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Module: OpenCV

Computes Hand-Eye calibration matrices.

Name Type Description
Input value inRotationGripperToBase MatrixArray Rotation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the gripper frame to the robot base frame.
Input value inTranslationGripperToBase MatrixArray Translation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the gripper frame to the robot base frame.
Input value inRotationTargetToCam MatrixArray Rotation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the target frame to the camera frame.
Input value inTranslationTargetToCam MatrixArray Translation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the target frame to the camera frame
Input value inCalibrationMethod CvHandEyeCalibrationMethod Calibration method.
Output value outRotationCamToGripper Matrix Estimated rotation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the gripper frame.
Output value outTranslationCamToGripper Matrix Estimated translation part extracted from the homogeneous matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the gripper frame.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError All of the arrays should have the same number of measurements.
DomainError At least 3 measurements are needed.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.