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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avs

Draws rectangles on an image with two colors, depending on the status of each rectangle.

Applications: Usually: green or red for pass/fail status.


void avs::DrawRectangles_TwoColors
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	atl::Conditional<const atl::Array<atl::Conditional<avl::Rectangle2D>>&> inRectangles,
	atl::Optional<const avl::CoordinateSystem2D&> inRectangleAlignment,
	const avl::Pixel& inColorIfTrue,
	const avl::Pixel& inColorIfFalse,
	atl::Conditional<const atl::Array<atl::Conditional<bool>>&> inConditions,
	const avl::DrawingStyle& inDrawingStyle,
	const bool inForceRgb,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Default Description
Input value inImage const Image& Input image
Input value inRectangles Conditional<const Array<Conditional<Rectangle2D>>&> { }
Input value inRectangleAlignment Optional<const CoordinateSystem2D&> NIL
Input value inColorIfTrue const Pixel& Pixel ( X: 0.0f Y: 200.0f Z: 0.0f W: 0.0f )
Input value inColorIfFalse const Pixel& Pixel ( X: 200.0f Y: 0.0f Z: 0.0f W: 0.0f )
Input value inConditions Conditional<const Array<Conditional<bool>>&> { }
Input value inDrawingStyle const DrawingStyle& DrawingStyle ( DrawingMode: HighQuality Opacity: 1.0f Thickness: 1.0f Filled: False PointShape: Nil PointSize: 1.0f )
Input value inForceRgb const bool True Filter will convert monochromatic image to RGB if needed
Output value outImage Image& Output image

In-place Processing

This function supports in-place data processing - you can pass the same reference to inImage and outImage

Read more about In-place Computation.


Filter draws rectangles on an input image.

If an rectangle dimensions exceeds image size it will not be drawn or will be drawn partially.

To indicate the Rectangle orientation set inDrawingStyle.PointShape and inDrawingStyle.Size.

Rectangle drawn with set orientation indicator inDrawingStyle.PointShape = Circle and inDrawingStyle.Size = 10.


  • Define inRectangles. This will be the primitives to be drawn.
  • Define inConditions with the boolean values indicating the class (usually: OK/NOK) for each input primitive.
  • Set the inColorIfTrue and inColorIfFalse inputs to define the two colors used for drawing.
  • Set inForceRgb to True, if you want to get a 3-channel output regardless of what is on the input.
  • Set inDrawingStyle to control quality, opacity, thickness, filling, point shapes and sizes.


Example usage of the DrawRectangles_TwoColors on an empty image.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError The sizes inRectangles and inConditions do not match in DrawRectangles_TwoColors.

See Also

  • DrawLine – Draws a line on an image.
  • DrawPath – Draws a path on an image.