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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl
Module: DL_OCR

Converts a output of DL_ReadCharacters to lines of text.


void avl::MergeCharactersIntoLines
	const atl::Array<avl::OcrResult>& inCharacters,
	float inMaxGap,
	float inMaxShift,
	float inMargin,
	int inMinLength,
	bool inFlatten,
	atl::Array<avl::Rectangle2D >& outLines,
	atl::Array <atl::String >& outStrings,
	atl::Array< atl::Conditional<int> >& outMapping


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inCharacters const Array<OcrResult>& Output of DL_ReadCharacters
Input value inMaxGap float 0.0 - 10.0 0.25f Maximum horizontal gap between joint characters' boxes, denoted as fraction of 'A' char height
Input value inMaxShift float 0.0 - 1.0 0.25f Maximum vertical misalignment between joint character's boxes, denoted as fraction of 'A' char height
Input value inMargin float 0.0 - 10.0 Additional margin added to result, denoted as fraction of 'A' char height
Input value inMinLength int 1 - 200 1 Minimal number of chars to create line
Input value inFlatten bool False If True, it concatenates the words on the line into a single result string, otherwise each word is a separate result string
Output value outLines Array<Rectangle2D >& Minimal Box which cover all selected character boxes
Output value outStrings Array <String >& Text of merged characters
Output value outMapping ArrayConditional<int> >& Mapping between input characters and output lines, outMapping[i] stores the index line to which inCharacters[i] belongs. If outMapping[i] is NIL it means that inCharacters[i] has not been added to any line