You are here: Start » AVL.NET » Function Reference » Image » Image Enhancement » AVL.ExpaintImage_Bornemann


Speculatively sets pixel values outside of a region using the fast marching method and coherence analysis.



public static void ExpaintImage_Bornemann
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.Region inRegionToExpaint,
	int inExpaintingRadius,
	int inRange,
	float inPreSmoothing,
	float inPostSmoothing,
	float inSharpness,
	AvlNet.LuminanceMode inLuminanceMode,
	AvlNet.Image outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRegionToExpaintAvlNet.RegionPart of the image to be expainted.
inExpaintingRadiusint<1, +INF>8How far to expaint from the region. Default value: 8.
inRangeint<1, +INF>6Defines how far a pixel can be from one currently being inpainted to be considered in calculations. Default value: 6.
inPreSmoothingfloat<0.0f, INF>2.0fStandard deviation of a gaussian kernel used before inpainting calculations. Default value: 2.0f.
inPostSmoothingfloat<0.0f, INF>3.0fStandard deviation of a gaussian kernel used after initial inpainting calculations. Default value: 3.0f.
inSharpnessfloat<0.0f, INF>35.0fDesired sharpness of edges inside of the inpainted region (higher = sharper). Default value: 35.0f.
inLuminanceModeAvlNet.LuminanceModeYUVDetermines how the luminance of the input image will be computed. Default value: YUV.
outImageAvlNet.ImageOutput image.


This filter expaints a region of an image by inExpaintingRadius pixels using the fast marching method and coherence flow analysis.

A detailed description of this method can be found here: InpaintImage_Bornemann.


Input image

From the left: output with inRange = 4, output with inRange = 12

From the left: output with inPreSmoothing = 1, output with inPreSmoothing = 3

From the left: output with inPostSmoothing = 1, output with inPostSmoothing = 6

From the left: output with inSharpness = 25, output with inSharpness = 100


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Expainting region (inRegionToExpaint) exceeds the image in ExpaintImage_Bornemann.
DomainError No pixels available at the edge of inRegionToExpaint in ExpaintImage_Bornemann.

See also