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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: Vision3DStandard

Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another coordinates format.

Applications: Transformation of regions defined on the image associated with the surface to image associated with another surface.


void avl::AlignRegionToSurfaceCoordinatesFormat
	const avl::Region& inRegion,
	const avl::SurfaceCoordinatesFormat& inInputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat,
	const avl::SurfaceCoordinatesFormat& inOutputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat,
	atl::Optional<int> inFrameWidth,
	atl::Optional<int> inFrameHeight,
	avl::Region& outAlignedRegion


Name Type Default Description
Input value inRegion const Region& Input region
Input value inInputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat const SurfaceCoordinatesFormat& Offsets and scales on X and Y axes of the surface associated with the image the input region were defined on
Input value inOutputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat const SurfaceCoordinatesFormat& Offsets and scales on X and Y axes of the surface associated with the image the output region is defined on
Input value inFrameWidth Optional<int> NIL Output region's frame width
Input value inFrameHeight Optional<int> NIL Output region's frame height
Output value outAlignedRegion Region&