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Icon Name Tools Applications Description
CSV- Save and Load IO
Storing Results
Reads, writes, create and edit csv files.
HMI Handling Events (CSV Editor) IO
Storing Results
Creates and modifies CSV file with HMI
IO Serial Port Communicator IO
Application shows how to communicate through the serial port.
IO Simple TCPIP Communication - Client IO
Shows TCPIP communication configuration - client
IO Simple TCPIP Communication - Server IO
Shows TCPIP Communication configuration - Server
JSON File Handling IO
Storing Results
Example shows how to read, write, create and edit JSON files.
Microsoft SQL Server Database IO
Storing Results
Connect and query a SQL Server instance
ModbusTCP Communication - advanced IO
Advanced example of the Modbus TCP communication
ModbusTCP Communication - basic IO
Shows how to configure Modbus TCP connection
OPCUA Client To Server Communication IO
Storing Results, Configuration
Configure OPCUA communication
User Filter Example - Database Access User Filters
Storing Results
Programming a custom tool to access a databases.
Wenglor - GigE Server 2.0 Connection IO
Setting up Wenglor weCat3D scanner with Aurora Vision Studio
Xml File Handling IO
Storing Results
Example shows how to read, write, create and edit Xml files.