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Header: Genicam.h
Namespace: avl
Module: Genicam

This function performs enumeration of network devices and returns a list of present device descriptors.


void avl::GigEVision_FindDevices
	int inTime,
	int inMaxDevices,
	atl::Array< GigEVision_DeviceDescriptor >& outDevices


Name Type Default Description
Input value inTime int Time, in milliseconds, that the function will wait for device response. This is the time that the function will block execution before return.
Input value inMaxDevices int 0 Maximum number of devices to enumerate or 0 to return all devices.
Output value outDevices ArrayGigEVision_DeviceDescriptor >& Returns a list with device descriptors. Array passed as buffer is cleared before search and appended with descriptors.


This function broadcasts a single discovery request in the local network and waits for a specified amount of time for devices' responses. All responses are converted into device descriptors and appended into output array.

Devices that cause errors related to their single response are ignored in the output list, only network related errors corresponding to the discovery broadcasts cause the function to fail with exception.

A single device is identified by GigEVision_DeviceDescriptor structure.


This function will throw an exception in the following situation:

  • Unexpected network related error.