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AVS.Http_SendRequest_PATCH_JSON Method

Sends a PATCH request in JSON format to the server and receives a text answer.



public static void Http_SendRequest_PATCH_JSON
	string inUrl,
	IList<string> inHeaders,
	IList<string> inHeadersData,
	string inJsonData,
	int inTimeout,
	bool inAllowUntrusted,
	NullableRef<string> inCaCertFile,
	INullable<string> outAnswer,
	out int outResponseCode


Name Type Range Default Description
inUrlstringURL of request.
inHeadersSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<string>Request headers to send. They will be automatically encoded.
inHeadersDataSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<string>Request headers to send. They will be automatically encoded.
inJsonDatastringRequest JSON to send.
inTimeoutint<0, INF>60Request timeout in seconds. Default value: 60.
inAllowUntrustedboolFalseWhether or not to allow untrusted SSL certificates. Default value: False.
inCaCertFileAvlNet.NullableRef<string>File holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with. Default value: atl::NIL.
outAnswerAvlNet.INullable<string>Answer text if provided in UTF-8 encoding. This parameter cannot be null.
outResponseCodeintAnswer code. Typically 200 for OK.

Function Overrides

See also