from System.Object |
| GoldenTemplate3D(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, int, int, float, bool, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Compares points on the input with the golden object. Any significant differences are considered defects. |
| GoldenTemplate3D(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, int, int, float, NullableRef<AvlNet.TransformLimits3D>, bool, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Compares points on the input with the golden object. Any significant differences are considered defects. |
| GoldenTemplate3D(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float, int, int, float, NullableRef<AvlNet.TransformLimits3D>, bool, float?, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Compares points on the input with the golden object. Any significant differences are considered defects. |
| GrabImage_FromFiles_ResetState() | Resets the global state of GrabImage_FromFiles filter. |
| GrabImage_FromFiles(string, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Simulates capturing a frame from a camera. |
| GrabImage_FromFiles(string, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, AvlNet.FileSortingOrder, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, AvlNet.Image, string, string) | Simulates capturing a frame from a camera. |
| GradientDirAndPresenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of gradient directions mapped to the range from 1 to 255. Zero means "no edge". |
| GradientDirAndPresenceImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of gradient directions mapped to the range from 1 to 255. Zero means "no edge". |
| GradientImageRidges_Sparse(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, int, AvlNet.SparseImage) | Finds ridge pixels in a gradient image. |
| GradientImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, AvlNet.NonMaximaMethod, int, AvlNet.Region) | Finds ridge pixels in a gradient image. |
| GradientImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, AvlNet.NonMaximaMethod, int, AvlNet.Region) | Finds ridge pixels in a gradient image. |
| GradientImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, AvlNet.NonMaximaMethod, int, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Finds ridge pixels in a gradient image. |
| GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator. |
| GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator. |
| GradientImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with a Sobel or Prewitt operator. |
| GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed. |
| GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, float?, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed. |
| GradientImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientOperator, float, float?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a gradient image with smoothing operator of any size. The output pixels are signed. |
| GradientMagnitudeImage_Signed(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeTransition, AvlNet.DifferentiationMethod, AvlNet.GradientOrientation, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of gradient for only selected direction. |
| GradientMagnitudeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, AvlNet.Image) | Measures the strength of gradient at each pixel location. |
| GradientMagnitudeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator, AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure, int, AvlNet.Image) | Measures the strength of gradient at each pixel location. |
| GrayModel2ByteSize(AvlNet.GrayModel2, long) | Returns estimated size of the GrayModel2 in bytes. |
| GroupPathsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, IList<List<int>>) | For each region returns which paths lie inside of it or intersect with it. |
| GroupPathsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, IList<List<int>>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>) | For each region returns which paths lie inside of it or intersect with it. |
| GroupPointsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<List<int>>) | For each region returns which points lie inside of it. |
| GroupPointsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<List<int>>, NullableRef<List<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>>) | For each region returns which points lie inside of it. |
| GroupRegionsByLines(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, float, bool, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Splits an array of blobs by distance to computed base lines. |
| GroupRegionsByLines(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, bool, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Splits an array of blobs by distance to computed base lines. |
| GroupRegionsByLines(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, bool, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Splits an array of blobs by distance to computed base lines. |
| GroupRegionsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, IList<List<int>>) | For each region returns which regions lie inside of it or intersect with it. |
| GroupRegionsByRegions(IList<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MatchingCriterion, IList<List<int>>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>>) | For each region returns which regions lie inside of it or intersect with it. |
| HeatmapToImage(AvlNet.Heatmap, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a heatmap to an image. |
| HistogramAverage(AvlNet.Histogram, double) | Computes the average of histogram bin values. |
| HistogramDataAverage(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the average of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataMaximum(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the approximation of the largest value of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataMedian(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the median of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataMinimum(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the approximation of the smallest value of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataNthValue(AvlNet.Histogram, double, AvlNet.SortingOrder, float) | Computes nth smallest (or largest) value of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataQuantile(AvlNet.Histogram, float, float) | Computes the specified quantile of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataSize(AvlNet.Histogram, double) | Computes the number of elements of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the standard deviation of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDataVariance(AvlNet.Histogram, float) | Computes the variance of the histogrammed numeric data. |
| HistogramDistance(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, double) | Computes the numeric distance between two histograms. |
| HistogramIndices(AvlNet.Histogram, IList<int>) | Returns an array of histogram elements' indices. |
| HistogramIntersection(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, double) | Calculates normalized histogram intersection norm. |
| HistogramLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Histogram, double?, double?, bool, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, IList<AvlNet.HistogramExtremum>) | Computes the histogram local extrema. |
| HistogramLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Range?, double?, double?, bool, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.HistogramExtremum>) | Computes the histogram local extrema. |
| HistogramMaximum(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, int, float, double) | Computes histogram bar values maximum - its location and value. |
| HistogramMaximum(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, int, float, double) | Computes histogram bar values maximum - its location and value. |
| HistogramMinimum(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, int, float, double) | Computes histogram bar values minimum - its location and value. |
| HistogramMinimum(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.HistogramInterpolationMethod, int, float, double) | Computes histogram bar values minimum - its location and value. |
| HistogramSize(AvlNet.Histogram, int) | Computes the number of histogram bins. |
| HistogramSum(AvlNet.Histogram, double) | Computes the sum of histogram bin values. |
| HsiToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Intensity into Red-Green-Blue. |
| HslToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Luminance to Red-Green-Blue. |
| HsvToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Hue-Saturation-Value to Red-Green-Blue. |
| Http_DecodeURL(string, string) | Converts text from URL friendly text to a string. |
| Http_EncodeURL(string, string) | Converts string to URL friendly text. |
| Http_SendBinaryData(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a raw HTTP request. |
| Http_SendBinaryData(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a raw HTTP request. |
| Http_SendCustomRequest(AvlNet.HTTPRequestMethod, string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a custom HTTP request. |
| Http_SendCustomRequest(AvlNet.HTTPRequestMethod, string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a custom HTTP request. |
| Http_SendRequest_DELETE_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a DELETE request to server and receives a binary answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_DELETE_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a DELETE request to server and receives a binary answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_DELETE(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a DELETE request to server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_DELETE(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a DELETE request to server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_GET_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a GET request to server and receives a binary answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_GET_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a GET request to server and receives a binary answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_GET(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a GET request to server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_GET(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a GET request to server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a PATCH request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a PATCH request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PATCH request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PATCH request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PATCH request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PATCH(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PATCH request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a POST request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a POST request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a POST request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a POST request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a POST request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_POST(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a POST request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a PUT request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT_ByteBuffer(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, int) | Sends a PUT request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PUT request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT_JSON(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, string, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PUT request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PUT request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| Http_SendRequest_PUT(string, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, IList<string>, int, bool, NullableRef<string>, INullable<string>, int) | Sends a PUT request to the server and receives a text answer. |
| ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc. |
| ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc. |
| ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Arc2D>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc. |
| ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc. |
| ImageAlongArc(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Arc2D>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along an arc. |
| ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path. |
| ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path. |
| ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path. |
| ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path. |
| ImageAlongPath(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path. |
| ImageAverageHSx(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int, int, int) | Computes the average of the HSV, HSL or HSI image pixel values. |
| ImageAverageHSx(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.HSxColorModel, int?, int, int, int) | Computes the average of the HSV, HSL or HSI image pixel values. |
| ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel) | Computes the average of the image pixel values. |
| ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel) | Computes the average of the image pixel values. |
| ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the average of the image pixel values. |
| ImageAverage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Computes the average of the image pixel values. |
| ImageBoxToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Box) | Finds the surface coordinates of image box. |
| ImageBoxToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Box, INullable<AvlNet.Box3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image box. |
| ImageBox(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box) | Returns a box corresponding to the dimensions of an image. |
| ImageCenter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns the geometrical center of an image. |
| ImageCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns one of the 9 characteristic points of an image (corners or mid-points). |
| ImageCircleToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image circle. |
| ImageCircleToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Circle2D, INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image circle. |
| ImageCoordinateSystemToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image coordinate system. |
| ImageCorrelationImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of correlation between a pattern and the input image at each possible location. |
| ImageCorrelationImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of correlation between a pattern and the input image at each possible location. |
| ImageCorrelation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, float) | Computes the correlation of pattern and image. |
| ImageCorrelation(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.CorrelationMeasure, float) | Computes the correlation of pattern and image. |
| ImageDifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of differences between a moving pattern and the input image. |
| ImageDifferenceImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, AvlNet.Image) | Computes an image of differences between a moving pattern and the input image. |
| ImageDifference(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float) | Measures dissimilarity between two images. |
| ImageDifference(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float) | Measures dissimilarity between two images. |
| ImageEdgesToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Edges. |
| ImageEdgeToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Edge1D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Edge1D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Edge. |
| ImageGapsToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Gaps. |
| ImageGapToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Gap1D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Gap1D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Gap. |
| ImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, int, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the histogram of the image pixel values. |
| ImageHistogram(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, float, float, int, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the histogram of the image pixel values. |
| ImageInversePolarTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.PolarInterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms an image from polar or log-polar space to euclidean space. |
| ImageLineToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Line2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image line. |
| ImageLineToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Line2D, INullable<AvlNet.Line3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image line. |
| ImageLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Image, bool, float?, float?, float, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Extremum2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>) | Finds image locations characterized by locally maximal pixel values. |
| ImageLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, bool, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Extremum2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>) | Finds image locations characterized by locally maximal pixel values. |
| ImageLocalMinima(AvlNet.Image, bool, float?, float?, float, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Extremum2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>) | Finds image locations characterized by locally minimal pixel values. |
| ImageLocalMinima(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, bool, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.ImageLocalExtremaVerification?, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Extremum2D>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Region>>) | Finds image locations characterized by locally minimal pixel values. |
| ImageMassCenter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to image mass center in brightness scale. |
| ImageMassCenter(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to image mass center in brightness scale. |
| ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel. |
| ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Location, float) | Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel. |
| ImageMaximum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the location and the value of the brightest pixel. |
| ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel. |
| ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Location, float) | Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel. |
| ImageMinimum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the location and the value of the darkest pixel. |
| ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float) | Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant. |
| ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float) | Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant. |
| ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant. |
| ImageMoment(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ImageMomentType, bool, float, float) | Computes the selected moment of an image in regular and normalized (divided by sum of pixel values) variant. |
| ImageOrientation(AvlNet.Image, float) | Computes the orientation of an image using image moments. The result range is from 0.0 to 180.0. |
| ImageOrientation(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float) | Computes the orientation of an image using image moments. The result range is from 0.0 to 180.0. |
| ImagePathsToSurfaceCoordinates(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image paths. |
| ImagePathsToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Paths. |
| ImagePathToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Path) | Finds the surface coordinates of image path. |
| ImagePathToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Path) | Finds the world coordinates of image Path. |
| ImagePixels(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Returns an array of pixels from the input image. |
| ImagePixels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Returns an array of pixels from the input image. |
| ImagePixelValues(AvlNet.Image, IList<float>) | Returns an array of pixel values from the input image. |
| ImagePixelValues(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, IList<float>) | Returns an array of pixel values from the input image. |
