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AVS.CalibrateCamera_LineScan Method

Finds the line scan camera intrinsic parameters from calibration grid.



public static void CalibrateCamera_LineScan
	IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D> inImageGrid,
	float inGridSpacing,
	int inImageWidth,
	AvlNet.LensDistortionModelType inDistortionType,
	float inImagePointsStandardDeviation,
	float? inFocalLength,
	AvlNet.LineScanCameraModel outCameraModel,
	out float outApproxScaleRatio,
	NullableValue<float> outRmsError,
	NullableValue<float> outMaxReprojectionError,
	NullableRef<List<AvlNet.Segment2D>> outReprojectionErrorSegments


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageGridSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<AvlNet.AnnotatedPoint2D>Annotated calibration grid.
inGridSpacingfloat<0.000001f, INF>Real-world distance between adjacent grid points.
inImageWidthint<1, INF>Image width, used for initial estimation of principal point.
inDistortionTypeAvlNet.LensDistortionModelTypePolynomialLens distortion model. Default value: Polynomial.
inImagePointsStandardDeviationfloat<0.0f, INF>0.1fAssumed uncertainty of inImagePoints. Used for robust optimization. Default value: 0.1f.
inFocalLengthfloat?Specify a fixed focal length, in pixels. In order to calculate the inFocalLength from camera parameters one needs to divide the lens focal length [mm] by sensor pitch [mm/pix]. Default value: atl::NIL.
outApproxScaleRatiofloatApproximate scale ratio between Y and X. Useful for camera/encoder trigger rate configuration. When greater than 1, the image is stretched in Y dimension, when less than 1 it is compressed.
outRmsErrorAvlNet.NullableValue<float>Final reprojection RMS error, in pixels. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outMaxReprojectionErrorAvlNet.NullableValue<float>Maximum reprojection error among all points. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outReprojectionErrorSegmentsAvlNet.NullableRef<System.Collections.Generic.List<AvlNet.Segment2D>>Array of segments connecting input image points to grid reprojections. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.

Function Overrides

See also