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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Tests whether a point lies inside a polygon.


void avl::TestPointInPolygon
	const avl::Point2D& inPoint,
	const avl::Path& inPolygon,
	bool& outIsContained


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inPoint const Point2D& Point the position of which will be tested
Input value
inPolygon const Path& Polygon against which the position will be tested
Output value
outIsContained bool& True if point lies inside the polygon, false otherwise


The operation tests if inPoint lies inside inPolygon.

Due to inaccuracy of floating point representation a point lying extremely close to a path may considered to be on either of the sides of the path or exactly on the path itself.


TestPointInPolygon run on the sample data produces the outIsContained = true

TestPointInPolygon run on the sample data produces the outIsContained = false


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty polygon on input in TestPointInPolygon.
DomainError Open path on input in TestPointInPolygon.