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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Creates an array from up to 8 individual objects.


void avs::AvsFilter_CreateArray
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue1,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue2,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue3,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue4,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue5,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue6,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue7,
	const typename atl::ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& inValue8,
	atl::Array<Type>& outArray


Name Type Default Description
inValue1 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL First input value
inValue2 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Second input value
inValue3 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Third input value
inValue4 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Fourth input value
inValue5 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Fifth input value
inValue6 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Sixth input value
inValue7 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Seventh input value
inValue8 const typename ToOptionalType<const Type&>::Type& NIL Eighth input value
outArray Array<Type>& Constructed array


  • If you need more than eight elements, use multiple instances of this filter and join the results with JoinArrays.


inValue1 = 1
inValue2 = 2
inValue3 = 4
outArray = {1,2,4}

See Also