| ImagePointsToSurfaceCoordinates(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image points. |
| ImagePointsToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Points. |
| ImagePointToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Point2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image point. |
| ImagePointToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image point. |
| ImagePointToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image point. |
| ImagePointToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Point2D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Point. |
| ImagePolarTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PolarSpaceType, AvlNet.PolarInterpolationMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms an image to polar or log-polar space. |
| ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ScanMapState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, float, AvlNet.AccumulationMode, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. |
| ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ScanMapState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, float, AvlNet.AccumulationMode, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path) | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. |
| ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ScanMapState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, float, AvlNet.AccumulationMode, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>) | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. |
| ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ScanMapState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, float, AvlNet.AccumulationMode, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. |
| ImageProfileAlongPath(AvlNet.ScanMapState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, float, AvlNet.AccumulationMode, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. |
| ImageProjection(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.ProjectionMode, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the average (or other statistic) for each image row or column and then merges the obtained results into a profile. |
| ImageProjection(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.ProjectionMode, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the average (or other statistic) for each image row or column and then merges the obtained results into a profile. |
| ImageRidgesToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Ridges. |
| ImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region) | Finds ridge pixels in an image. |
| ImageRidges(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, float?, float, AvlNet.Region) | Finds ridge pixels in an image. |
| ImageRidgeToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Ridge1D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Ridge1D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Ridge. |
| ImageSegmentsToSurfaceCoordinates(IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image segments. |
| ImageSegmentsToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Segments. |
| ImageSegmentToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image segment. |
| ImageSegmentToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Segment2D, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image segment. |
| ImageSegmentToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Segment. |
| ImageSharpness(AvlNet.Image, float) | Returns a value dependent on sharpness of the image. The value is bigger for sharper images. |
| ImageSharpness(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box?, float) | Returns a value dependent on sharpness of the image. The value is bigger for sharper images. |
| ImageStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Image, float) | Calculates standard deviation of image pixel values. |
| ImageStandardDeviation(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float) | Calculates standard deviation of image pixel values. |
| ImageStatistics(AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Pixel>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Pixel>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes various statistics of the image pixel values. |
| ImageStatistics(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Location, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Computes various statistics of the image pixel values. |
| ImageStatistics(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Location>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Pixel>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Pixel>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes various statistics of the image pixel values. |
| ImageStripesToWorldPlane(IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>) | Finds the world coordinates of image Stripes. |
| ImageStripeToWorldPlane(AvlNet.Stripe1D, AvlNet.RectificationTransform, AvlNet.Stripe1D) | Finds the world coordinates of image Stripe. |
| ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel) | Computes the sum of the image pixel values. |
| ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel) | Computes the sum of the image pixel values. |
| ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the sum of the image pixel values. |
| ImageSum(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, float) | Computes the sum of the image pixel values. |
| ImageToImageFormat(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFormat) | Converts an image to an image format. |
| ImageToMatrix(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix) | Converts a single-channel image to a matrix. |
| ImageToSize(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Size) | Converts an image to a size. |
| ImageVectorToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image vector. |
| ImageVectorToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Vector2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Vector3D>) | Finds the surface coordinates of image vector. |
| ImageVectorToSurfaceCoordinates(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Finds the surface coordinates of image vector. |
| InflatePath(AvlNet.Path, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Enlarges a path by a given margin (points in the input path must be sorted clockwise). |
| InflateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Enlarges a rectangle by a given margin. |
| InitGPUProcessing(string, string) | |
| InitLibrary() | Initializes library internals. Should be called before any other function from AVL. |
| InpaintImage_Bornemann(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, float, float, float, AvlNet.LuminanceMode, AvlNet.Image) | Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area; uses fast marching method and coherence analysis. |
| InpaintImage_Telea(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Image) | Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area; uses fast marching method. |
| InpaintImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area. |
| InpaintImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?) | Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area. |
| InscribeRegionInRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShiftType, AvlNet.FitType, int?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.Region>) | Shifts source region so that it is contained in target region. |
| InsertToPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, int, bool) | Inserts a new point to a path at a specified location. |
| InspectImageMemoryPools(bool, IList<int>, IList<int>, int) | Returns information about allocated image memory buffers. This information can be used for preallocation. |
| IntegerToHash(int, AvlNet.Hash) | Converts an Integer to a Hash. |
| IntegerToPixel(int, AvlNet.Pixel) | Converts an integer value to pixel. |
| InverseFourierTransform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms an image in frequency domain back to spatial domain using inverse Fourier transformation. |
| InvertCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Inverts a coordinate system. |
| InvertImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies numeric inversion (1/x) of the pixel values. |
| InvertImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies numeric inversion (1/x) of the pixel values. |
| JoinAdjacentPaths(IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, float, float, AvlNet.PathJoiningMethod, AvlNet.PathJoiningAngleMeasure, bool, bool, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough. |
| JoinAdjacentPaths(IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, float, float?, float, float?, AvlNet.PathJoiningMethod, AvlNet.PathJoiningAngleMeasure, bool, bool, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough. |
| JoinAdjacentPaths(IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, float, float?, float, float?, AvlNet.PathJoiningMethod, AvlNet.PathJoiningAngleMeasure, bool, bool, float, IList<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>) | Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough. |
| JoinImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.JoinDirection, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a single image by glueing together many input images in horizontal or vertical direction. |
| JoinImages_OfSeries(AvlNet.JoinImages_OfSeriesState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.JoinDirection, int, int, INullable<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates a single image by glueing together a series of input images in horizontal or vertical direction. |
| JoinImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.JoinDirection, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a single image by glueing together the two input images in horizontal or vertical direction. |
| JoinImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.JoinDirection, int, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a single image by glueing together the two input images in horizontal or vertical direction. |
| JoinImageTiles(IList<AvlNet.Image>, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Joins previously cut tiles into single image. |
| JoinPoint3DGrids(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Combines two point grids into one. |
| JoinPoint3DGrids(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, int?, int?, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Combines two point grids into one. |
| JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeries(AvlNet.JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeriesState, AvlNet.Profile, int, INullable<AvlNet.Image>) | Creates an image by joining 1D profiles, which appear in consecutive iterations. |
| JoinProfilesIntoImage(IList<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image by joining an array of 1D profiles into consecutive image rows. |
| JoinProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Concatenates two profiles into one. |
| JoinSurfaces(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Combines two surfaces into one. |
| KNN_Classify(AvlNet.KNNModel, IList<float>, int, AvlNet.Metric, int) | Classify data using the KNN classifier. |
| KNN_Init(int, int, AvlNet.KNNModel) | Initializes the KNN classifier. |
| KNN_Train(AvlNet.KNNModel, IList<IList<float>>, IList<int>, AvlNet.KNNModel) | Trains KNN classifier using sample data. |
| LabToRgb(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from L*a*b* to Red-Green-Blue. |
| LawsFilter(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterSize, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Filters image with one of the classic LAWS filter. |
| LawsFilter(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterType, AvlNet.LawsFilterSize, int, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Filters image with one of the classic LAWS filter. |
| LerpAngles(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float) | Linearly interpolates between two angles in the direction of minimum turn. |
| LerpAngles(float, float, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float) | Linearly interpolates between two angles in the direction of minimum turn. |
| LerpImages_ByImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel according to another image values. |
| LerpImages_ByImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel according to another image values. |
| LerpImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel. |
| LerpImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Interpolates two images linearly pixel by pixel. |
| LerpPaths(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path) | Linearly interpolates between two paths. |
| LerpPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Point3D) | Linearly interpolates between two points in 3D. |
| LerpPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Point2D) | Linearly interpolates between two points. |
| LerpSegments3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Linearly interpolates between two segments in 3D. |
| LerpSegments(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Linearly interpolates between two segments. |
| LerpVectors3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Linearly interpolates between two 3D vectors. |
| LerpVectors_Radial(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Linearly interpolates between two radial vectors. |
| LerpVectors_Radial(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.RotationDirection?, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Linearly interpolates between two radial vectors. |
| LerpVectors(AvlNet.Vector2D, AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Linearly interpolates between two vectors. |
| Line2DToLine3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Line3D) | Projects a 2D line onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Line2DToLine3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Line3D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 2D line onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Line2DToLine3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 2D line onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Line2DToLine3D(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Converts a line in 2D to a line in 3D. |
| Line3DToLine2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Line2D) | Projects a 3D line onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Line3DToLine2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Line2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 3D line onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Line3DToLine2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 3D line onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Line3DToLine2D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line2D) | Converts a line in 3D to a line in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinates. |
| LinearBinaryPattern(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.LinearBinaryPatternType, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Image) | Creates histogram and map of Linear Binary Patterns (with radius 1 and size 8) of provided image. |
| LinearBinaryPattern(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.LinearBinaryPatternType, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Image) | Creates histogram and map of Linear Binary Patterns (with radius 1 and size 8) of provided image. |
| LineArcIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes the common points of an arc and a line. |
| LinearRegression_LTE(IList<float>, int, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes linear regression of given point set using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| LinearRegression_LTE(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, int?, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes linear regression of given point set using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| LinearRegression_LTE(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, int?, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, float, int) | Computes linear regression of given point set using Least Trimmed Error algorithm. |
| LinearRegression_M(IList<float>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| LinearRegression_M(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.LinearFunction?, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| LinearRegression_M(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.LinearFunction?, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<float>>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| LinearRegression_RANSAC(IList<float>, float, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using RANSAC. |
| LinearRegression_RANSAC(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int?, float, int?, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using RANSAC. |
| LinearRegression_TheilSen(IList<float>, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using TheilSen algorithm. |
| LinearRegression_TheilSen(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.TheilSenVariant, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes linear regression of given point set using TheilSen algorithm. |
| LinearRegression(IList<float>, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes linear regression of given point set. |
| LinearRegression(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.LinearFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes linear regression of given point set. |
| LineCircleIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes common points of a circle and a line. |
| LineLineIntersection3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D?) | Computes a common point of two lines in 3D. |
| LineLineIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes a common point of two lines. |
| LineNormalVector(AvlNet.Line2D, bool, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Computes the normal vector of a line. |
| LineOrientation(AvlNet.Line2D, float) | Computes the orientation angle of a line as angle in the range from 0 to 180. |
| LinePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D?) | Computes the intersection point of a line in 3D and a plane. |
| LineScanCameraModelToAnyCameraModel(AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, AvlNet.AnyCameraModel) | Conversion |
| LineScanCameraModelToRectificationTransform(AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Conversion |
| LineSegmentIntersection(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes a common point of a line and a segment. |
| LineThroughPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Computes a line in 3D passing through a point with given direction. |
| LineThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Computes a line in 3D passing through two points. |
| LineThroughPoints(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D) | Computes a line passing through two distinct points. |
| LineThroughPoint(AvlNet.Point2D, float, AvlNet.Line2D) | Computes a line passing through a point with given angle. |
| LineToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between two lines in 3D. |
| LineToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distance between two lines in 3D. |
| LoadAnyCameraModel(string, AvlNet.AnyCameraModel) | Loads serialized AnyCameraModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadEdgeModel2(string, AvlNet.EdgeModel2) | Loads serialized template matching EdgeModel2 object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadEdgeModel(string, AvlNet.EdgeModel) | Loads serialized template matching EdgeModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays. |
| LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, NullableRef<IList<string>>, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays. |
| LoadEntities_FromDxf(string, float, NullableRef<IList<string>>, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, IList<string>) | Loads entities from a DXF file as an array of point arrays. |
| LoadGrayModel2(string, AvlNet.GrayModel2) | Loads serialized template matching GrayModel2 object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadGrayModel(string, AvlNet.GrayModel) | Loads serialized template matching GrayModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadHistogram(string, AvlNet.Histogram) | Loads serialized Histogram object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadImageFormat(string, bool, AvlNet.ImageFormat) | Loads a single image format from a file without loading all image data. |
| LoadImageFromBuffer(AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Loads a single image from a file stored in memory. |
