

Represents address of GenICam compatible device.

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

  • String VendorName - Name of GenTL provider library vendor
  • String TLType - Name of transport layer technology used to access device
  • String DeviceID - Unique identifier of device in its interface
struct GenAddress
	String	VendorName;
	String	TLType;
	String	DeviceID;

	String VendorName() const	{ return VendorName;	};
	String TLType() const		{ return TLType;		};
	String DeviceID() const		{ return DeviceID;		};

	bool operator == ( const avs::GenAddress& rhs ) const
		return VendorName == rhs.VendorName && 
			TLType == rhs.TLType && 
			DeviceID == rhs.DeviceID;

	bool operator != ( const avs::GenAddress& rhs ) const
		return !(operator==(rhs));
