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AVS.CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep Method

Compute the transformation between the camera and the calibration target reference frames. (all units in mm)



public static void CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep
	IList<AvlNet.Image> inCalibrationTargetImages,
	IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid> inCalibrationTargetPoints,
	float? inCalibrationTargetSquareSize,
	AvlNet.Size inCalibrationTargetSize,
	IList<AvlNet.Matrix> outRotationTargetToCam,
	IList<AvlNet.Matrix> outTranslationTargetToCam,
	IList<bool> outDetectionStatus


Name Type Range Default Description
inCalibrationTargetImagesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Image>Input Intensity images of the calibration target. Calibration target should be visible in all images.
inCalibrationTargetPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Point3DGrid>Input 3D point Cloud of the calibration target. Calibration target should be visible in all images.
inCalibrationTargetSquareSizefloat?Side length of the Square in chessboard calibration target in mm. If not specified, the size will be estimated from the input Point Cloud. Default value: atl::NIL.
inCalibrationTargetSizeAvlNet.SizeNumber of Rows and Columns in the chessboard calibration target.
outRotationTargetToCamSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Matrix>Estimated rotation part of the homogeneous transformation matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the Target frame.
outTranslationTargetToCamSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.Matrix>Estimated translation part of the homogeneous transformation matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the Target frame.
outDetectionStatusSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<bool>Output status of the detection of the calibration target in each image.

Function Overrides

See also