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Presence Checking

Icon Name Tools Applications Description
Blister Inspection (NET GmbH) Shape Fitting
Geometry 2D
Region Analysis
Object Localization
Presence Checking
Defect Detection
Color Analysis
Locates a blister using segment fitting, and then inspects it for missing or broken pills.
Bottle Crate Shape Fitting
Presence Checking
Counts bottles in a crate and checks if all of them have caps
Bottle Inspection 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Template Matching
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Performs several different inspections on multiple bottles.
Button Presence Region Analysis
Geometry 2D
Local Coordinate Systems
Presence Checking
Verifies if all buttons are correctly placed on a board.
Missing Chip Template Matching
Object Localization
Presence Checking
Detects places where chips were not inserted. Demonstrates superiority of Gray-based Template Matching in some special cases.
Parallel Enumeration 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Template Matching
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Performs several different inspections on multiple bottles.
Shipment Verification 1D Edge Detection
Presence Checking
Object Localization
Counts boxes in a container with simple 1D stripe detection.
Tablets Region Analysis
Image Processing
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Inspects the surface of conveyor belt for missing or damaged tablets.