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Image Processing

Icon Name Tools Applications Description
Fiducial Markers Template Matching
Image Processing
Position Detection
Locates fiducial markers on a PCB. A separate program is used to prepare a template image.
Heater Control (Thermal Imaging) HMI
Image Processing
Simulating control over heater through HMI and interpreting data from thermal camera
Pattern Cutting Image Processing
Defect Detection
Image Restoration
Finds missing fragments of a grid by tricky image processing.
Rim Identification (Gocator) Data Classification
Image Processing
Region Analysis
Object Classification
Identify objects using SVM method
Tablets Region Analysis
Image Processing
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Inspects the surface of conveyor belt for missing or damaged tablets.
WebHmi Handling Events Image Processing
Demonstrates how to create an application based on WebHmi Events.