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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl
Module: FoundationLite

Removes elements at the given indices from the input array.


void avl::RemoveRangeFromArray
	atl::Array<Type>& ioArray,
	int inStart,
	atl::Optional<int> inLength,
	bool inInverse


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified ioArray Array<Type>&
Input value inStart int 0 - Index of the first element to be removed
Input value inLength Optional<int> 0 - NIL Number of elements to be removed
Input value inInverse bool False Determines if the indices are counted from beginning or from end of the input array


The operation removes a range of elements from inArray. Removed are the elements at indices from inStart to inStart + inLength - 1.


inArray = {6,7,3,4,10}
inStart = 1
inLength = 2
outArray = {6,4,10}


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Index out of range in RemoveRangeFromArray.
DomainError Negative inLength in RemoveRangeFromArray.
DomainError Negative inStart in RemoveRangeFromArray.

See Also

  • RemoveValueFromArray – Removes the first or all of the elements of the given value from an array.