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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: FoundationPro

Computes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.


void avl::LinearRegression_M
	const atl::Array<float>& inYValues,
	atl::Optional<const atl::Array<float>&> inXValues,
	avl::MEstimator::Type inOutlierSuppression,
	float inClippingFactor,
	int inIterationCount,
	atl::Optional<const avl::LinearFunction&> inInitialLinearFunction,
	avl::LinearFunction& outLinearFunction,
	atl::Array<float>& outEstimatedValues,
	atl::Array<float>& outResiduals,
	atl::Optional<atl::Array<float>&> outYInliers = atl::NIL,
	atl::Optional<atl::Array<float>&> outXInliers = atl::NIL


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inYValues const Array<float>& Sequence of ordinates
Input value inXValues Optional<const Array<float>&> NIL Sequence of abscissae, or {0, 1, 2, ...} by default
Input value inOutlierSuppression MEstimator::Type
Input value inClippingFactor float 0.675 - 6.0 2.5f Multitude of standard deviation within which points are considered inliers
Input value inIterationCount int 0 - 5 Number of iterations of outlier suppressing algorithm
Input value inInitialLinearFunction Optional<const LinearFunction&> NIL Initial approximation of the output linear function (if available)
Output value outLinearFunction LinearFunction& Linear function approximating the given point set
Output value outEstimatedValues Array<float>& The result of application of the computed function to the X values
Output value outResiduals Array<float>& Difference between an input Y value and the corresponding estimated value
Output value outYInliers Optional<Array<float>&> NIL Coordinate of the inlying points of the best line
Output value outXInliers Optional<Array<float>&> NIL Coordinate of the inlying points of the best line

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value atl::NIL to these parameters: outYInliers, outXInliers.

Read more about Optional Outputs.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Inconsistent size of arrays in LinearRegression_M.