| LoadImageFromBuffer(AvlNet.ByteBuffer, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Loads a single image from a file stored in memory. |
| LoadImageObject(string, AvlNet.Image) | Loads serialized Image object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image) | Loads data from a DXF file as an image. |
| LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.Pixel, NullableRef<IList<string>>, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image) | Loads data from a DXF file as an image. |
| LoadImage_FromDxf(string, float, AvlNet.Size?, AvlNet.Pixel, NullableRef<IList<string>>, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Image, IList<string>) | Loads data from a DXF file as an image. |
| LoadImage_FromWebsite(string, AvlNet.Image) | Loads a JPG image from a website. |
| LoadImage_FromWebsite(string, NullableRef<string>, NullableRef<string>, AvlNet.Image) | Loads a JPG image from a website. |
| LoadImage(string, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Loads a single image from a file. |
| LoadMultiplePagesTiffImage(string, bool, IList<AvlNet.Image>) | Loads a image array from a tiff file. |
| LoadObject(string, IList<T>) | Loads an object from the file |
| LoadObject(string, INullable<T>) | Loads an object from the file |
| LoadObject(string, T) | Loads an object from the file |
| LoadObject(string, T) | Loads an object from the file |
| LoadOcrMlpModel(string, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel) | Loads serialized OcrMlpModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadOcrModel(string, AvlNet.OcrModel) | Loads serialized OcrMlpModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadOcrSvmModel(string, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel) | Loads serialized OcrSvmModel object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadPath(string, AvlNet.Path) | Loads serialized Path object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadPoint3DArrayFromTextFile(string, AvlNet.Grid3DFileFormat, string, int, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Loads arrays of 3D points from text file. |
| LoadPoint3DArrayFromTextFile(string, AvlNet.Grid3DFileFormat, string, int, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, string, AvlNet.Point3D) | Loads arrays of 3D points from text file. |
| LoadPoint3DGridObject(string, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Deserializes a profile from an AVDATA file. |
| LoadPoint3DGridWithImage(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, int?, int?, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Image) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D and an image. Assumes an ordered rectangular grid with no holes. |
| LoadPoint3DGrid(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D. |
| LoadProfile(string, AvlNet.Profile) | Deserializes a profile from an AVDATA file. |
| LoadRectificationMap(string, AvlNet.RectificationMap) | Loads serialized RectificationMap object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadRectificationTransform(string, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Loads serialized RectificationTransform object from AVDATA file. |
| LoadRegion(string, AvlNet.Region) | Loads a region from an AVDATA file. |
| LoadSpatialMap(string, AvlNet.SpatialMap) | Deserializes a SpatialMap object from a AVDATA file. |
| LoadSurfaceWithImage(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Image) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D and an image. Assumes an unordered grid with possible holes. |
| LoadSurfaceWithImage(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D and an image. Assumes an unordered grid with possible holes. |
| LoadSurfaceWithImage(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Image, double, double, AvlNet.Region) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D and an image. Assumes an unordered grid with possible holes. |
| LoadSurfaceWithImage(string, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>, AvlNet.Region) | Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D and an image. Assumes an unordered grid with possible holes. |
| LoadSurface(string, AvlNet.Surface) | Deserializes a surface from an AVDATA file. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<SafeList<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds all occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateMultipleObjects_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<List<float>>) | Finds multiple occurrences of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateMultiplePointPatterns(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, float, float, bool, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds occurrences of a pattern in a 2D cloud of (feature) points. |
| LocateMultiplePointPatterns(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<int>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<int>>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, bool, float, float, bool, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, IList<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges1(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, INullable<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_Edges2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.EdgeModel2, int, int?, float, AvlNet.EdgePolarityMode, AvlNet.EdgeNoiseLevel, bool, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Path>>>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by comparing object edges. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC2(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel2, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_NCC(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, int, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateSingleObject_SAD(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.GrayModel, int, int?, bool, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableValue<int>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, INullable<List<float>>) | Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the Square Average Difference between pixel values. |
| LocateSinglePointPattern(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, float, float, bool, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds an occurrence of the pattern in the input points. |
| LocateSinglePointPattern(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<int>>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<int>>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, bool, float, float, bool, float, float, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Finds an occurrence of the pattern in the input points. |
| LocationArrayToPoint2DArray(IList<AvlNet.Location>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Converts an array of locations to an array of points. |
| LocationCenter(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns the center point of a pixel indicated by the provided location. |
| LocationsToRegion(IList<AvlNet.Location>, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Forms a region containing pixels of given locations. |
| LocationToPoint2D(AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Point2D) | Converts a location to its center point. |
| LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, float, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel. |
| LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel. |
| LogarithmImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float?, float, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes a natural logarithm of each pixel. |
| LUTTransformImage(AvlNet.LUTTransformImageState, AvlNet.Image, IList<int>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Changes pixel values for data stored in array. |
| LUTTransformImage(AvlNet.LUTTransformImageState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, IList<int>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Changes pixel values for data stored in array. |
| MakeCharacterSamples(IList<AvlNet.Region>, string, IList<AvlNet.CharacterSample>) | Creates training font samples from the provided regions. |
| MakeHeatmap(AvlNet.Image, int, int, int, AvlNet.Heatmap) | Creates a new Heatmap object. |
| MakeHistogram(IList<double>, float, float, int, AvlNet.Histogram) | Creates a histogram out of an array of bin values. |
| MakeHistogram(IList<double>, float, float, int, int?, AvlNet.Histogram) | Creates a histogram out of an array of bin values. |
| MakeImage(IList<AvlNet.Pixel>, int, int, AvlNet.PlainType, int, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a pixel array to a single-channel image. |
| MakePathConditional(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathFeature, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Path>) | Computes a path feature, checks whether its value is in range and creates a conditional path on this basis. |
| MakeRegionConditional(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, INullable<AvlNet.Region>) | Computes a region feature, checks whether its value is in range and creates a conditional region on this basis. |
| MakeSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a Surface structure from depth map mono image. |
| MakeSurfaceFromImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, double, double, double, double, double, double, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a Surface structure from depth map mono image. |
| MatrixDeterminant(AvlNet.Matrix, float) | Find the determinant of a square matrix. |
| MatrixPseudoEigenvectors(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, IList<float>) | Find the pseudo-eigenvalues and pseudo-eigenvectors of a symmetrical square matrix. |
| MatrixToImage(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a matrix to a single-channel real image. |
| MatrixToRectificationTransform(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Conversion |
| MaxChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by taking the maximum value of all the input image channels. |
| MaxChannels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by taking the maximum value of all the input image channels. |
| MaximumHistogram_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Histogram>, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the maximum of histograms of an array bar by bar. |
| MaximumHistogram_OfLoop(AvlNet.HistogramCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the maximum of histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar. |
| MaximumHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the maximum of two histograms bar by bar. |
| MaximumImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the maximum of images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MaximumImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the maximum of images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MaximumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the maximum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MaximumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the maximum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MaximumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from the higher pixel values of each corresponding pair. |
| MaximumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from the higher pixel values of each corresponding pair. |
| MaximumProfile_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the maximum of profiles of an array. |
| MaximumProfile_OfLoop(AvlNet.ProfileCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the maximum of profiles appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| MaximumProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the maximum of two profiles point by point. |
| MeasureClassificationQuality_Binary(IList<bool>, IList<bool>, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Matrix) | Calculates classification performance metrics for binary problems. |
| MeasureClassificationQuality_Multiclass(IList<int>, IList<int>, float, IList<float>, IList<float>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Calculates classification performance metrics for multiclass problems. |
| MeasureObjectWidth3D(AvlNet.Surface, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasureObjectWidth3D(AvlNet.Surface, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasureObjectWidth3D(AvlNet.Surface, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasureObjectWidth(AvlNet.Image, IList<AvlNet.ScanMap>, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.MEstimator?, int, float?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, AvlNet.Segment2D?, NullableRef<List<NullableRef<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>, NullableRef<SafeList<AvlNet.Profile>>) | Measures the width of an object using stripe detection. |
| MeasurePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes gradient magnitudes of an image. |
| MeasurePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes gradient magnitudes of an image. |
| MedianAngle(IList<float>, AvlNet.AngleRange, float) | Computes the median angle of the input angles. |
| MedianImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.Image) | Compute median value for each pixel of images from an array. |
| MedianImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Compute median value for each pixel of images from an array. |
| MergeChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a multichannel image from several monochromatic ones. |
| MergeChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a multichannel image from several monochromatic ones. |
| MergeCharactersIntoLines(IList<AvlNet.OcrResult>, float, float, float, int, bool, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, IList<string>, IList<int?>) | Converts a output of DL_ReadCharacters to lines of text. |
| MergeMultipleLocationResults(IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, float, float, IList<AvlNet.Object2D>, IList<int>) | Combines results from multiple LocateMultipleObject instances. |
| MergeSingleLocationResults(NullableRef<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Object2D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Object2D>, float, INullable<AvlNet.Object2D>, int?) | Combines results from multiple LocateSingleObject instances. |
| MIL1DcodeFormatToBarcodeFormat(AvlNet.MIL1DcodeFormat, AvlNet.BarcodeFormat) | Converts a MIL1DcodeFormat object to a BarcodeFormat. |
| MinChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by taking the minimum value of all the input image channels. |
| MinChannels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a monochromatic image by taking the minimum value of all the input image channels. |
| MinimumHistogram_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Histogram>, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the minimum of histograms of an array bar by bar. |
| MinimumHistogram_OfLoop(AvlNet.HistogramCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the minimum of histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar. |
| MinimumHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Computes the minimum of two histograms bar by bar. |
| MinimumImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the minimum of images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MinimumImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the minimum of images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MinimumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the minimum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MinimumImage_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the minimum of images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MinimumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from the lower pixel values of each corresponding pair. |
| MinimumImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Creates an image from the lower pixel values of each corresponding pair. |
| MinimumProfile_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the minimum of profiles of an array. |
| MinimumProfile_OfLoop(AvlNet.ProfileCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the minimum of profiles appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| MinimumProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the minimum of two profiles point by point. |
| MirrorImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MirrorDirection, AvlNet.Image) | Reverses the order of the input image columns or rows depending on inMirrorDirection value. |
| MirrorPoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Mirrors each point from the array according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Mirrors each point from the array according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Mirrors each point from the array according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Mirrors each grid point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix) | Mirrors each grid point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Mirrors each grid point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Mirrors a point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Matrix) | Mirrors a point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorPoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Mirrors a point according to the input plane. |
| MirrorRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.MirrorDirection, AvlNet.Region) | Mirrors a region across vertical or horizontal axis. |
| MirrorSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its opposite value. |
| MirrorSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Matrix) | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its opposite value. |
| MirrorSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its opposite value. |
| MixChannels(AvlNet.Image, int, int, int, int, int, AvlNet.Image) | Calculates a linear combination of image channels. |
| MLP_Init(AvlNet.ActivationFunction, AvlNet.MlpPreprocessing, int, int, AvlNet.MlpModel) | Creates multilayer perceptron model. |
| MLP_Init(NullableRef<IList<int>>, AvlNet.ActivationFunction, AvlNet.MlpPreprocessing, int?, int, int, AvlNet.MlpModel) | Creates multilayer perceptron model. |
| MLP_Respond(AvlNet.MlpModel, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Calculates multilayer perceptron answer. |
| MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, IList<IList<float>>, IList<IList<float>>, int, float, float, AvlNet.MlpModel) | Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier. |
| MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, IList<IList<float>>, IList<IList<float>>, NullableRef<IList<IList<float>>>, NullableRef<IList<IList<float>>>, int, float, float, int?, AvlNet.MlpModel) | Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier. |
| MLP_Train(AvlNet.MlpModel, IList<IList<float>>, IList<IList<float>>, NullableRef<IList<IList<float>>>, NullableRef<IList<IList<float>>>, int, float, float, int?, AvlNet.MlpModel, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Creates and trains multilayer perceptron classifier. |
| MultiplyHistograms_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Histogram>, AvlNet.Histogram) | Multiply histograms of an array bar by bar. |
| MultiplyHistograms_OfLoop(AvlNet.HistogramCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Multiply histograms appearing in consecutive iterations bar by bar. |
| MultiplyHistograms(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Multiplies two histograms bar by bar. |
| MultiplyHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, double, AvlNet.Histogram) | Multiplies each bin value by a number. |
| MultiplyImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies images of an array pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies two images pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImages(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies two images pixel by pixel. |
| MultiplyImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies each pixel by a scalar value. |
| MultiplyImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Multiplies each pixel by a scalar value. |
| MultiplyProfiles_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Profile>, AvlNet.Profile) | Multiplies profiles of an array value by value. |
| MultiplyProfiles_OfLoop(AvlNet.ProfileCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Multiplies profiles appearing in consecutive iterations value by value. |
| MultiplyProfiles(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Multiplies two profiles value by value. |
| MultiplyProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float) | Multiplies each element of a profile by a scalar value. |
| MultiplyProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float) | Multiplies each element of a profile by a scalar value. |
| NegateHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, AvlNet.Histogram) | Negates each bin value. |
| NegateImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Reverts the pixel value range (unsigned) or applies numeric negation (signed). |
| NegateImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Reverts the pixel value range (unsigned) or applies numeric negation (signed). |
| NegateProfile(AvlNet.Profile) | Transforms each profile value to its negation. |
| NegateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?) | Transforms each profile value to its negation. |
| NormalizeAngle(float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, float) | |
| NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image, float, float) | Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum. |
| NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image, float, float) | Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum. |
| NormalizeImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, float?, float?, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Region) | Rescales an image linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and the maximum of the remaining pixels becomes inNewMaximum. |
| NormalizeLocalBrightness_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local brightness of the image. Internally uses Gauss smoothing. |
| NormalizeLocalBrightness_Gauss(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local brightness of the image. Internally uses Gauss smoothing. |
| NormalizeLocalBrightness_Mean(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local brightness of the image. Internally uses Mean smoothing. |
| NormalizeLocalBrightness_Mean(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, int?, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local brightness of the image. Internally uses Mean smoothing. |
| NormalizeLocalContrast(AvlNet.Image, float, float, int, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local contrast of the image using Wallis filter. |
| NormalizeLocalContrast(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, int, float, AvlNet.Image) | Normalizes local contrast of the image using Wallis filter. |
| NormalizeMatrixData(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Treats Matrix as a data frame, where examples are in rows while columns represent features, and normalizes the data by subtracting mean from each column and dividing it by its standard deviation. |
| NormalizeMatrixData(AvlNet.Matrix, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Matrix) | Treats Matrix as a data frame, where examples are in rows while columns represent features, and normalizes the data by subtracting mean from each column and dividing it by its standard deviation. |
| NormalizePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.GradientAngleRange, AvlNet.Image) | Adjusts gradient angles to a given range. |
| NormalizePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.GradientAngleRange, AvlNet.Image) | Adjusts gradient angles to a given range. |
| NormalizeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, float, AvlNet.Profile, float, float) | Rescales a profile linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and its maximum becomes inNewMaximum. |
| NormalizeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float?, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Profile, float, float) | Rescales a profile linearly, so that its minimum becomes inNewMinimum and its maximum becomes inNewMaximum. |
| NormalizeRectangleOrientation(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes orientation of the given rectangle according to parameters. |
| NormalizeSegmentOrientation_ByBaseOrientation(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Changes orientation of the given segment according to base orientation. |
| NormalizeSegmentOrientation_ByCoordinate(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Axis, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Changes orientation of the given segment according to coordinates along selected axis. |
| NormalizeSegmentOrientation_ByPointDistance(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Changes orientation of the given segment according to distance to the given point. |
| NthImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, int, bool, AvlNet.Image) | For each pixel location, get value of n-th (increasing) pixel among input images. |
| NthImage_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<IList<AvlNet.Region>>, int, bool, AvlNet.Image) | For each pixel location, get value of n-th (increasing) pixel among input images. |
| OcrMlpModelToOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrMlpModel, AvlNet.OcrModel) | Converts OcrMlpModel(old type) to OcrModel. |
| OcrModelToOcrMlpModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.OcrMlpModel) | Converts OcrModel to OcrMlpModel. |
| OcrModelToOcrSvmModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.OcrSvmModel) | Converts OcrModel to OcrSvmModel. |
| OcrSvmModelToOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrSvmModel, AvlNet.OcrModel) | Converts OcrSvmModel(old type) to OcrModel. |
| OpenImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage_Mask(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.MorphologyKernel, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel?, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Region) | Removes small bright structures from an image (or fills in dark ones) by applying consecutive erosion and dilation. |
| OpenInputVideoStream(string, int, AvlNet.InputVideoStream, float, int) | Opens and creates a video stream from a file. |
| OpenOutputVideoStream(string, AvlNet.VideoEncoder, float, int, int, AvlNet.OutputVideoStream) | Creates a video stream which will be saved to a selected file. |
| OpenPath(AvlNet.Path) | Removes the segment connecting the last point with the first one in a path. |
| OpenRegion_AnyKernel(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological opening on a region using an arbitrary kernel. |
| OpenRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological opening on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| OpenRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a morphological opening on a region using a predefined kernel. |
| OpenSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
| OpenSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.KernelShape, int, int?, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
| PassFailStatusToBool(bool, bool) | Converts a pass/fail status to a bool value. |
| PassFailStatusToHash(bool, AvlNet.Hash) | Converts a PassFailStatus object to a Hash. |
| PathAlongArc(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal. |
| PathAlongPath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal. |
| PathArrayPoints(IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Converts an array of paths to an array of points. |
| PathAverageTurnAngle(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the average absolute turn angle of a path per unit of length. |
| PathBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the smallest box containing a path; returns NIL if the path is empty. |
| PathBoundingBox(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing a path. |
| PathBoundingCircle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Computes the smallest circle enclosing a path; returns NIL if the path is empty. |
| PathBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the smallest circle enclosing a path. |
| PathBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a path. |
| PathBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a path. |
| PathBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path; returns NIL when the path is empty. |
| PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path; returns NIL when the path is empty. |
| PathBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path. |
| PathBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a path. |
| PathCaliperDiameter(AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input path measured as distance between parallel lines containing the whole path. |
| PathCaliperDiameter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input path measured as distance between parallel lines containing the whole path. |
| PathConvexHull(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest convex shape that contains the given path. |
| PathDiameter(AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the longest segment connecting two characteristic points of a path. |
| PathDiameter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Finds the longest segment connecting two characteristic points of a path. |
| PathEditDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, int, int, int) | Computes the edit distance between the input paths. |
| PathEditDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, int, int, int, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the edit distance between the input paths. |
| PathEditDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, int, int, int, NullableValue<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Computes the edit distance between the input paths. |
| PathEndpoints(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns the two endpoints of a path. |
| PathLength(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the total length of the input path. |
| PathLineIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the common points of a path and a line. |
| PathLineIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<int>>) | Computes the common points of a path and a line. |
| PathMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes the average of the path points (all, not only characteristic ones); returns NIL if the path is empty. |
| PathMassCenter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the average of the path points (all, not only characteristic ones). |
| PathPathIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the common points of two paths. |
| PathPathIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<int>>, NullableRef<List<int>>) | Computes the common points of two paths. |
| PathProjectionProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the distance from the line to the path. |
| PathProjectionProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes the distance from the line to the path. |
| PathSegmentIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the common points of a path and a segment. |
| PathSegmentIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<int>>) | Computes the common points of a path and a segment. |
| PathSegments(AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Converts a path to an array of line segments. |
| PathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Checks if a path has any self-intersections and computes all of them. |
| PathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<int>, IList<int>, bool) | Checks if a path has any self-intersections and computes all of them. |
| PathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<int>>, NullableRef<List<int>>, NullableValue<bool>) | Checks if a path has any self-intersections and computes all of them. |
| PathSize(AvlNet.Path, int) | Returns the number of characteristic points on the input path. |
| PathToLineDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the profile of distances between a line and the characteristic points of a path. |
| PathToLineDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, AvlNet.Profile, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Computes the profile of distances between a line and the characteristic points of a path. |
| PathToLineDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a line. |
| PathToLineDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a line. |
| PathToLineDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a line. |
| PathToPathDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the profile of distances between two paths. |
| PathToPathDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, AvlNet.Profile, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Computes the profile of distances between two paths. |
| PathToPathDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float) | Computes the minimum distance between two paths. |
| PathToPathDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes the minimum distance between two paths. |
| PathToPathDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes the minimum distance between two paths. |
| PathToPathMaximumDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float) | Computes the distance between the farthest point of the input path from the other path. |
| PathToPathMaximumDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes the distance between the farthest point of the input path from the other path. |
| PathToPathMaximumDistance(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PathDistanceMode, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes the distance between the farthest point of the input path from the other path. |
| PathToPoint2DArray(AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Converts a path to an array of points. |
| PathToPointDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the profile of distances between the specified point and the characteristic points of a path. |
| PathToPointDistanceProfile(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Profile, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Computes the profile of distances between the specified point and the characteristic points of a path. |
| PathToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, float) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a point. |
| PathToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a point. |
| PathToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes the smallest distance between a path and a point. |
| PathToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a closed path to a shape region. |
| PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, float, float, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<float>) | Finds the local maxima of the profile of turn angles of a path. |
| PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, float, float, IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds the local maxima of the profile of turn angles of a path. |
| PathTurnAngleMaximum_OrNil(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?) | Finds the maximum of the profile of turn angles of a path; returns NIL if the path has no turn angles. |
| PathTurnAngleMaximum(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.TurnAngleDirection, AvlNet.TurnAnglePrecision, float, AvlNet.Point2D, float) | Finds the maximum of the profile of turn angles of a path. |
| PathTurnAngleProfile(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the profile of turn angles at characteristic points of a path. |
| PhotometricStereo_ComputeHeightMap(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the shape of the image object using surface normals. |
| PhotometricStereo_DestroyHeightMapStruct(int?, int?) | Destroys a structure used for computing height map in photometric stereo filter. |
| PhotometricStereo_General_Perform(IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<float>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes surface normals using images with light source in different places. |
| PhotometricStereo_InitializeHeightMapStruct(int, int) | Creates a structure used for computing height map in photometric stereo filter. |
| PhotometricStereo_Perform(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes surface normals using four images with light source in different places. |
| PhotometricStereo_SurfaceCurvature(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CurvatureMeasure, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the surface curvature using previously computed normals. |
| PhotometricStereo_SurfaceCurvature(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CurvatureMeasure, float, float?, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Computes the surface curvature using previously computed normals. |
| PinholeCameraModelToAnyCameraModel(AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel, AvlNet.AnyCameraModel) | Conversion |
| PinholeCameraModelToRectificationTransform(AvlNet.PinholeCameraModel, AvlNet.RectificationTransform) | Conversion |
| PixelVectorDirAndPresence(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Computes gradient orientations of an image. |
| PixelVectorDirAndPresence(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Computes gradient orientations of an image. |
| Plane3DNormalVector(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Computes the normal vector of a line. |
| Plane3DOrientation(AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, float) | Computes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes. |
| Plane3DOrientation(AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Computes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes. |
| Plane3DOrientation(AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Point3D) | Computes the orientation of a plane as angles in the range from 0 to 180 between the plane and coordinate planes. |
| PlanePlaneIntersection3D(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, INullable<AvlNet.Line3D>) | Computes a common line in 3D of two planes. |
| PlaneThroughLineAndPoint3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Computes a plane passing through a line and a point in 3D. |
| PlaneThroughPoints3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Computes a plane passing through three distinct points in 3D. |
| Point2DArrayToLocationArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Location>) | Converts an array of points to an array of locations. |
| Point2DToLocation(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Location) | Converts a point to a location its contained within. |
| Point2DToPoint3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Point3D) | Projects a 2D point onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Point2DToPoint3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 2D point onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Point2DToPoint3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 2D point onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Point2DToPoint3D(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Converts a point in 2D to a point in 3D. |
| Point3DArrayToPoint2DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Converts an array of points in 3D to an array of points in 2D by ignoring their Z coordinates. |
| Point3DGridDistance(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, float, IList<float>) | Computes distances between two input grids. |
| Point3DGridDistance(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, float, float, IList<float>) | Computes distances between two input grids. |
| Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud. |
| Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud. |
| Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<float>, float, float, IList<float>, float) | Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud. |
| Point3DGridHole(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.Plane3D?, INullable<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Point3D?, AvlNet.Plane3D, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point3D>>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds a biggest hole in a given section of point cloud. |
| Point3DGridRMSE(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, double) | Computes point-to-point RMSE between two point grids. |
| Point3DGridToPoint3DArray(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Converts a grid of points to an array of points removing nonexistent ones. |
| Point3DGridValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes region of locations where points are valid in a points 3D grid and where they are invalid. |
| Point3DGridValidPointsRegion(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes region of locations where points are valid in a points 3D grid and where they are invalid. |
| Point3DToPoint2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Point2D) | Projects a 3D point onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Point3DToPoint2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Point2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 3D point onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Point3DToPoint2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 3D point onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Point3DToPoint2D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Converts a point in 3D to a point in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinate. |
