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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Changes the width and the height of a region's frame (but does not rescale the content).


void avl::SetRegionFrame
	avl::Region& ioRegion,
	int inWidth,
	int inHeight


Name Type Range Default Description
Input will be modified
ioRegion Region&
Input value
inWidth int 0 - 65535 New frame width
Input value
inHeight int 0 - 65535 New frame height


The operation sets the region frame's width and height to new values, while it does not change the location of any of the region pixels. Note that all of the region pixels have to be contained within region frame's dimensions. If this is not the case with selected dimensions, an error with appropriate description occurs.


SetRegionFrame used to change dimensions from 150x150 to 300x300.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Resulting region isn't contained in new dimensions in SetRegionFrame.

See Also

  • CropRegion – Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.