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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Stops image acquisition in a camera.


void avs::GenICam_StopAcquisition
	GenICam_GrabImage_State& ioState,
	const avl::GenAddress& inAddress


Name Type Default Description
ioState GenICam_GrabImage_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inAddress const GenAddress& GenTL Provider module and device identifying address


This filter is intended for stopping acquisition in a GenTL compliant general camera device. It is only needed when implementing explicit stopping and starting of the image acquisition during a program lifetime.

This filter will usually be executed when image acquisition in a camera is already active (after filters like GenICam_GrabImage or GenICam_StartAcquisition has been executed). After its execution the image acquisition in a camera and on the application level will be stopped and all image data remaining in the input queue will be discarded. Image acquisition can be reestablished later by executing the GenICam_GrabImage, GenICam_GrabImage_WithTimeout or GenICam_StartAcquisition filters (pixel format and image input queue size parameters will be configured again by those filters).

This filter can be used to stop an image acquisition in order to change some of the camera configuration parameters (that are locked during acquisition), to stop image acquisition after all frames has been received in Single Frame or Multi Frame acquisition modes (image acquisition must be stopped before starting it to receive next batch of frames in those modes), or to stop image acquisition in a camera when the application enters a state where image from a given camera is not needed.

This filter has no effect when invoked while the camera is not in the image acquisition state.

Device address (inAddress port) is a structure of information defining unique device and its GenTL provider module in the system. It is recommended to use the GenTL Device Manager to select the appropriate device, connected to the local system, whose identification information will be used.

Device address consists of the following fields:

  • VendorName - Vendor name of the GenTL provider module, which will be used to communicate with the device.
  • TLType - Identification code of interface transport technology type (for example "GEV", "IIDC", "UVC", "USB3", "PCI", "Custom"). The exact code depends on the GenTL provider module.
  • DeviceID - Unique ID of the device in the selected interface technology of the used provider module. The format of this field must be always an exact ID string and depends on the used GenTL provider module.

This filter will interpret the value of inAddress port only during the first iteration, when the connection to the device is established. During the next iterations the filter will use previously established connection and subsequent changes in the device address will be ignored.

See Also

  • GenICam_GrabImage – Captures an image stream from a camera using a GenICam GenTL provider library.
  • GenICam_GrabImage_WithTimeout – Captures an image stream from a camera using a GenICam GenTL provider library; returns Nil if no frame comes in the specified time.