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You are here: Start » Function Reference » Array Basics » AvsFilter_SetArrayElement


This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Sets an element of an array to a new value.


void avs::AvsFilter_SetArrayElement
	atl::Array<Type>& ioArray,
	int inIndex,
	bool inInverse,
	const Type& inNewValue


Name Type Range Default Description
ioArray Array<Type>&
inIndex int 0 - Index within the array
inInverse bool False Reversed order in the array
inNewValue const Type& Value to be set


inArray = {1,4,3,2,5}
inIndex = 3
inNewValue = 6
outArray = {1,4,3,6,5}


Error type Description
DomainError Index out of range in SetArrayElement.

See Also

  • SetMultipleArrayElements