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Header: AVL.h
Namespace: avl

Translates an arc by a vector.


void avl::TranslateArc
	const avl::Arc2D& inArc,
	const avl::Vector2D& inDelta,
	bool inInverse,
	avl::Arc2D& outArc


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inArc const Arc2D&
Input value
inDelta const Vector2D& Translation vector
Input value
inInverse bool Switches to the inverse operation
Output value
outArc Arc2D&

In-place Processing

This function supports in-place data processing - you can pass the same reference to inArc and outArc

Read more about In-place Computation.


TranslateArc performed on the sample arc, inDelta = (150.0, 100.0) and inInverse = False.