Represents a bounded local coordinate system consisting of a reference point, rotation and scale. Typically used to store results of template-matching routines.
struct CoordinateSystem2D { CoordinateSystem2D(); CoordinateSystem2D( const Point2D& origin_, float angle_, float scale_ = 1.0f ); CoordinateSystem2D( const Vector2D& delta, float angle_, float scale_ = 1.0f )' CoordinateSystem2D( float x_, float y_, float angle_, float scale_ = 1.0f ); Point2D origin; float angle; float scale; Point2D Origin( void ) const; float Angle( void ) const; float Scale( void ) const; float X( void ) const; float Y( void ) const; bool operator == ( const CoordinateSystem2D& rhs ) const; bool operator != ( const CoordinateSystem2D& rhs ) const; };