| PointAlongArc(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal. |
| PointAlongPath(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Axis, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal. |
| Points2DToPoints3D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Projects an array of 2D points onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Points2DToPoints3D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects an array of 2D points onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Points2DToPoints3D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects an array of 2D points onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Points3DMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, int, AvlNet.Point3D) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| Points3DMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point3D) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| Points3DMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| Points3DMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableValue<float>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| Points3DMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point3D, float, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| Points3DToPoints2D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Projects an array of 3D points onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Points3DToPoints2D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects an array of 3D points onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Points3DToPoints2D_AxesPlane(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.PlaneType, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects an array of 3D points onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| PointsBoundingBox3D_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, INullable<AvlNet.Box3D>) | Computes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| PointsBoundingBox3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Box3D) | Computes the smallest box in 3D containing an array of points in 3D. |
| PointsBoundingBox_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the smallest box containing an array of points; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| PointsBoundingBox(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingCircle_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Computes the smallest circle containing an array of points; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| PointsBoundingCircle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the smallest circle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingEllipse(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Ellipse2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the smallest ellipse containing an array of points if such ellipse exists. |
| PointsBoundingParallelogram(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingParallelogram(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingParallelogram(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points; returns NIL when the array is empty. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points; returns NIL when the array is empty. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points. |
| PointsBoundingRectangle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing an array of points. |
| PointsCaliperDiameter(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input points measured as distance between parallel lines containing all of them. |
| PointsCaliperDiameter(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input points measured as distance between parallel lines containing all of them. |
| PointsConvexHull(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest convex shape that contains the given array of points. |
| PointsDiameter(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the longest segment connecting two points from a given array. |
| PointsDiameter(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Finds the longest segment connecting two points from a given array. |
| PointSequenceDistances3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, bool, IList<float>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence in 3D. |
| PointSequenceDistances3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, bool, IList<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence in 3D. |
| PointSequenceDistances3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, bool, IList<float>, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence in 3D. |
| PointSequenceDistances(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, float, IList<float>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence. |
| PointSequenceDistances(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, float, IList<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence. |
| PointSequenceDistances(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, bool, float, IList<float>, float, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distances between consecutive points of a point sequence. |
| PointsMassCenter3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Point3D) | Computes the central point of the input points. |
| PointsMassCenter_OrNil(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes the central point of the input points; returns NIL if the array is empty. |
| PointsMassCenter(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the central point of the input points. |
| PointsMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, int, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| PointsMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| PointsMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point2D, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| PointsMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point2D, NullableValue<float>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| PointsMedian(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int, AvlNet.Point2D, float, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes the geometric median of the input points. |
| PointsOrientation(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float) | Computes the orientation of a set of 2D points. |
| PointToArcDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a point and an arc. |
| PointToArcDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distance between a point and an arc. |
| PointToArcDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Arc2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the distance between a point and an arc. |
| PointToCircleDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Circle3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a circle in 3D. |
| PointToCircleDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Circle3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a circle in 3D. |
| PointToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a point and a circle. |
| PointToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distance between a point and a circle. |
| PointToCircleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the distance between a point and a circle. |
| PointToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a line in 3D. |
| PointToLineDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a line in 3D. |
| PointToLineDistance_Oriented(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float) | Measures the signed distance between a point and a line with direction. |
| PointToLineDistance_Oriented(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the signed distance between a point and a line with direction. |
| PointToLineDistance_Oriented(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the signed distance between a point and a line with direction. |
| PointToLineDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a point and a line. |
| PointToLineDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the distance between a point and a line. |
| PointToLineDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Measures the distance between a point and a line. |
| PointToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a plane. |
| PointToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>, NullableValue<float>) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a plane. |
| PointToPlaneDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D, float) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a plane. |
| PointToPointDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between two 3D points. |
| PointToPointDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distance between two 3D points. |
| PointToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between two points. |
| PointToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distance between two points. |
| PointToPointDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the distance between two points. |
| PointToRectangleDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, bool, float, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Measures the distance between point and rectangle. |
| PointToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a segment in 3D. |
| PointToSegmentDistance3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, INullable<AvlNet.Segment3D>) | Measures the distance between a 3D point and a segment in 3D. |
| PointToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float) | Measures the distance between a point and a segment. |
| PointToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Measures the distance between a point and a segment. |
| PointToSegmentDistance(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Measures the distance between a point and a segment. |
| PolygonArea(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the area of polygon. |
| PolygonCircularity(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float) | Computes the area of a polygon divided by the area of a circle having the same feature. |
| PolygonConvexity(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the area of a polygon divided by the area of its convex hull. |
| PolygonEllipticAxes(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes axes of an ellipse having the same first and second order moments as the given polygon. |
| PolygonElongation(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the elongation factor of a polygon (perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0). |
| PolygonInscribedCircle(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the circle with the maximal possible area contained in the input polygon. |
| PolygonIntersectionArea_Convex(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the intersection area of two convex non-intersecting polygons. |
| PolygonIntersection_Convex(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Finds the intersection of two convex non-intersecting polygons. |
| PolygonMassCenter(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the mass center of polygon. |
| PolygonMoment(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.PolygonMomentType, bool, float, float) | Computes the selected second-order moment of a polygon in regular and normalized ( divided by polygon area ) variant. |
| PolygonOrientation(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the polygon orientation as angle with value in range 0.0 - 180.0. |
| PolygonRectangularity(AvlNet.Path, float) | Computes the area of a polygon divided by the area of its bounding rectangle. |
| PolygonWithNormalizedOrientation(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Returns the same polygon but with orientation corresponding to the axes. |
| PowerImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Exponentiates each pixel to the given power. |
| PowerImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Exponentiates each pixel to the given power. |
| ProfileAutocorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, int, int, int, bool, int, float, AvlNet.PeriodPrecisionMethod, IList<float>, float, float) | Computes the correlation between neighboring sub-profiles of different sizes and infers the most probable period length. |
| ProfileAverage(AvlNet.Profile, float) | Computes the average value of a profile. |
| ProfileAverage(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float) | Computes the average value of a profile. |
| ProfileCoordinates(AvlNet.Profile, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Returns an array of all X and Y coordinates of the input profile. |
| ProfileCoordinates(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Returns an array of all X and Y coordinates of the input profile. |
| ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, float) | Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles. |
| ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float) | Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles. |
| ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles. |
| ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, NullableValue<float>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles. |
| ProfileCorrelation(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile, int, int?, float, float, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the correlation between two sub-profiles. |
| ProfileDistance(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float) | Computes the [mean] square error between two profiles. |
| ProfileDistance(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.DistanceMeasure, float) | Computes the [mean] square error between two profiles. |
| ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.ProfileEdge>) | Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly. |
| ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileEdge>) | Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly. |
| ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileEdge>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly. |
| ProfileEdges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileEdge>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Finds the locations at which the profile values raise or fall quickly. |
| ProfileIndices(AvlNet.Profile, IList<int>) | Returns an array of all indices of the input profile (0, 1, 2, ...). |
| ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.Extremum1D>) | Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest. |
| ProfileLocalExtrema(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.ExtremumType, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, bool, float?, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Extremum1D>) | Finds the locations at which the values of the input profile are locally highest or lowest. |
| ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float) | Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float) | Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, int, float) | Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMaximum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, NullableValue<int>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the highest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float) | Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float) | Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, int, float) | Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileMinimum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, AvlNet.ProfileInterpolationMethod, float, NullableValue<int>, NullableValue<float>) | Finds the lowest value of the input profile, its precise location and the corresponding index. |
| ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.ProfileRidge>) | Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile. |
| ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileRidge>) | Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile. |
| ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileRidge>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile. |
| ProfileRidges(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileRidge>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Finds the high or low peaks in the input profile. |
| ProfileSections(AvlNet.Profile, float?, float?, float, float, IList<AvlNet.ProfileSection>, AvlNet.ProfileSection?) | Finds subprofiles whose values fall into the specified range. |
| ProfileSections(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float?, float?, float, float?, float, float?, float?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileSection>, AvlNet.ProfileSection?) | Finds subprofiles whose values fall into the specified range. |
| ProfileSize(AvlNet.Profile, int) | Returns the number of elements in a profile. |
| ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.ProfileStripe>) | Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile. |
| ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileStripe>) | Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile. |
| ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileStripe>, IList<float>, AvlNet.Profile) | Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile. |
| ProfileStripes(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, bool, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.ProfileStripe>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Finds pairs of opposite (raising and falling) edges in the input profile. |
| ProfileSum(AvlNet.Profile, float) | Computes the sum of profile values. |
| ProfileSum(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float) | Computes the sum of profile values. |
| ProfileToPoint2DArray(AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Converts a profile to an array of points. |
| ProfileToRealArray(AvlNet.Profile, IList<float>) | Converts a profile to an array of real numbers. |
| ProfileZeroCrossings(AvlNet.Profile, IList<float>) | Finds the points of a profile at which the profile intersects the x-axis. |
| ProfileZeroCrossings(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, IList<float>) | Finds the points of a profile at which the profile intersects the x-axis. |
| ProjectLineOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Projects a line 3D onto a plane. |
| ProjectPathOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system. |
| ProjectPoint2DOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Projects a point on a plane Z=0 onto a given plane, translating it parallel to Z axis. |
| ProjectPointOnCircle(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Projects a point onto a circle. |
| ProjectPointOnLine3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Projects a point 3D onto a line in 3D. |
| ProjectPointOnLine(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Projects a point onto a line. |
| ProjectPointOntoPlane3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Projects a point 3D onto a plane. |
| ProjectPointOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D, int, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system. |
| ProjectPointOntoSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point2D, int, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system. |
| ProjectPointOrthogonal(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Converts a point through a simple orthogonal projection, parallel to the Z axis. |
| ProjectPointPerspective(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, AvlNet.Point2D) | Converts a point through a perspective projection, parallel to the Z axis. |
| ProjectPointsOnCircle(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Circle2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Arc2D?) | Projects points onto a circle. |
| ProjectPointsOnLine3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Projects points onto a line. |
| ProjectPointsOnLine3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<NullableRef<AvlNet.Segment3D>>) | Projects points onto a line. |
| ProjectPointsOnLine(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Projects points onto a line. |
| ProjectPointsOnLine(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Segment2D?) | Projects points onto a line. |
