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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl
Module: ThirdParty

Register command.


void avl::Z4Sight_RegisterCommand
	Z4Sight_State& ioState,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Z4SightSystemAndDeviceIdentifier&> inDeviceID,
	int inCommandList,
	const avl::Z4SightCommand& inCommand,
	atl::Optional<avl::Z4SightCommandRegister::Type> inCommandRegister,
	atl::Optional<int> inLatchNumber,
	atl::Optional<atl::int64> inReferenceMoment


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified ioState Z4Sight_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value inDeviceID Optional<const Z4SightSystemAndDeviceIdentifier&> NIL Device identification number.
Input value inCommandList int 1 - 2 I/O command list.
Input value inCommand const Z4SightCommand& Command details.
Input value inCommandRegister Optional<Z4SightCommandRegister::Type> NIL Command register for auto mode.
Input value inLatchNumber Optional<int> 1 - 4 NIL Latch number, only for auto mode.
Input value inReferenceMoment Optional<int64> 0 - NIL Reference value or current if not set, only for no auto mode.