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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Creates an open path containing collinear, equidistant points.


void avl::CreateSegmentPath
	const avl::Point2D& inBegin,
	const avl::Point2D& inEnd,
	int inPointCount,
	avl::Path& outPath


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inBegin const Point2D& First point of the path
Input value
inEnd const Point2D& Last point of the path
Input value
inPointCount int 2 - 2 Number of points in the created path
Output value
outPath Path& Output path


The operation produces an open path that consist of inPointCount equidistant points selected along the segment between inBegin and inEnd.


CreateSegmentPath run with inPointCount = 5.

See Also

  • CreateArcPath – Creates an open path containing cocircular, equidistant points.
  • CreateCirclePath – Creates a closed path containing cocircular, equidistant points.