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AVS.ExtractText2 Method

Ready-to-use tool for extracting and splitting text elements to single characters.



public static void ExtractText2
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.Rectangle2D inRoi,
	AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D inRoiAlignment,
	AvlNet.Polarity inPolarity,
	int inCharWidth,
	int? inStrokeWidth,
	int? inMinWordGap,
	IList<AvlNet.Region> outCharacters


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageAn input image with text.
inRoiAvlNet.Rectangle2DLocation of the text.
inRoiAlignmentAvlNet.CoordinateSystem2DAdjusts the region of interest to the position of the inspected object.
inPolarityAvlNet.PolarityText polarity.
inCharWidthint<5, 200>50Width of a single character in pixels. Default value: 50.
inStrokeWidthint?<1, 50>Width of the stroke of the letters in pixels. Default value: atl::NIL.
inMinWordGapint?<1, 200>Width of the smallest gap between letters that is to be treated as a space in pixels. Default value: atl::NIL.
outCharactersSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Region>Regions representing individual characters aligned to the ROI.

Function Overrides

See also