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Array Basics

Select Filter Equivalent below.

ArrayIndicesCreates an array of element indices, i.e. {0, 1, 2, ..., N-1}, where N is the length of the input array.
AvsFilter_ArraySizeReturns the number of elements in an array.
AvsFilter_CreateArrayCreates an array from up to 8 individual objects.
AvsFilter_CreateUniformArrayCreates an array of the specified size with all elements initialized to the specified value.
AvsFilter_GetArrayElementExtracts a single element from an array at the specified index.
AvsFilter_GetArrayElement_OrNilExtracts a single element from an array at the specified index; returns NIL if the index is out of range.
AvsFilter_GetArrayElementsExtracts up to 8 individual elements from an array.
AvsFilter_GetMultipleArrayElementsExtracts multiple elements from an array.
AvsFilter_SetArrayElementSets an element of an array to a new value.
AvsFilter_SetMultipleArrayElementsSets elements of an array to new values.
AvsFilter_TestArrayEmptyTests whether the size of an array equals zero.
AvsFilter_TestArrayNotEmptyTests whether the size of an array does not equal zero.
AvsFilter_TestArraySizeEqualToTests whether the size of an array equals the given value.
AvsFilter_TestArraySizeInRangeTests whether the number of elements in the input array falls into the specified range.
AvsFilter_TestArrayWithNilsTests whether an array contains Nil elements.
AvsFilter_TestArrayWithNilsOnlyTests whether an array contains no other elements than Nils.
AvsFilter_TestArrayWithoutNilsTests whether an array does not contain Nil elements.
FindAllFinds all locations of a given value in the input array.
FindFirstFinds first location of a given value in the input array.
FindLastFinds last location of a given value in the input array.
SkipArrayWithNilsChanges an array with conditional elements into a conditional array. Can be useful if some processing should be performed only when all expected objects are correctly detected.
SkipEmptyArraySecures against domain errors caused by empty arrays, e.g. just before the GetMaximumElement filter is to be invoked.
SkipLongArraySecures against domain errors caused by arrays having too many elements.
SkipNotSingleChanges execution mode from array mode to conditional mode.
SkipShortArraySecures against domain errors caused by arrays having too few elements, e.g. just before the FitSegmentToPoints filter is to be invoked.
SkipUnequalSizeArraysIf the input arrays have equal size, then they are copied to the output; otherwise Nils are returned.