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Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area; uses fast marching method.



public static void InpaintImage_Telea
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.Region inRegionToInpaint,
	int inRange,
	AvlNet.Image outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRangeint<1, +INF>6Defines how far a pixel can be from one currently being inpainted to be considered in calculations. Default value: 6.
outImageAvlNet.ImageOutput image.


This filter inpaint a region of an image using the fast marching method. It is a simper version of InpaintImage_Bornemann in that it only uses the shape of the inpainting region and doesn't use structural information of the image.

Each inpainted pixel is filled with a color calculated as a weighted average of all already known (i.e. those outside of the inpainting range or those that were already) pixels withing a range specified by the parameter inRange. Using a higher range will result in smoother edges withing the inpainted region.


Comparison between low and high values of inRange. From the left: input, output with inRange = 4, output with inRange = 12


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Expainting region (inRegionToExpaint) exceeds the image in InpaintImage_Telea.
DomainError No pixels available at the edge of inRegionToInpaint in InpaintImage_Telea.

See also