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Computes a spatial transform map for undistorting images from a calibrated camera.

Name Type Range Description
inCameraMatrix Matrix
inDistortion LensDistortion
inMapWidth Integer* 1 - Width of output map, default: same as example image.
inMapHeight Integer* 1 - Height of output map, default: same as example image.
inMapShift Vector2D Translation from the principal point on the image plane.
inMapRotation Real Rotation of the principal point on the image plane.
inCameraRotationY Real Rotation of view around Y axis (a.k.a. Pan, Azimuth or Yaw)
inCameraRotationX Real Rotation of view around X axis (a.k.a. Tilt, Elevation or Pitch)
inCameraRotationZ Real Rotation of view around Z axis (a.k.a. Roll, Horizon)
inImageFormat ImageFormat Information about dimensions, depth and pixel type of the image
inInterpolationMethod InterpolationMethod
outSpatialMap SpatialMap
outOutputRegion Region


Creation of a transform map that will be used with the RemapImage filter.


After determining the intrinsic camera matrix, and intrinsic distortion coefficients using CalibrateCamera, this filter can be used to undo distortion of the images (undistortion).

The undistortion is performed through a general spatial transformation, using RemapImage. The result is a SpatialMap, i.e. a description of this transformation.


Description of usage of this filter can be found in examples and tutorial: Calibration with Chessboard (Advanced), Removing Camera Lens Distortion: Square pattern.

A calibration pattern: original - before undistortion.

A calibration pattern: remapped using RemapImage.
The SpatialMap used was generated with CreateUndistortionMap, for inInterpolationMethod = NearestNeighbour and Bilinear.


The interpolation method chosen affects the speed of image remapping. Nearest neighbour is the fastest method, but bilinear interpolation provides higher quality.

The inImageFormat input describes dimensions and pixel format of the images that will be remapped with a RemapImage filter. Also an example image may be connected to this input and the format information will be extracted from it.

The outOutputRegion describes the region of valid pixels. If it does not cover the output area, it should be passed to RemapImage, to suppress the invalid pixels. To increase coverage, provide different values for inMapHeight and inMapWidth - to limit the output area to a valid region.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Empty camera matrix on input in CreateUndistortionMap.
DomainError Camera matrix must be 3x3 in CreateUndistortionMap.
DomainError Format of an empty image on input in CreateUndistortionMap.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of CreateUndistortionMap filter group.

See Also