| ProjectPointsOnLine(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Line2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Projects points onto a line. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface) | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlaneType, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface) | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlaneType, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>) | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlaneType, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, double, double, AvlNet.Region) | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.PlaneType, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double?, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>, AvlNet.Region) | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, bool, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Projects a surface on another plane, replacing Z coordinate of a point with its distance from a given plane. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, bool, bool, AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Matrix) | Projects a surface on another plane, replacing Z coordinate of a point with its distance from a given plane. |
| ProjectSurfaceOntoPlane(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Plane3D, bool, bool, AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Projects a surface on another plane, replacing Z coordinate of a point with its distance from a given plane. |
| PruneRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, AvlNet.Region) | Removes one pixel wide branches from a region. |
| QuadraticRegression_M(IList<float>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| QuadraticRegression_M(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction?, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| QuadraticRegression_M(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.MEstimator, float, int, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction?, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, NullableRef<List<float>>, NullableRef<List<float>>) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. |
| QuadraticRegression_RANSAC(IList<float>, float, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set using RANSAC. |
| QuadraticRegression_RANSAC(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, int?, float, int?, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set using RANSAC. |
| QuadraticRegression(IList<float>, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set. |
| QuadraticRegression(IList<float>, NullableRef<IList<float>>, AvlNet.QuadraticFunction, IList<float>, IList<float>, float) | Computes quadratic regression of given point set. |
| RandomPoint3D(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Creates random 3D point inside given box. |
| RandomPoint3D(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box3D, int?, AvlNet.Point3D) | Creates random 3D point inside given box. |
| RandomPoint(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Point2D) | Creates random point inside given box. |
| RandomPoint(AvlNet.RandomState, AvlNet.Box, int?, AvlNet.Point2D) | Creates random point inside given box. |
| ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, int, IList<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, int, IList<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, int, IList<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, int, IList<AvlNet.Barcode>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Image, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleBarcodes(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, int, IList<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.Image, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Detects and recognizes multiple barcodes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleCodes_IK_Binary(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, IList<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.CodeFormat>, IList<float>) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleCodes_IK_Binary(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, int?, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings, bool, AvlNet.Code128Parameters?, bool, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters?, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.GS1DatabarParameters?, NullableRef<AvlNet.CodabarParameters>, IList<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.CodeFormat>, IList<float>) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleCodes_IK(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, IList<string>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.CodeFormat>, IList<float>) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleCodes_IK(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, int?, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, AvlNet.ManyCodeSettings, bool, AvlNet.Code128Parameters?, bool, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters?, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, AvlNet.GS1DatabarParameters?, NullableRef<AvlNet.CodabarParameters>, IList<string>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, IList<AvlNet.CodeFormat>, IList<float>) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, IList<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, IList<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, IList<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes in one image. |
| ReadMultipleDataMatrixCodes(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, int, bool, IList<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes several Data Matrix codes in one image. |
| ReadMultiplePDF417Codes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, bool, IList<AvlNet.PDF417Code>) | Detects and recognizes several PDF417 codes. |
| ReadMultiplePDF417Codes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, bool, IList<AvlNet.PDF417Code>) | Detects and recognizes several PDF417 codes. |
| ReadMultiplePDF417Codes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, bool, IList<AvlNet.PDF417Code>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes several PDF417 codes. |
| ReadMultiplePDF417Codes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, bool, IList<AvlNet.PDF417Code>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes several PDF417 codes. |
| ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, int, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, IList<AvlNet.QRCode>) | Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, IList<AvlNet.QRCode>) | Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, IList<AvlNet.QRCode>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image. |
| ReadMultipleQRCodes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, IList<AvlNet.QRCode>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes all QR codes on the input image. |
| ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image. |
| ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image. |
| ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>) | Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image. |
| ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, IList<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, AvlNet.ShapeRegion, AvlNet.Image, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image. |
| ReadSingleBarcode(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, AvlNet.BarcodeDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.ShapeRegion>, AvlNet.Image, IList<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>) | Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image. |
| ReadSingleCode_IK_Binary(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CodeFormat?, float?) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadSingleCode_IK_Binary(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, int?, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, bool, AvlNet.Code128Parameters?, bool, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters?, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, NullableRef<AvlNet.CodabarParameters>, AvlNet.GS1DatabarParameters?, INullable<AvlNet.ByteBuffer>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CodeFormat?, float?) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadSingleCode_IK(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, INullable<string>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CodeFormat?, float?) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadSingleCode_IK(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CodeInverse1D, int?, AvlNet.CodeDetectionParameters, bool, AvlNet.Code128Parameters?, bool, AvlNet.DatamatrixParameters?, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, NullableRef<AvlNet.CodabarParameters>, AvlNet.GS1DatabarParameters?, INullable<string>, INullable<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.CodeFormat?, float?) | Detects and recognizes Codes in one image. |
| ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code. |
| ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code. |
| ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code. |
| ReadSingleDataMatrixCode(AvlNet.ReadDataMatrixCodes_State, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.DataMatrixCodeParams, AvlNet.DataMatrixDetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.DataCode>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes one Data Matrix code. |
| ReadSinglePDF417Code(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.PDF417Code>) | Detects and recognizes one PDF417 code. |
| ReadSinglePDF417Code(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.PDF417Code>) | Detects and recognizes one PDF417 code. |
| ReadSinglePDF417Code(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.PDF417Code>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes one PDF417 code. |
| ReadSinglePDF417Code(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.PDF417CodeParams, AvlNet.PDF417DetectionParams, INullable<AvlNet.PDF417Code>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes one PDF417 code. |
| ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, float, float, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, INullable<AvlNet.QRCode>) | Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image. |
| ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, INullable<AvlNet.QRCode>) | Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image. |
| ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, INullable<AvlNet.QRCode>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image. |
| ReadSingleQRCode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float, float, float?, int?, bool, AvlNet.Polarity, float?, INullable<AvlNet.QRCode>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Detects and recognizes a single QR code on the input image. |
| ReadText(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.OcrModel, float, string, IList<NullableRef<string>>, IList<float>, bool) | Ready-to-use tool for reading text from images using the OCR technique. |
| ReadVideoStream(AvlNet.InputVideoStream, bool, int, AvlNet.Image) | Acquires a frame from a previously opened video stream. |
| RealArrayToPixelArray(IList<float>, IList<AvlNet.Pixel>) | Converts an array of real values to an array of pixels. |
| RealArrayToProfile(IList<float>, AvlNet.Profile) | Converts an array of real numbers to a profile. |
| RealignImagePitch(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Creates a new image with a standard pitch alignment. |
| RealToPixel(float, AvlNet.Pixel) | Converts a real value to pixel. |
| RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, int, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position. |
| RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, int, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>) | Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position. |
| RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, int, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>) | Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position. |
| RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, int, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Rectangle2D>, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position. |
| RecognizeBarcode(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, AvlNet.BarcodeParams, int, int, float, INullable<AvlNet.Barcode>, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, IList<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Extracts information from a barcode located on the input image at a given position. |
| RecognizeCharacters(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.OcrModel, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, string, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.OcrCandidate>>) | Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model. |
| RecognizeCharacters(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.Size?, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, float?, int?, string, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.OcrCandidate>>) | Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model. |
| RecognizeCharacters(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.OcrModel, AvlNet.Size?, bool, AvlNet.CharacterSortingOrder, float?, int?, string, IList<float>, IList<List<AvlNet.OcrCandidate>>, IList<AvlNet.Image>, IList<AvlNet.Box>) | Classifies input regions into characters. Based on the Multi-Layer Perceptron model. |
| Rectangle2DToShapeRegionDeprecated(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegionDeprecated) | |
| Rectangle2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a rectangle to region of interest. |
| RectangleArea(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float) | Computes the area of a rectangle. |
| RectangleBoundingBox(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing a rectangle. |
| RectangleBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the smallest circle containing a rectangle. |
| RectangleCenter(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the center point of a rectangle. |
| RectangleCharacteristicPoints(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Point2D>>) | Computes rectangle's characteristic points. |
| RectangleCharacteristicPoints(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Computes rectangle's characteristic points. |
| RectangleCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns a characteristic point (e.g. the top-left) of the input rectangle. |
| RectangleCorners(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes the four corner points of a rectangle. |
| RectanglePerimeterLength(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float) | Computes the perimeter length of a rectangle. |
| RectangleSides(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Returns segments representing the sides of the input rectangle. |
| RectangleSides(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Returns segments representing the sides of the input rectangle. |
| RectifyImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.RectificationMap, AvlNet.Image) | Applies a spatial map to distorted image transforming it to rectified image defined in world coordinates. |
| RectifyImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.RectificationMap, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Applies a spatial map to distorted image transforming it to rectified image defined in world coordinates. |
| RectifyImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.RectificationMap, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Applies a spatial map to distorted image transforming it to rectified image defined in world coordinates. |
| ReducePath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path) | Reduces the number of points in a path preserving its shape with the specified precision. |
| ReducePath(AvlNet.Path, float, AvlNet.Path, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Reduces the number of points in a path preserving its shape with the specified precision. |
| ReduceSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Reduces surface dimensions as much as possible. |
| ReduceSurface(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Surface) | Reduces surface dimensions as much as possible. |
| ReflectRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location, AvlNet.Region) | Reflects a region through the given location. |
| RegionArea(AvlNet.Region, int) | Computes the number of pixels contained in a region. |
| RegionBoundaries(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region) | Removes interior pixels from a region. |
| RegionBoundingBox_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the smallest box containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionBoundingBox(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Box) | Computes the smallest box containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingCircle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D?) | Computes the smallest circle enclosing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionBoundingCircle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the smallest circle enclosing a region. |
| RegionBoundingEllipse_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Ellipse2D?) | Computes the smallest ellipse enclosing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionBoundingEllipse(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Ellipse2D) | Computes the smallest ellipse enclosing a region. |
| RegionBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingParallelogram(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float, float) | Computes the smallest parallelogram containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D?, AvlNet.Point2D?, float?, float?) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Point2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region. |
| RegionBoundingRectangle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.BoundingRectangleFeature, float, AvlNet.RectangleOrientation, AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, float) | Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region. |
| RegionCaliperDiameter(AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input region measured as distance between parallel lines containing the whole region. |
| RegionCaliperDiameter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D, float, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Computes the longest and the shortest width of the input region measured as distance between parallel lines containing the whole region. |
| RegionCharacteristicPoint(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Anchor2D, AvlNet.Point2D) | Returns a characteristic point of the input's region bounding box. |
| RegionCircularity(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float) | Computes the area of a region divided by the area of a circular region having the same feature. |
| RegionCircularity(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CircularityMeasure, float, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the area of a region divided by the area of a circular region having the same feature. |
| RegionComplement(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region of pixels not contained in the input region. |
| RegionComplexity(AvlNet.Region, float) | Calculates how much the input region's perimeter is bigger than the perimeter of a circle of the same area. |
| RegionContours(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionContourMode, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Computes an array of closed paths corresponding to the contours of the input region. |
| RegionConvexHull_AsPath(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Path) | Computes the smallest convex polygon containing the input region. |
| RegionConvexHull(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the smallest convex region containing the input region. |
| RegionConvexity(AvlNet.Region, float) | Computes the area of a region divided by area of its convex hull. |
| RegionDiameter(AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>, NullableValue<float>) | Computes the longest segment connecting two pixels contained in region and its length. |
| RegionDiameter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D, float) | Computes the longest segment connecting two pixels contained in region and its length. |
| RegionDifference(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing pixels from the first input region but not from the second input region. |
| RegionDirectionalDispersion(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, float) | Directional standard deviation of the distance of the region's points to the center. |
| RegionDispersion(AvlNet.Region, float) | Calculates how much more the input region's points are dispersed comparing to the points of a circle of the same area. |
| RegionEllipticAxes(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes axes of an ellipse having the same first and second order moments as the given region. |
| RegionElongation(AvlNet.Region, float) | Computes the elongation factor of a region ( perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0 ). |
