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Header: STD.h
Namespace: avl

Function Code 06. Writes a single holding register in a remote device


void avl::ModbusTCP_WriteSingleRegister
	const avl::SocketId& inSocket,
	const atl::Optional<int>& inTimeout,
	int inUnitID,
	int inRegisterAddress,
	int inValue


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value
inSocket const SocketId& Connected socket ID on port 502.
Input value
inTimeout const Optional<int>& 10 - NIL Timeout in milliseconds, block if not specified.
Input value
inUnitID int 0 - 255 1 Default is 1.
Input value
inRegisterAddress int 0 - 65535 The address of the holding register to be written.
Input value
inValue int 0 - 65535 Value to send.

See Also