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Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl

Writes raw binary data from a byte buffer to serial port.


void avl::SerialPort_WriteBuffer
	SerialPortState& ioState,
	int inPortId,
	const avl::ByteBuffer& inBuffer


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified
ioState SerialPortState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value
inPortId int 0 - 7 0 Identifies open port instance when working with multiple serial ports
Input value
inBuffer const ByteBuffer& Buffer containing raw data to write


Filter writes raw data block from the inBuffer input to the serial port transmission output buffer.

Data buffer for the inBuffer input can be prepared using filters from the Binary Data category.


Using the SerialPort_Config filter is necessary before using the SerialPort_WriteBuffer filter.


Using filters writing to serial port without previous configuration will cause "SerialPort not initialized" error.

See Also