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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: Vision3DLite

Returns an interpolated single point of a point 3D grid.


void avl::GetPoint3DGridPoint_Interpolated
	const avl::Point3DGrid& inPoint3DGrid,
	float inOffsetX,
	float inOffsetY,
	float inStepX,
	float inStepY,
	float inX,
	float inY,
	int inInterpolationRadius,
	avl::Point3D& outPoint


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inPoint3DGrid const Point3DGrid& Input point 3D grid
Input value inOffsetX float Defines offset of the input grid along X axis
Input value inOffsetY float Defines offset of the input grid along Y axis
Input value inStepX float 0.01 - 1.0f Defines step of the input grid along X axis
Input value inStepY float 0.01 - 1.0f Defines step of the input grid along Y axis
Input value inX float X coordinate of the input point
Input value inY float Y coordinate of the input point
Input value inInterpolationRadius int 0 - 65535 1 Radius of vicinity taking into account to interpolate not existing point
Output value outPoint Point3D& Output point


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Incorrect input coordinates in GetPoint3DGridPoint_Interpolated.