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1D Edge Detection

Icon Name Tools Applications Description
Bars 1D Edge Detection
Code Reading
Reads a barcode with a basic 1D Edge Detection filter.
Bottle Inspection 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Template Matching
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Performs several different inspections on multiple bottles.
Cap (Advanced) 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Object Localization
Defect Detection
Locates a cap with simple 1D Edge Detection, and then verifies if it is correctly sealed.
Cap (Easy) 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Object Localization
Defect Detection
Locates a cap with simple 1D Edge Detection, and then verifies if it is correctly sealed.
Inset Distances Region Analysis
1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Geometry 2D
Object Localization
Locates an object using fast Blob Analysis and measures the distance between two ridges.
L-pipe measurements Template Matching
1D Edge Detection
Shape Fitting
Geometry 2D
Object Localization
Demonstrates how to use Template Matching and Shape Fitting techniques to measure dimensions of an object lit with a backlight.
Meter 1D Edge Detection
Geometry 2D
Position Detection
Recognizes the indication of an analog meter.
Parallel Enumeration 1D Edge Detection
Local Coordinate Systems
Template Matching
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Performs several different inspections on multiple bottles.
Shipment Verification 1D Edge Detection
Presence Checking
Object Localization
Counts boxes in a container with simple 1D stripe detection.