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You are here: Start » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Constructions » CreateCoordinateSystemFromRectangle


Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Creates a coordinate system from a rectangle.

Applications: Most often used to define an object alignment from a filter like RegionBoundingRectangle.


void avl::CreateCoordinateSystemFromRectangle
	const avl::Rectangle2D& inRectangle,
	const avl::Anchor2D::Type inPointAnchor,
	float inRelativeAngle,
	float inScale,
	float inScaleDivisor,
	avl::CoordinateSystem2D& outCoordinateSystem


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inRectangle const Rectangle2D&
Input value
inPointAnchor const Anchor2D::Type TopLeft
Input value
inRelativeAngle float
Input value
inScale float 0.001 - 1.0f
Input value
inScaleDivisor float 0.001 - 1.0f
Output value
outCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem2D&


  • Pass inRectangle to a computed rectangle representing a new coordinate system.
  • Optionally set inScale and inScaleDivisor to obtain a custom scale.
  • Optionally set inRelativeAngle to modify the rotation.


A local coordinate system created from a rectangle.