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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: FoundationPro

Speculatively sets pixel values outside of a region using the fast marching method and coherence analysis.


void avl::ExpaintImage_Bornemann
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	const avl::Region& inRegionToExpaint,
	const int inExpaintingRadius,
	const int inRange,
	const float inPreSmoothing,
	const float inPostSmoothing,
	const float inSharpness,
	avl::LuminanceMode::Type inLuminanceMode,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inImage const Image& Input image
Input value inRegionToExpaint const Region& Part of the image to be expainted
Input value inExpaintingRadius const int 1 - + 8 How far to expaint from the region
Input value inRange const int 1 - + 6 Defines how far a pixel can be from one currently being inpainted to be considered in calculations
Input value inPreSmoothing const float 0.0 - 2.0f Standard deviation of a gaussian kernel used before inpainting calculations
Input value inPostSmoothing const float 0.0 - 3.0f Standard deviation of a gaussian kernel used after initial inpainting calculations
Input value inSharpness const float 0.0 - 35.0f Desired sharpness of edges inside of the inpainted region (higher = sharper)
Input value inLuminanceMode LuminanceMode::Type YUV Determines how the luminance of the input image will be computed
Output value outImage Image& Output image


This filter expaints a region of an image by inExpaintingRadius pixels using the fast marching method and coherence flow analysis.

A detailed description of this method can be found here: InpaintImage_Bornemann.


Input image

From the left: output with inRange = 4, output with inRange = 12

From the left: output with inPreSmoothing = 1, output with inPreSmoothing = 3

From the left: output with inPostSmoothing = 1, output with inPostSmoothing = 6

From the left: output with inSharpness = 25, output with inSharpness = 100


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Expainting region (inRegionToExpaint) exceeds the image in ExpaintImage_Bornemann.
DomainError No pixels available at the edge of inRegionToExpaint in ExpaintImage_Bornemann.

See Also

  • InpaintImage – Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area.
  • InpaintImage_Telea – Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area; uses fast marching method.
  • InpaintImage_Bornemann – Fills in a region of an image with pixel values interpolated from the borders of the area; uses fast marching method and coherence analysis.
  • ExpaintImage_Telea – Speculatively sets pixel values outside of a region using the fast marching method.