| RegionFeatureValue(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionFeature, float) | Computes the feature value of the input region. |
| RegionHitAndMissTransform(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a hit-and-miss transformation on a region using arbitrary kernels. |
| RegionHitAndMissTransform(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Location?, AvlNet.Region) | Performs a hit-and-miss transformation on a region using arbitrary kernels. |
| RegionHoles_Elastic(AvlNet.Region, int, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Fills a ridges region with convex basins. |
| RegionHoles_Elastic(AvlNet.Region, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, int, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Fills a ridges region with convex basins. |
| RegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates regions of the holes of the input region. |
| RegionHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, IList<AvlNet.Region>) | Creates regions of the holes of the input region. |
| RegionInscribedBox(AvlNet.Region, float, int, int, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the largest box contained in a region. |
| RegionInscribedBox(AvlNet.Region, float, float?, int, int?, int, int?, AvlNet.Box?) | Computes the largest box contained in a region. |
| RegionInscribedCircle(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Computes the largest circle contained in a region. |
| RegionInteriors(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region) | Removes boundary pixels from a region. |
| RegionIntersection_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the common part of an array of regions. |
| RegionIntersection_OfArray(NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the common part of an array of regions. |
| RegionIntersection_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the common part of regions appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| RegionIntersection(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the common part of two regions. |
| RegionMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, int?) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionMassCenter_OrNil(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, NullableRef<NullableValue<int>>) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels; returns NIL if the region is empty. |
| RegionMassCenter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels. |
| RegionMassCenter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D, int) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels. |
| RegionMassCenter(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D, NullableValue<int>) | Computes a point with coordinates equal to the average coordinates of the region's pixels. |
| RegionMedialAxis(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionSkeletonMethod, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Computes an array of paths corresponding to the skeleton of the input region. |
| RegionMoment(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionMomentType, bool, float, float) | Computes selected second-order moment of a region in regular and normalized ( divided by region area ) variant. |
| RegionNumberOfHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int) | Computes the number of holes in a region. |
| RegionNumberOfHoles(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, int, int?, int) | Computes the number of holes in a region. |
| RegionOrientation(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.AngleRange, float) | Computes the orientation of a region as an angle of value in a proper range. |
| RegionOuterBoundaries(AvlNet.Region, IList<AvlNet.Location>, IList<AvlNet.Location>, IList<AvlNet.Location>, IList<AvlNet.Location>) | Returns the top, right, bottom and left boundaries of the input region. |
| RegionPerimeterLength(AvlNet.Region, float) | Computes the length of the input region perimeter. |
| RegionPointRunLengths(AvlNet.Region, IList<int>) | Returns the lengths of horizontal sequences of locations that constitute the input region. |
| RegionProjection(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, AvlNet.Profile) | Computes the profile of the region pixel count in consecutive rows or columns. |
| RegionRectangularity(AvlNet.Region, float) | Computes the area of a region divided by the area of its bounding rectangle. |
| RegionsFeatureValues(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.RegionFeature, IList<float>) | Computes the feature values of the input regions. |
| RegionsIoU(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, double) | Computes intersection over union value for two regions. |
| RegionSkewness(AvlNet.Region, float, AvlNet.ProjectionDirection, float) | Directional standard deviation of the distance of the region's points to the center. |
| RegionSymmetricDifference_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing pixels belonging to an odd number of array regions. |
| RegionSymmetricDifference_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing pixels belonging to an odd number of regions appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| RegionSymmetricDifference(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing pixels from first or second input region, but not from both. |
| RegionThickness(AvlNet.Region, float) | Diameter of the biggest inscribed circle. |
| RegionToImage(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a region to an image. |
| RegionToLocations(AvlNet.Region, IList<AvlNet.Location>) | Converts a region to an array of its pixel locations. |
| RegionToRegionDistance(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, float, float) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first region with one of the points of the second region. |
| RegionToRegionDistance(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, float, float, NullableValue<AvlNet.Segment2D>) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first region with one of the points of the second region. |
| RegionToRegionDistance(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Computes minimal distance between one of the points of the first region with one of the points of the second region. |
| RegionToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a region to region of interest. |
| RegionUnion_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing all the pixels that any of the input regions contains. |
| RegionUnion_OfLoop(AvlNet.RegionCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes the union of regions appearing in consecutive iterations. |
| RegionUnion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region) | Computes a region containing pixels from both input regions. |
| RemapImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, AvlNet.Image) | Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object. |
| RemapImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.SpatialMap, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Image) | Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object. |
| RemoveBordersFromRegion(AvlNet.Region, int, int, AvlNet.Region) | Removes from a region the pixels that lie very close to the region's frame. |
| RemoveEmptyBoxes(IList<AvlNet.Box>, IList<AvlNet.Box>, IList<bool>) | The input boxes which have both dimensions different from zero are copied to the output. |
| RemoveInvalidPoints3D(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Removes invalid 3D points from an array (i.e. points with NaN or INF coordinates). |
| RemoveInvalidPoints(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Removes invalid points from an array (i.e. points with NaN or INF coordinates). |
| RemoveOutliersFromPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, int, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes noise from a given Point3DGrid. All points that are too far from their neighbors are removed. |
| RemoveOutliersFromPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, int, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Removes noise from a given Point3DGrid. All points that are too far from their neighbors are removed. |
| RemoveOutliersFromPoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, int, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, float, float) | Removes noise from a given Point3DGrid. All points that are too far from their neighbors are removed. |
| RemovePathSelfIntersections(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Path) | Removes all self-intersections from a given path. |
| RemovePointFromPath(AvlNet.Path, int, bool) | Removes a point from a path. |
| RemoveRegionBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.RegionFeature, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Region) | Splits a region into blobs, removes blobs not fulfilling the specified condition, and merges the rest back into one region. |
| RemoveRegionBoundaryBlobs(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.RegionConnectivity, AvlNet.Region) | Removes all blobs intersecting a boundary of a given region. |
| ReorientRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, int, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes orientation of the given rectangle by multiple of 90 degrees. |
| ReplaceInvalidSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, float) | Replaces all invalid points with a given Z value. |
| ReplaceInvalidSurfacePoints(AvlNet.Surface, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float) | Replaces all invalid points with a given Z value. |
| ReplacePixels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Substitutes pixels having the specified value with a new value. |
| ReplacePixels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Pixel, AvlNet.Image) | Substitutes pixels having the specified value with a new value. |
| ResamplePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. |
| ResamplePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. |
| ResamplePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, double, double, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. |
| ResamplePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, AvlNet.ValueLimits_f64, double, double, AvlNet.PlainType, AvlNet.SurfaceMultipointHeight, AvlNet.Surface, NullableValue<double>, NullableValue<double>, AvlNet.Region) | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. |
| ResampleSurface_AnyScales(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the coordinates format of the input surface. |
| ResampleSurface_AnyScales(AvlNet.Surface, double?, double?, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the coordinates format of the input surface. |
| ResampleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode, AvlNet.Surface) | Equalizes the scales format of the input surface. |
| ResampleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ResampleSurfaceMode, double?, double?, AvlNet.Surface) | Equalizes the scales format of the input surface. |
| ResaturateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Sets pixels below the low value to minimum, above the high value to maximum, and interpolates the rest. |
| ResaturateImage(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Sets pixels below the low value to minimum, above the high value to maximum, and interpolates the rest. |
| RescaleArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Changes radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Changes radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Box3D) | Changes the distances of box in 3D to a reference point. |
| RescaleCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Changes radius of a circle in 3D and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Changes radius of a circle in 3D and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Changes radius of a circle and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Changes radius of a circle and translates its center in relation to a reference point. |
| RescaleLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line3D) | Changes the input line in 3D distance to a reference point. |
| RescaleLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line2D) | Changes the distance of a line to a reference point. |
| RescalePathArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Translates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point. |
| RescalePathArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Translates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point. |
| RescalePath(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Translates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point. |
| RescalePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Translates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point. |
| RescalePixels_FixedRange(AvlNet.Image, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms pixels value from given range into new one. |
| RescalePixels_FixedRange(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Transforms pixels value from given range into new one. |
| RescalePixels(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies linear transformation to pixel values. |
| RescalePixels(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, float, AvlNet.Image) | Applies linear transformation to pixel values. |
| RescalePlane(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Changes the input plane distance to a reference point. |
| RescalePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Changes the distances of array points to a reference point. |
| RescalePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Changes the distances of grid points to a reference point. |
| RescalePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D) | Changes the distance of a point to a reference point. |
| RescalePointArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Changes the distances of points from an array to a reference point. |
| RescalePointArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Changes the distances of points from an array to a reference point. |
| RescalePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Changes the distance of a point to a reference point. |
| RescaleProfile(AvlNet.Profile, float, float) | Applies a linear transformation to a profile. |
| RescaleProfile(AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Range?, float, float) | Applies a linear transformation to a profile. |
| RescaleRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes the corners and the dimensions of a rectangle. |
| RescaleRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes the corners and the dimensions of a rectangle. |
| RescaleSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D relatively. |
| RescaleSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Point3D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D relatively. |
| RescaleSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment relatively. |
| RescaleSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment relatively. |
| RescaleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the distances of surface points to a reference point. |
| RescaleSurface(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Point3D, float, float?, float?, bool, AvlNet.Surface) | Changes the distances of surface points to a reference point. |
| RescaleVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Lengthens or shortens a 3D vector relatively preserving its direction. |
| RescaleVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Lengthens or shortens a vector relatively preserving its direction. |
| ResizeArc_Delta(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Changes radius of an arc by adding a value. |
| ResizeArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Changes radius of an arc. |
| ResizeBox3D_Delta(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D) | Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D by adding some values. |
| ResizeBox3D_Relative(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float, float, float, AvlNet.Box3D) | Resizes a box in 3D to relatively defined dimensions. |
| ResizeBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, AvlNet.Box3D) | Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D. |
| ResizeBox3D(AvlNet.Box3D, AvlNet.Anchor3D, float?, float?, float?, AvlNet.Box3D) | Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D. |
| ResizeBox_Delta(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int, int, AvlNet.Box) | Changes the dimensions of a box by adding some values. |
| ResizeBox_Relative(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Box) | Resizes a box to relatively defined dimensions. |
| ResizeBox(AvlNet.Box, AvlNet.Anchor2D, int?, int?, AvlNet.Box) | Changes the dimensions of a box. |
| ResizeCircle3D_Delta(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Changes radius of a circle in 3D by adding a value. |
| ResizeCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, float, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Changes radius of a circle in 3D. |
| ResizeCircle_Delta(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Changes radius of a circle by adding a value. |
| ResizeCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, float, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Changes radius of a circle. |
| ResizeImage_FixedAspectRatio(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Dimension, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Changes one dimension of the image to a desired length while the other dimension is set to a length such that the aspect ration of the image is maintained. |
| ResizeImage_FixedAspectRatio(AvlNet.Image, int?, AvlNet.Dimension, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Changes one dimension of the image to a desired length while the other dimension is set to a length such that the aspect ration of the image is maintained. |
| ResizeImage_Relative(AvlNet.Image, float, float, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Resizes an image by a factor along each axis. |
| ResizeImage(AvlNet.Image, int?, int?, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions. |
| ResizeImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Box?, int?, int?, AvlNet.ResizeMethod, AvlNet.Image) | Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions. |
| ResizePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Rescales an image treating pixels as vectors. |
| ResizePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Rescales an image treating pixels as vectors. |
| ResizeProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.ResizeProfileInterpolation, AvlNet.Profile) | Changes the size of a profile, preserving its shape. |
| ResizeRectangle_Delta(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes dimensions of a rectangle by adding some values. |
| ResizeRectangle_Relative(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float, float, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes dimensions of a rectangle relatively. |
| ResizeRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Anchor2D, float?, float?, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Changes dimensions of a rectangle. |
| ResizeRegion_Relative(AvlNet.Region, float, float, AvlNet.Region) | Resizes region relatively along each axis. |
| ResizeRegion(AvlNet.Region, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Enlarges or shrinks a region to new dimensions. |
| ResizeSegment3D_Delta(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Changes length of a segment in 3D by adding a value preserving its orientation and center point. |
| ResizeSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment in 3D to a new length preserving its orientation and center point. |
| ResizeSegment_Delta(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Changes length of a segment by adding a value preserving its orientation and center point. |
| ResizeSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, float, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Lengthens or shortens a segment to a new length preserving its orientation and center point. |
| ResizeVector3D_Delta(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Extends length of a 3D vector by adding a value preserving its direction. |
| ResizeVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, float, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Lengthens or shortens a 3D vector preserving its direction. |
| ResizeVector_Delta(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Extends length of a vector by adding a value preserving its direction. |
| ResizeVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Lengthens or shortens a vector preserving its direction. |
| ReverseArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Inverts the direction of the arc. |
| ReverseChannels(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Reverses the order of channels in an image. |
| ReversePath(AvlNet.Path) | Reverses the order of points in a path. |
| ReversePCATransform(AvlNet.Matrix, AvlNet.PCAModel, AvlNet.Matrix) | Reverses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) process. Can be used to transform data back to original feature space. |
| ReverseSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Swaps the two endpoints of a segment in 3D. |
| ReverseSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Swaps the two endpoints of a segment. |
| Rgb555ToRgb888(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a RGB555 image into a RGB888 one. |
| Rgb565ToRgb888(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a RGB565 image into a RGB888 one. |
| Rgb888ToRgb555(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a RGB888 image into a RGB555 one. |
| Rgb888ToRgb565(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts a RGB888 image into a RGB565 one. |
| RgbToCmyk(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key. |
| RgbToHsi(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into Hue-Saturation-Intensity. |
| RgbToHsl(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to Hue-Saturation-Luminance. |
| RgbToHsv(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to Hue-Saturation-Value. |
| RgbToLab(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to L*a*b*. |
| RgbToXyz(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue to XYZ. |
| RgbToYCoCgR(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into pseudointensitY-Orange-Green-with-Reversibility. |
| RgbToYCoCg(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into pseudointensitY-Orange-Green. |
| RgbToYuv(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Image) | Converts color space from Red-Green-Blue into YUV. |
| Ring2DToShapeRegion(AvlNet.Ring2D, AvlNet.ShapeRegion) | Converts a ring to region of interest. |
| RollingAverageImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images appearing in an array pixel by pixel using exponential rolling average. |
| RollingAverageImages_OfArray(IList<AvlNet.Image>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images appearing in an array pixel by pixel using exponential rolling average. |
| RollingAverageImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel using exponential rolling average. |
| RollingAverageImages_OfLoop(AvlNet.ImageCombinators_OfLoopState, AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Averages images appearing in consecutive iterations pixel by pixel using exponential rolling average. |
| RotateAngle_Toward(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, float, bool, float) | Changes the input direction in the direction of minimum rotation toward the target direction. |
| RotateAngle(float, float, AvlNet.AngleRange, bool, float) | Adds two angles. |
| RotateArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Rotates an arc clockwise around center point. |
| RotateArc(AvlNet.Arc2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Arc2D) | Rotates an arc clockwise around center point. |
| RotateCircle3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Rotates a circle in 3D around a segment (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotateCircle3D(AvlNet.Circle3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle3D) | Rotates a circle in 3D around an axis in 3D. |
| RotateCircle(AvlNet.Circle2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Circle2D) | Rotates a circle clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, float, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Rotates a coordinate system around a center point. |
| RotateCoordinateSystem(AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Rotates a coordinate system around a center point. |
| RotateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.Image) | Rotates an image clockwise. |
| RotateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Rotates an image clockwise. |
| RotateImage(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, bool, AvlNet.Image, NullableValue<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Rotates an image clockwise. |
| RotateLine3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line3D) | Rotates a line in 3D around a segment (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotateLine3D(AvlNet.Line3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line3D) | Rotates a line in 3D around an axis in 3D. |
| RotateLine(AvlNet.Line2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Line2D) | Rotates a line clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePathArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Rotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePathArray(IList<AvlNet.Path>, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Path>) | Rotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePath(AvlNet.Path, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Rotates a path clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePath(AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Path) | Rotates a path clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, float, AvlNet.Image) | Rotates image gradients. |
| RotatePixelVectors(AvlNet.Image, NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>, float, AvlNet.Image) | Rotates image gradients. |
| RotatePlane_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Rotates a plane in 3D around a segment (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotatePlane(AvlNet.Plane3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Rotates a plane in 3D around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DArray_AroundSegment(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Rotates an array of 3D points around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3DArray_AroundSegment(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates an array of 3D points around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3DArray_AroundSegment(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates an array of 3D points around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>) | Rotates an array of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates an array of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DArray(IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point3D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates an array of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an segment3D (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an segment3D (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an segment3D (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3DGrid(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates a grid of 3D points around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D) | Rotates a 3D point around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates a 3D point around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates a 3D point around a segment (the axis). |
| RotatePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D) | Rotates a 3D point around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Matrix) | Rotates a 3D point around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePoint3D(AvlNet.Point3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point3D, NullableRef<AvlNet.Matrix>) | Rotates a 3D point around an axis in 3D. |
| RotatePointArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Rotates an array of points clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePointArray(IList<AvlNet.Point2D>, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, IList<AvlNet.Point2D>) | Rotates an array of points clockwise around a center point. |
| RotatePoint(AvlNet.Point2D, AvlNet.Point2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Point2D) | Rotates a point clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateProfile(AvlNet.Profile, int, AvlNet.Profile) | Moves the last element ahead of the first one (inShift times). |
| RotateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Rotates a rectangle clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateRectangle(AvlNet.Rectangle2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Rectangle2D) | Rotates a rectangle clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, float, bool, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Rotates a region around a specified point. |
| RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region) | Rotates a region around a specified point. |
| RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D) | Rotates a region around a specified point. |
| RotateRegion(AvlNet.Region, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.RotationSizeMode, int?, int?, AvlNet.Region, NullableValue<AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D>) | Rotates a region around a specified point. |
| RotateSegment3D_AroundSegment(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Segment3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Rotates a segment in 3D around a segment (the axis) in 3D. |
| RotateSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Line3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Rotates a segment in 3D around an axis in 3D. |
| RotateSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Rotates a segment clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateSegment(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Point2D?, float, bool, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Rotates a segment clockwise around a center point. |
| RotateVector3D(AvlNet.Vector3D, AvlNet.Vector3D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector3D) | Rotates a 3D vector around another 3D vector (the axis). |
| RotateVector(AvlNet.Vector2D, float, bool, AvlNet.Vector2D) | Rotates a vector clockwise. |
| SaveAnyCameraModel(AvlNet.AnyCameraModel, string) | Saves serialized AnyCameraModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveEdgeModel2(AvlNet.EdgeModel2, string) | Saves serialized template matching EdgeModel2 object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveEdgeModel(AvlNet.EdgeModel, string) | Saves serialized template matching EdgeModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveGrayModel2(AvlNet.GrayModel2, string) | Saves serialized template matching GrayModel2 object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveGrayModel(AvlNet.GrayModel, string) | Saves serialized template matching GrayModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveHistogram(AvlNet.Histogram, string) | Saves serialized Histogram object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveImageObject(AvlNet.Image, string) | Saves serialized Image object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveImageToBuffer(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat, AvlNet.ByteBuffer) | Saves an image to a file stored in ByteBuffer. |
| SaveImageToJpeg_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a JPEG file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToJpeg_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a JPEG file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToJpeg(AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a JPEG file. |
| SaveImageToJpeg(AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a JPEG file. |
| SaveImageToPng_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a PNG file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToPng_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a PNG file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToPng(AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a PNG file. |
| SaveImageToPng(AvlNet.Image, string, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a PNG file. |
| SaveImageToTiff_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a TIFF file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToTiff_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.TiffImageCompressionScheme?, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a TIFF file in the background thread. |
| SaveImageToTiff(AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a TIFF file. |
| SaveImageToTiff(AvlNet.Image, string, AvlNet.TiffImageCompressionScheme?, int?, bool) | Saves an image to a TIFF file. |
| SaveImage_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, string, bool) | Saves an image to a file in the background thread. |
| SaveImage_Asynchronous(AvlNet.SaveImageState, int, AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string, bool) | Saves an image to a file in the background thread. |
| SaveImage(AvlNet.Image, string) | Saves an image to a file. |
| SaveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string) | Saves an image to a file. |
| SaveImage(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ImageFileFormat?, string, bool) | Saves an image to a file. |
| SaveObject(string, T) | Saves an object to the file |
| SaveObject(string, T, int) | Saves an object to the file with the given compression |
| SaveOcrMlpModel(AvlNet.OcrMlpModel, string) | Saves serialized OcrMlpModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveOcrModel(AvlNet.OcrModel, string) | Saves serialized OcrMlpModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveOcrSvmModel(AvlNet.OcrSvmModel, string) | Saves serialized OcrSvmModel object as AVDATA file. |
| SavePath(AvlNet.Path, string) | Saves serialized Path object as AVDATA file. |
| SavePoint3DGridObject(AvlNet.Point3DGrid, string) | Serializes a profile to an AVDATA file. |
| SavePoint3DGrid(string, AvlNet.Point3DGrid, AvlNet.Point3DFileFormat, AvlNet.StreamMode) | Saves Point3DGrid in to file in one of the supported formats. |
| SaveProfile(AvlNet.Profile, string) | Serializes a profile to an AVDATA file. |
| SaveRectificationMap(AvlNet.RectificationMap, string) | Saves serialized RectificationMap object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveRectificationTransform(AvlNet.RectificationTransform, string) | Saves serialized RectificationTransform object as AVDATA file. |
| SaveRegion(AvlNet.Region, string) | Saves a serialized region object to an AVDATA file. |
| SaveSpatialMap(AvlNet.SpatialMap, string) | Serializes a SpatialMap object to an AVDATA file. |
| SaveSurface(AvlNet.Surface, string) | Serializes a surface to an AVDATA file. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Edge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of the strongest transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of the strongest high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Ridge1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path. |
| ScanExactlyNStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, int, AvlNet.Selection, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<List<AvlNet.Stripe1D>>, INullable<List<AvlNet.Gap1D>>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates a specified number of multiple pairs of opposite edges across a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleEdges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleEdges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Edge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple transitions between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple high or low peaks of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleRidges_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleRidges(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Ridge1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple dark or bright pixel peaks along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, IList<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple pairs of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleStripes_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path. |
| ScanMultipleStripes(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, float, float?, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, IList<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, IList<AvlNet.Gap1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates multiple pairs of edges across a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Edge1D?) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleEdge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleEdge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleEdge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleEdge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Edge1D?) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanSingleEdge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.EdgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Edge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest transition between dark and bright pixels along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, AvlNet.SurfaceRidge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest high or low peak of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Ridge1D?) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleRidge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleRidge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleRidge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleRidge_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.Ridge1D?) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanSingleRidge(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.RidgeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, AvlNet.Ridge1D?, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest dark or bright pixel peak along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D_Direct(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, float?, int, AvlNet.InterpolationMethod, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe3D(AvlNet.Surface, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, int?, INullable<AvlNet.SurfaceStripe1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest pair of changes of surface height along a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleStripe_Direct(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?, int, AvlNet.SamplingParams, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, AvlNet.Path, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile, IList<AvlNet.Path>, float) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path (without a scan map). |
| ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>, NullableRef<AvlNet.Profile>) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path. |
| ScanSingleStripe(AvlNet.Image, AvlNet.ScanMap, AvlNet.StripeScanParams, AvlNet.Selection, AvlNet.LocalBlindness?, INullable<AvlNet.Stripe1D>, AvlNet.Profile, AvlNet.Profile) | Locates the strongest pair of edges across a given path. |
| Segment2DToLine2D(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Line2D) | Converts a segment to a line. |
| Segment2DToPath(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Path) | Converts a segment to a path. |
| Segment2DToSegment3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Projects a 2D segment onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Segment2DToSegment3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Segment3D, NullableValue<AvlNet.Plane3D>) | Projects a 2D segment onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Segment2DToSegment3D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.PlaneType, float, AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Projects a 2D segment onto a plane defined by 3D coordinate axes. |
| Segment2DToSegment3D(AvlNet.Segment2D, AvlNet.Segment3D) | Converts a segment in 2D to a segment in 3D. |
| Segment3DBisector(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Plane3D) | Computes a plane passing through the center of a segment in 3D at a right angle. |
| Segment3DBoundingBox(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Box3D) | Computes the smallest box in 3D containing a segment in 3D. |
| Segment3DCenter(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Point3D) | Computes the center point of a segment in 3D. |
| Segment3DLength(AvlNet.Segment3D, float) | Computes the length of a segment in 3D. |
| Segment3DLine(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Computes the line in 3D passing through a segment. |
| Segment3DToLine3D(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Line3D) | Converts a segment in 3D to a line in 3D. |
| Segment3DToPath(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.Path) | Converts a segment in 3D to a path in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinates. |
| Segment3DToSegment2D_AxesPlane(AvlNet.Segment3D, AvlNet.PlaneType, AvlNet.Segment2D) | Projects a 3D segment onto a plane defined by coordinate axes. |
| Segment3DToS |